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President Trump's "alternate facts"

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This just in: Trump WH denies AP report that he plans to start beating your wife.


Hey AP, if you want people to believe your contention that Trump is batschitt loony, don't make his case for him that you're the one making things up.

By far, the funniest part of the article was groups protecting illegal immigrants claiming to support the rule of law.

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its so weird, stick to Jobs, Healthcare fixes, Tax Code Reform- there is so much to talk about, why keep talking about the Media and Hillary Clinton?

Because it keeps him campaigning. Just like Obama (beat y'all too it) but even more...


...Trump is more shameless than Obama (beat y'all to another excuse)...


...Trump is Obama on "steroids" (beat y'all to it again)...


...But, Trump is not as bad as that b*tch Hillary (beat you to y'all to still another excuse).


Accountability is a sunnabeatch!

Has anyone actually noticed the absolute barrage of negative stories the media is putting out there against Trump? At this time he could cure cancer and they would find a way to make it a negative. He's fighting back in the only way he knows how. Let's put the empathise on what he does, not what he says.

Hey McFly. The evidence is on what he is doing, that's why the stories are negative.


Sorry, nice narrative that he has done "nothing." If that was only the case, we could all get on on the fanboy, apologist train and gleefully await the train wreck.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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It was ALOT different.


It sucked but it was different. And Obama is now kitesurfing with rich people/cashing in his chips so I'm a bit more worried about the current president.

Yes different because he knew he was lying and Trump is just clueless. I hate being lied to on purpose.

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When Trump lies in order to cover up the death of a US ambassador, or to pass a law that forces you to buy a health insurance plan you can't afford just so he can launder billions of dollars to his friends, let me know.


Trump is a brash fool, and what we're watching is embarrassing on many levels, but if you somehow think his lies are worse than Obama because Obama is no longer president, you're a lot bigger dumbass than everyone makes you out to be.

Hillary lied about Benghazi. She ran a corrupt campaign for president.


But Trump is president. He's only been president for a few weeks so no, he has a limited track record vs long term effects. So far he's done fewer bad things than his previous 44 predecessors (unless there is fire beneath all the Russia smoke),* but he's not setting himself up for greatness.


Remember when Bush Bad bothered you so much? Obama Bad is just as dumb. Hillary Bad is even dumber.


Maybe focus on Trump.


* Might make a case for Harrison. That guy probably didn't get into much trouble.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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Hillary lied about Benghazi. She ran a corrupt campaign for president.


First, Barack Obama sent out his National Security Advisor Susan Rice to spend an entire Sunday making the news show rounds, and follow-up interviews for weeks, on behalf of the president she served, to tell the world Benghazi was caused by a Youtube video. We all know now this was a lie...delivered on behalf of the Obama...to the world.


Next, you can try to change the discussion by thinking a Bush Bad reference makes sense, but the simple truth remains: Trump lies that have you in meltdown mode are absolutely nowhere as bad as the Obama lies you prefer to apparently ignore.


This doesn't make Trump's lies better, and I have no doubt Trump will find a way to be an international disgrace.


But please...don't get too frantic yet. Pace yourself. You have four years to melt down. Take your time.

Edited by LABillzFan
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LA, when you play Obama Bad, it's no different than Bush Bad. So I didn't bring up that stupid line of reasoning here, you did.


I didn't originate the Obama comparison. I was simply and exclusively responding to this statement:


It was ALOT different.


It sucked but it was different. And Obama is now kitesurfing with rich people/cashing in his chips so I'm a bit more worried about the current president.


Regardless, the Obama lies will stay in the fabric of this country for years. Trump lying about the electoral college will be forgotten by Monday.

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On National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s resignation: “[W]hen I looked at the information I said I don't think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right. I was coming into office. He ‘looked at the information. ‘He said, huh, that's fine. That's what they are supposed to do. They are supposed to—he didn't just call Russia, he called and spoke to both ways—I think there were 30-some-odd countries. Doing the job. You know, he was just doing his job. The thing is, he didn't tell our vice president properly, and then he said he didn't remember. So either way, it wasn't very satisfactory to me.”


On his Electoral College margin of victory:

NBC’s Peter Alexander:
Mr. President, very simply you said today that you had the biggest electoral margin since Ron Reagan. In fact, president Obama had 365,

President Trump:
I was talking about Republicans—

George Bush, 426 when he won. So why should Americans trust—

President Trump:
I was given that information. I was just given it. We had a very, very big margin.

I guess my question is why should the American people trust you when you accuse the information they receive as being fake when you’re providing information that’s not accurate?

President Trump:
I was given that information. Actually, I’ve seen that information around. But it was a very substantial victory. Do you agree with that?

You’re the president.

President Trump:

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It was ALOT different.

It sucked but it was different. And Obama is now kitesurfing with rich people/cashing in his chips so I'm a bit more worried about the current president.

It does appear that it was in fact different.


President Obama knew he was lying & sending out surrogates to continue/ support the lies.


President Trump doesn't appear to realize when what he says is a lie. Does he know? Perhaps. Is it better than intentionally lying? Not really. But it IS different.


Not happy that he won; but definitely prefer it to the only realistic alternative left in November. Still have hopes that his cabinet & court picks do enough good to outweigh the damage he likely ends up doing himself.


And corny as it is, it does seem that his "make America great again" is his sincere goal. Didn't & still don't believe that the D's nominee had much, if any, concern for anyone but her daughter or herself. We're probably screwed w/ this outcome, but that's possibly better than being definitely screwed like we would've been w/ the expected November result.

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Because it keeps him campaigning. Just like Obama (beat y'all too it) but even more...


...Trump is more shameless than Obama (beat y'all to another excuse)...


...Trump is Obama on "steroids" (beat y'all to it again)...


...But, Trump is not as bad as that b*tch Hillary (beat you to y'all to still another excuse).


Accountability is a sunnabeatch!

Hey McFly. The evidence is on what he is doing, that's why the stories are negative.


Sorry, nice narrative that he has done "nothing." If that was only the case, we could all get on on the fanboy, apologist train and gleefully await the train wreck.

You know, it might be better if you wrote your comments in your native language and then had that translated. Trying to write in English seems to be too large of a task for you.

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I think the Trump administration lackey that went on George Stephanoppolis show on Sunday was amazing. "Vota frawd", "You can't deny", "Everyone knows this", "we will make the facts available at some future time". Then points to the Kansas ® who created interstate cross-check. These guys are so loose on facts they make Kim Jung Un look like a lightweight.

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It was. When Obama lied, he made statements he knew were contrary to reality.

Trump is simply ignorant of what reality is. He's too stupid to know he's lying.

This reminds me of a joke I one heard a software salesman open his pitch with.


Q What is the difference between a used car salesman and a software salesman?

A A used car salesman knows when he's lieing.


Pretty funny, but also pretty dumb.

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I didn't originate the Obama comparison. I was simply and exclusively responding to this statement:



Regardless, the Obama lies will stay in the fabric of this country for years. Trump lying about the electoral college will be forgotten by Monday.




It looks like the majority of American Citizens feel differently

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It looks like the majority of American Citizens feel differently


How many historians did that survey include, and when you're done ansewring that question, please explain how that many historians is equal to "the majority of American Citizens"?


Listen...not everyone is as stupid as the American leftists.

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