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President Trump's "alternate facts"

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So that's what it would take for my point to be valid? It's "Elite" !@#$s like you that have validated my point. :thumbsup:

You tried to make a point that I voted for Clinton because I took my teen daughter and friends to see Perry. But you were wrong.




I appreciate the nomination for elite status. But of course it was Hillary's arrogance towards her deplorables that lost her the election. She certainly lost by living a n her **** elite bubble.


Calling mid America dumb and treating them that way is despicable and supports the best arguments for the electoral college.


Don't confuse me calling my you an angry old man who cast his vote carelessly with how I feel about middle America.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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President Trump will attack anyone including the family of a war hero but he won't say one bad word about Putin.

Definitely NSFW:




You can see the whole Trump-Putin love affair here, sculpted out... If you don't mind throwing vinegar on your eyes.


Holy dear Lord... Note to Trump: you may not want to get talented (totally subjective word) artists too mad!


Oh... He must be a Tommy Cheatriot hater too... ;-) Yikes!

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Yeah. There's enough **** flying around here with the azzholes who don't know how to get along and have civil discourses without people that know better start slinging **** too.

I know better but I'm as much an !@#$ as anyone and sometimes more.

Yeah. There's enough **** flying around here with the azzholes who don't know how to get along and have civil discourses without people that know better start slinging **** too.

I know better but I'm as much an !@#$ as anyone and sometimes more.

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That's true, and it certainly isn't because of a massive influx of post-election spaz-attacks or anything. :rolleyes:

Don't worry, @ least I will get bored shooting fish in a barrel after a while. As I have been the last 15 years, I will be here to say: "I told you so." No spaz attacks, just too much hypocrisy and golden material to pass up on. Fault me for lack of will power. ;-)


Like the Asian carp and loony enviros that I disagree with. I am always there to remind them that they were wrong and are still wrong. What are we going on now? Almost 20 years since the inevitable "invasion?" Where are the fish Sen. Stabenow? Where are they: Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Ontario, & the Native Tribes? Yep, right behind the barrier... :-)

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