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Trump and Russia

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The source is not anonymous. Try again.


Name of the federal investigative source confirming that Rich sent the 44000 docs to the Wikileaks middleman who died of cancer (sure he did...how convenient)?


Guess all the stories saying it's an anonymous source are wrong. But you know.

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At least the JAR published and others in the US Intellectual community have seen the security agency's supporting docs.


Again, even the people who didn't want to admit the Russian government hacked, admit they hacked after being presented with evidence.

So, you don't have any links to share that make the claim you made earlier?


Shocking. You once again are shown to be talking out your ass with nothing to back it up.


Well done.


Family's not too happy about the right wing sites pushing this conspiracy saying "there's a special place in hell" for those trying to politicize this for their own political agenda. They believe it was a botched robbery still. http://www.businessinsider.com/seth-rich-family-right-wing-media-report-wikileaks-2017-5


"Family" is the wrong word. His parents are not.


His family is more than his parents. I urge you to look into his brother's comments on this issue over the past year.

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Family's not too happy about the right wing sites pushing this conspiracy saying "there's a special place in hell" for those trying to politicize this for their own political agenda. They believe it was a botched robbery still. http://www.businessinsider.com/seth-rich-family-right-wing-media-report-wikileaks-2017-5

Maybe he was paid or blackmailed by Russia to turn it over? Once they got what they wanted, a "botched robbery attempt" occurred. Dude was a drunk, he may have some incriminating videos floating around Russia.


Another unsubstantiated conspiracy theory admittedly, but maybe ...

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Man, finally a true statement from you.


We hate regulation that kills business and jobs in the name of environmental protection.


We hate taxes that drain the life blood from producers in the name of fairness.


We hate subsidies and handouts that create an incentive not to work in the name of compassion


We hate regulation that create protected classes in the name of diversity.


And I really dislike people who say they do ALL these things in the name of environmental protection, fairness, compassion and diversity while flying countless private jets to "climate summits" while simultaneously taking taxpayer money they launder through political unions and outposts, who spend that money to their reelection campaigns, and vacations, and gifts, etc.


Start with 1%'er Liz Warren and work your way right through the Clinton Foundation and it's all there to see.

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"Family" is the wrong word. His parents are not.


His family is more than his parents. I urge you to look into his brother's comments on this issue over the past year.

Can you give me what he said because everything I've found shows he's right in line with his family being frustrated over the conspiracy theories.

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POLITICO: Trump’s trampling of political norms spurs strongman comparisons.


Has he threatened to use his “pen and phone” to circumvent Congress?...... :D





JAMES MORROW: Not every scandal is a magic bullet, and the hysteria is helping Trump.



The pattern of the Trump-shared-secrets-with-the-Russkies story is predictable.


As is so often the case the Washington Post, which has made itself the unofficial house organ of America’s anti-Trump establishment with its new self-regarding slogan, “Democracy dies in darkness”, kicked things off.


They did this with an article citing “anonymous sources” who claimed that the president — whether in a fit of braggadocio, stupidity, or in partial payment for Moscow’s meddling with the election the Post leaves to the reader to decide — passed on exceedingly sensitive and restricted intelligence to the Russian ambassador and foreign minister in a meeting last week.


The information was so top secret, said the Post, that America hadn’t even shared the information with key allies.


All of this conjured images of Trump letting the Russians in on something really big, like exactly when all the generals take smoko at NORAD (“I tell you Vlad, they’re out there every morning at 9:30 like clockwork. And if they’re talking about what happened on Last Resort, they’re not back at their stations for, like, half an hour, easy.”)


And it immediately set commentators abuzz, with everyone who’d just settled down over the firing of FBI Director James Comey once again demanding Trump’s impeachment, this time for grievously damaging national security.


But as so often happens, the extent of what Trump actually told the Russians reality may be a bit more pedestrian.

The information in question is now said to have been about ISIS plots to sneak a bomb on to an airliner in a laptop, a plot device easily imagined by any Hollywood TV writer or paperback spy thriller author.






MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING? NBC Reporter: Official Says ISIS Intel Trump Discussed With Russians ‘Wasn’t Anything They Didn’t Already Know.’




Related: McMaster: Info Trump shared was “wholly appropriate … for common action.”





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So, you don't have any links to share that make the claim you made earlier?


Shocking. You once again are shown to be talking out your ass with nothing to back it up.


Well done.



You want me to link to the JAR, the statement, or all the people who had access to the intel and who conclude the Russians hacked? Maybe your Google.is broken.


Waiting for the name of the source who confirmed that Rich sent the 44000 docs to the Wikileaks middleman. Uh oh. You don't have it.


But it's probably on one of your cuckoo boards. Your conspiracy Schlick is funny. You believe in all kinds of totally wacky stuff and come here to peddle the least crazy of your ideas.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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You want me to link to the JAR, the statement, or all the people who had access to the intel and who conclude the Russians hacked? Maybe your Google.is broken.

Waiting for the name. I'll be here.


He will never admit he is wrong.

More Republicans join call for an independent council



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This will help with the messaging: Republicans should think of the intel sharing with Russia as a reset.


And Democrats should respond with "The aughts called, they want their foreign policy back."


Y'know...just to make the bizarreness complete.

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He will never admit he is wrong.

More Republicans join call for an independent council



Yeah. I figured the most vulnerable Republicans would be the first to call for an independent council besides John McCain. Hillary won both their districts. I'm still waiting for any smidgen of proof of collusion with Russia.

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Dude, you can cherry pick links, highlight sentences....blah blah blah....bottom line is 45 is an absolute cluster so far in terms of management - part of management is interfacing with the press and maintaining control of the situation....45 continues to get worse and worse...

Gee, I wonder why?

This will help with the messaging: Republicans should think of the intel sharing with Russia as a reset.

Where's the "overcharge" button when you need it?

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