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Atlanta Falcons offensive playbook missing for 30 mins.

Wayne Cubed

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If I am the falcons I would purposely misplace a few alternate play books. Then go to the media about it once you knew the patriots took the bait to claim they are lost. Then, blame Russia for hacking something. And profit.

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The Patriots have ruined football for me.


This year I barely watched it (I did listen to most of the Bills games on the radio) and I got a lot more done on Sundays and didn't miss it much.


I miss enjoying it but I didn't miss watching the 2016 season, if that makes sense.

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So now the "high power" Falcons offense will struggle to score 21 points, most of which will come in the 4th quarter when they are down by 20+ points to make the score (37-24 type score) look closer than it was.


Julio Jones will suddenly drop balls.


Whoever their punt returner is will fumble.


Their FG kicker will "miss his first kick from ______ yards this season"


Someone important to their success will get hurt in practice this week


Whatever... it's like this is WWE and the Patriots are John Cena.

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And Sunday the Patriot defense will just "seem to know": what the Falcons are doing on every play. Is 30 minutes enough time to crack the password and download the files?


This. Damn. Pats* strike again. If they stop the falcons on the 1st 3 drives you know it was a sabotage.

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Lmao no need for the playbook when you have 18 game tapes on the O. SF Guy probably wanted see what a real Offensive playbook looked like..


I wouldn't be shocked if the Pats jumped a few routes in the game they run a damn good offense but they don't disguise much they just beat the other team to the ball.

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Lmao no need for the playbook when you have 18 game tapes on the O. SF Guy probably wanted see what a real Offensive playbook looked like..


I wouldn't be shocked if the Pats jumped a few routes in the game they run a damn good offense but they don't disguise much they just beat the other team to the ball.

So if you sat the playbook in front of BB he'd say no thanks? right

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One day they are going to catch them red handed. I think the league has wanted to bust them again ever since Spygate, because they got off far too easy, and there was a lot swept under the rug in an effort to keep the integrity of the league. Deflategate was the equivalent of catching Al Capone of tax evasion. It's not what they wanted to get him on, but it's all they could prove at the time.


I can't wait until they are caught doing something, and they kick BB out of the league for good.

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The only way the Pats can avoid suspicion is to allow at least 50 points against. I hope they manage that!

One day they are going to catch them red handed. I think the league has wanted to bust them again ever since Spygate, because they got off far too easy, and there was a lot swept under the rug in an effort to keep the integrity of the league. Deflategate was the equivalent of catching Al Capone of tax evasion. It's not what they wanted to get him on, but it's all they could prove at the time.


I can't wait until they are caught doing something, and they kick BB out of the league for good.

To people who minimize DeflateGate, I say it's more about the cover up than the offense (as is often the case). I hope if caught again Belichick gets the Full Pete Rose Treatment.

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