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Everything posted by George

  1. Now there's a shock, the Washington Times publishes an article claiming a "Liberal Bias" among a group that didn't rank their favorite President among the top ten all time. Except that the article I posted linked to a poll that had him in the top ten. And the article you linked to acknowledges that fact. http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2012/09/04/sun-myung-moons-death-leaves-conservative-newspaper-at-a-crossroads It's not like they don't brag that they were Fox News before Fox News.
  2. I posted that link to illustrate the fact that people whose profession it is to study the history of our great nation have a vastly different opinion about the Obama Presidency than the prevailing opinion of PPP. BUT! As far as you two are concerned any opinion which isn't in lockstep with yours is automatically a product of "liberalism" and is instantly discredited due to that "fact". Who's opinion should I value more, someone who has devoted their live to the study and analysis of historical events or a bunch of faceless partisans posting on the back page of a football message board? Also, What proof do either of you have that the Historians polled were in fact "liberals"? Is it impossible for a Historian or a History Professor to be a conservative? And if you do believe it's impossible, why?
  3. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/all-time-best-president-united-states-rankings-235149 It looks like the majority of American Citizens feel differently
  4. You're welcome to continue attempting to bait me into some juvenile flame war but trading insults with you isn't on my agenda.
  5. http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-conservative-believe-false-threats-20170202-story.html Interesting... But will the results be the same under a Republican Administration?
  6. When all you have left to argue with is name-calling and insults you've lost. I've already made my point and moved on so this will be my last reply to you on this subject. Please keep posting your nonsense. Every post you make on this subject drives my point home even further.
  7. Whether they're in the majority or minority is immaterial. The fact that it is acceptable (and immediately defended by posters not involved in the original conversation) on this board to throw around racially derogatory language speaks volumes.
  8. So you've got nothing left to defend your post with but a series of insults. How typical of PPP is that? I've made my point.
  9. Because I read right here on PPP that the only racist people left in America are the Black Lives Matter crowd. Yet a racist term like HNIC is thrown into a post like it's an acceptable title to bestow on a possible presidential candidate. (Not that I think either of the two politicians mentioned in your original post will be nominated.) So it confuses me when clearly not racist at all posters here on PPP use racially derogatory language as if it meant something different from what you clearly admit it does mean.
  10. There's another difference, a small one. I never heard Obama telling anyone to buy anything.
  11. I don't care about your name, address or farm. What I care about is the fact that you still haven't told me what HNIC stands for here on PPP. You said it, now grow a pair and flesh out your previous post. After all you supposedly have a Mucho Grande Pair and don't have any F**ks left to give, so why not?
  12. Who kicked over your rock? I wasn't talking to you, you have absolutely nothing to add to the current discussion, so please crawl back into your hole and don't bother me again until you come up with the Anti-Semantic posts you are constantly accusing me of making but can never produce when challenged.
  13. Your search - Jeff Boyst, Dr, Esq M.D IX, 1043 turner road, Lexington NC 27292 - did not match any documents. Suggestions: Make sure all words are spelled correctly. Try different keywords. Try more general keywords. Try fewer keywords. Try not believing anything you read on PPP A Pair of What Exactly??? Bogus, Non-Existent Boobs? Yeah, just like I notice that you still haven't told me what HNIC stands for here on PPP. You said it, now grow a pair and flesh out your previous post. After all you supposedly have a Mucho Grande Pair and don't have any F**ks left to give, so why not?
  14. It's a simple question. Why would you say that? I'm me. PM me your real name and home address and I'll laugh my ass off while forgetting to send you mine. I'm sure you have a link to Obama's coining (which actually means he was the first person to ever use that acronym) of that term. Why in the world would I do that? What am I supposed to explain? I simply asked what an acronym stands for. I'll tell you what, I'll answer your questions right after you answer mine. I guess I'll understand when I find out what HNIC stands for here in PPP Land.
  15. So I take it you're in favor of people doing things like http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/nc-man-told-police-he-went-to-dc-pizzeria-with-assault-rifle-to-%E2%80%98self-investigate%E2%80%99-election-related-conspiracy-theory/ar-AAl82FT?li=AA5a8k&ocid=spartandhp
  16. Testing, Testing, 1 - 2 - 3, Testing.
  17. How do you pardon someone who's never been convicted of anything?
  18. I realize that your narrow interpretation of what you read doesn't allow for any form of individual thought but isn't it possible, just barely possible, that racist nonsense like Ozzy's post goes a long way towards proving the point Hillary was making in the article I posted? Case Closed.
  19. I'm not sure how to respond to this... It appears that you've made it thru an entire post on your own thoughts. But maybe I'm just misinterpreting your response. Cuz if Ozzy's nonsense is best left un-responded to, why did you feel the need to jump onto my response? Shouldn't you have just left me looking silly for responding to a nonsense post? I'm challenging you right now to produce a single anti-Semitic post that I've made. I'll Wait... Since everything you post appears to be sarcastic (or completely delusional) how would anyone know the difference?
  20. I'm glad I'm not the only one who caught that.
  21. So I take it you're defending the Ozymandius post I was replying to???
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