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Everything posted by George

  1. Sage Words from a Sage Poster! I thank you, SIR!
  2. Now that's a real American Hero! Dr. Jack Cassell, I Salute You!
  3. Look Pal, It's pretty obvious you're just a conservative pretending to be a Friggin Liberal, with a picnic table fetish, and while there's nothing wrong with that, you gotta admit it's just a little strange. But I'm a "Big Tent" Conservative, so ultimately we're on the same side, except when we aren't. Welcome to the Show!
  4. Oh Look, 3RD Grade's Posse Showed Up! I'm gonna take a beat down now, NOT! Friggin Liberal Lemmings!
  5. You Friggin Liberals and your constant name calling are really getting boring. You follow me around yapping at my heels like a puppy starved for attention then try to tell everyone that I'm the one playing games? Which of your little liberal buddies is gonna believe that? Run along, gather up your posse and tell them how you stuck it to the big mean conservative.
  6. Okay so now we have an explination for you following me around and spouting your usual Friggin Liberal Nonsense. So now you can go out and chase a few cars.
  7. The night Obama died Na-na na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na The night Obama died Go on, try telling me you're not singing it quietly to yourself...
  8. Isn't that cute? Now I have my own Friggin Pet Liberal following me around and answering for me. It's like owning the world's dumbest puppy. Okay Boy, run along, go outside, and play in traffic...
  9. My daddy was a cop on the east side of Chicago Back in the U.S.A. back in the bad old days Because of the Bill of Rights In the land of cap and trade When Barrack Obama died Socialized Medicine must be paid When a B word named Nancy Pelosi Tried to make that town her own And she called her gang to war With the forces of the law I heard my mama cry I heard her pray the night Obama died Brother what a night it really was Brother what a fight it really was Glory be! I heard my mama cry I heard her pray the night Obama died Brother what a night the people saw Brother what a fight the people saw Yes indeed! And the sound of the battle rang Through the streets of the old east side 'Til the last of the Liberal gang Had surrendered up or died There was shouting in the street And the sound of running feet And I asked someone who said "'That God-Dammed Bill is dead!" I heard my mama cry I heard her pray the night Obama died Brother what a night it really was Brother what a fight it really was Glory be! I heard my mama cry I heard her pray the night Obama died Brother what a night the people saw Brother what a fight the people saw Yes indeed! And there was no sound at all But the clock upon the wall Then the door burst open wide And my daddy stepped inside And he kissed my mama's face And he brushed her tears away The night Obama died Na-na na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na The night Obama died Brother what a night the people saw Brother what a fight the people saw Yes indeed! The night Obama died Na-na na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na The night Obama died Brother what a night it really was Brother what a fight it really was Glory be! The night Obama died Na-na na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na The night Obama died Brother what a night the people saw Brother what a fight the people saw Yes indeed!
  10. And how the hell is anybody supposed to know that?
  11. That was last week, Columbians next week, then Mongolians the week after.
  12. Okay, I'll switch to Lenny and you can be George...
  13. Do we have to hate Blacks, or can we pick a different group? I'd rather hate Mexicans this week, maybe I'll get around to Blacks next month.
  14. Nah, in his case Step Six is more like becoming a campaign worker (with benefits) for both Leatherface Pelosi and Barney Frank... Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  15. Can she see this one? I'll use a different one later so you can track my movements...
  16. Wow, you are the poster child for "Angry Friggin Liberals" aren't you? AND! You've got the Liberal Playbook down perfectly... Step One - Make a stupid statement insulting conservatives. Step Two - When called on it deny making the statement. Step Three - Go on a name calling rant. Step Four - Publicly discuss with another Liberal how and why you're being victimized by that mean old conservative calling your B.S. Step Five - Whine, Loudly... Did I miss anything?
  17. Jesus H Christmas, how many more of you guys are going to take a run at me. Thank you for pointing out my typographical/gramatical error. I have revised the text of my original post to correct any misperceptions which the original wording may have caused. And to answer your question, yes I am a REAL Conservative, something not usually found on this board. And NO, I'm not having fun amusing myself, but several of the posters here are very amusing to me.
  18. Typical Friggin Liberal, who's trying to be funny? Your jerkwad friend accuses conservatives of wanting to assassinate the POTUS, I call him on his hate speech, and you jump in apparently trying to pass the whole thing off as a joke. Some Joke! If I said that, or any other real conservative said that, this whole Friggin Liberal Board would be up in arms, calling me a racist, a nutjob, anything you Friggin Liberals could think of. But it was one of you that said it, so it's a joke, Right? Friggin Liberal Hypocrites
  19. Typical Liberal Bull Crap. I point out the Liberal Talking Points and Hate Speech in your post and you try to act superior like you're some kind of teacher or professor. You think you're smarter & better educated than us poor dumb conservatives so you can just talk down to us whenever you feel like it. Get back in your Prius and go tell all your Hoity-Toity Friggin Liberal Friends at your Coffee Party & Flag Burning Session, how you were able to score points by accusing conservatives of wanting to assassinate the POTUS. Friggin Liberals
  20. You Friggin Liberal Apologists are A-Freaking-Mazing! I'm a Liberal Plant? Who's the one saying that Right-Wing Extremeists would assassinate the POTUS if his VPOTUS wasn't such a Jerk-Wad? You aiming for a Cabinet Post? That statement of yours looks like something the current Secretary of Homeland Security would feed to the Liberal Press. Let me give you a clue! I'm not making anybody but Friggin Liberals look bad. It's Phoney Conservatives like you, Knee-Jerk Liberals covered in used Tea Bags that make themselves look bad. Friggin Liberal Jerk-Wads! Now see, there you go again. [/Reagan Voice] You Friggin Liberals just can't take the heat when someone exposes you for what you are. Who said anything about religion and guns? Oh that was YOU! You're the one saying that Conservatives would be trying to assassinate the POTUS if his VPOTUS wasn't such a Jerk-Wad! Friggin Liberal Douche!
  21. Stupid Friggin Liberals! Like anybody is going to listen to a bunch of pansies sitting around discussing politics in hushed tones so they don't disturb their neighbors...
  22. Mr Glen Beck is a true conservative, a real American Hero! No surprise that you're not a fan. Friggin Liberal!
  23. They're defensive because they're Friggin Liberals! Is it really that hard to understand?
  24. Another Phony Conservative, Liberal Apologist heard from... Wah! Poor Bak.. Bak.. Barrack INHERITED this mess! WAH! Friggin Liberal Crybabies! Who friggin cares if he inherited it! He should have thought about that before he got the Friggin Liberal Media to sell us a phony bill of hope and change goods while railrodding his Kenyan Born Butt into the White House. Well now his Friggin Liberal Hope and Change act is in the Oval Office and he OWNS all the baggage that goes with being the POTUS. FIX IT! or GTFO so a Real Conservative can be elected! She'll fix it, you betcha! Friggin Liberal Traitors!
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