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President Trump's "alternate facts"

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Thats a well-known fake, Pasta.............pretty funny that you would throw it in the alternate facts thread.


But libs fell for it two years ago, as you did now.



That Donald Trump quote calling Republicans dumb? Fake ...


Snopes, that mythbusting site, looked into this when it first started doing the rounds in October. That's October 2015!



Truth behind the Donald Trump quote from 1998 that's rapidly going Viral...
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Thats a well-known fake, Pasta.............pretty funny that you would throw it in the alternate facts thread.


But libs fell for it two years ago, as you did now.



That Donald Trump quote calling Republicans dumb? Fake ...


Snopes, that mythbusting site, looked into this when it first started doing the rounds in October. That's October 2015!



Truth behind the Donald Trump quote from 1998 that's rapidly going Viral...



In all fairness, if Pasta had to rely on the truth for his discussions, he'd have nothing to write about.

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He's his own brand of crap. Obama he's not.


I'd take George Sr in a heartbeat. Barbara can wheel him into the Oval Office tomorrow.



Only thing Barry & Donny have in common is the Yahoos that some how can vote for both! I mean, WTF is up with that?


That Hillary b*tch. Petty hate, drama, lack of moral understanding, no ideology is a strong addiction in a 2016 US idiocracy!


I mean really?

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Did you know Fox news started in 1996?

Fox News, Sky News, does it really matter? Yes, it is obviously a young Trump in the meme. The movement and trend to pandering to conservative idiots was well rolling after 1980. It's a mash-up you dolt. You probably stopped the presses to inform them that Lincoln never slayed vampires!

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Fox News, Sky News, does it really matter? Yes, it is obviously a young Trump in the meme. The movement and trend to pandering to conservative idiots was well rolling after 1980. It's a mash-up you dolt. You probably stopped the presses to inform them that Lincoln never slayed vampires!

You moron.


In a thread about alternative facts, your moron in crime posts a lie, and you believe it because it fits your narrative.


Or are you only able to fact check things you want to disagree with?

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Fox News, Sky News, does it really matter? Yes, it is obviously a young Trump in the meme. The movement and trend to pandering to conservative idiots was well rolling after 1980. It's a mash-up you dolt. You probably stopped the presses to inform them that Lincoln never slayed vampires!

A mash up? A mashup of what?

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This guy gives so much real fodder for idiocy. Why post a lie?


Why ask a ridiculous question like this?


An epiphany struck me as I was listening to Judd Apatow's interview on Carolla this morning. Apatow, a self admitted neurotic is symptomatic of the TDS types. He is deathly afraid of the Trump the bogeyman because Trump triggers his particular neuroses. And if Trump triggers his neuroses, that means that Trump is a menace to the rest of the population, and Apatow et al must do what they can to stop the evil and save the civilization.


Of course that view is misguided because the vast, vast majority of people don't share those neuroses, nor do they care. But don't expect the TDS to wane anytime soon, because at this point the opposition is far from rational and I don't think that people who've crossed the TDS Rubicon are coming back anytime soon. It doesn't matter that Trump really hasn't done anything much different than his predecessors, in the mind of TDS sufferer, his mere image triggers a psychotic response.

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Why ask a ridiculous question like this?


An epiphany struck me as I was listening to Judd Apatow's interview on Carolla this morning. Apatow, a self admitted neurotic is symptomatic of the TDS types. He is deathly afraid of the Trump the bogeyman because Trump triggers his particular neuroses. And if Trump triggers his neuroses, that means that Trump is a menace to the rest of the population, and Apatow et al must do what they can to stop the evil and save the civilization.


Of course that view is misguided because the vast, vast majority of people don't share those neuroses, nor do they care. But don't expect the TDS to wane anytime soon, because at this point the opposition is far from rational and I don't think that people who've crossed the TDS Rubicon are coming back anytime soon. It doesn't matter that Trump really hasn't done anything much different than his predecessors, in the mind of TDS sufferer, his mere image triggers a psychotic response.


On the upside, I expect Apatow to soon receive his "Thanks for your contribution" letter from Trump/Pence 2020.


Once again. Best. Meltdown. Ever.

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I agree with Krauthammer on this. If Obama made this statement, the right would be puking themselves. It was truly a moral equivalency thing, as most lifetime Democrats like Trump have had no problem taking that stance in the past.

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I agree with Krauthammer on this. If Obama made this statement, the right would be puking themselves. It was truly a moral equivalency thing, as most lifetime Democrats like Trump have had no problem taking that stance in the past.

President Trump will attack anyone including the family of a war hero but he won't say one bad word about Putin.

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