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Sully: Bills aren't exactly doing a coaching star search


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Another turd. Sully if you're reading this please retire and stop wasting my money.

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Sully takes the easy road. He doesn't care about contradictions insight, sources or consistency..


He's managed to cling around long enough that he can piece together some bits of recycled news three times a week into some snarky bitter old man rant about whatever there is available to grouse about.


He's lucky. He's an ok writer, there are definitely more talented pen men on this board. But he's made a living doing what posters do here for fun and likely spends much less time doing it, based on the depth of content.


I'm pretty sure he must troll the board under a pseudonym to swipe what little depth of content he offers, based on the timing of his pieces and the going discussions, and the details of his "articles".


It's a life hack. But if you're jelly of him, take comfort that at least his own personal hell is he has to write about a team he doesn't seem to particularly care for to make his living

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Promo - I am very thankful the Pegulas bought the team. Doesn't mean I have to love every move they make.

And you don't have to. Let's just not let our frustrations ferment into derision. (Not saying you but in general.) Personally I'd rather have a team that frustrates me than no team.

Kay Stephenson, Hank Bullough, Gregg Williams, Mike Mularkey, Doug Marrone......the Bills have a great track record of picking 1st time head coaches. That being said, our record for picking experienced coaches isn't any better since Wade.

That's because coaches were hired by Ralph's checkbook balance in the past. The Pegulas only hired one (and screwed up) but it wasn't due to cheaping out.
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Sully is an ass clown as is anyone who reads his trash.. We know rhe state of the franchise all he ever does is pour gas on a fire. Never once has he been positive even after a winning streak.


I wont even click on a BN article or buy the paper because of these bn sports pricks

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I seem to remember a similar reaction when Marv Levy was hired. Most reporters were calling him washed up. They also couldn't believe how someone as intellectual as Marv could relate to football players. After all, his college degree was in History! How was he going to turn the Bills into winners?!


So much for predictions.

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Love = clicks

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Sully takes the easy road. He doesn't care about contradictions insight, sources or consistency..


He's managed to cling around long enough that he can piece together some bits of recycled news three times a week into some snarky bitter old man rant about whatever there is available to grouse about.


He's lucky. He's an ok writer, there are definitely more talented pen men on this board. But he's made a living doing what posters do here for fun and likely spends much less time doing it, based on the depth of content.


I'm pretty sure he must troll the board under a pseudonym to swipe what little depth of content he offers, based on the timing of his pieces and the going discussions, and the details of his "articles".


It's a life hack. But if you're jelly of him, take comfort that at least his own personal hell is he has to write about a team he doesn't seem to particularly care for to make his living


true. and vic carucci followed him right into that pit


i literally pay no attention to way sully, bucky, or now vic says. its just made up bull ****

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I am not a fan of Sully in the least but there is a point to be made with what he is saying.


I am not particularly excited about any of the guys that the Bills are interviewing thus far.


Of the ones that they are interviewing, I probably could live with Anthony Lynn. I am impressed with his back story and it would be less of a start over. He seems like a leader. McDermott may be ok but who knows. I am not excited about him, but I would try to be open minded.


People Not Interviewed:


I would interview Wade. Of the guys that would likely to take the job, he would be my favorite. I also would interview Coughlin if we could groom an heir apparent. For me, I would choose either Wade or Coughlin above the names we are hearing.


Comment: When people say that they are interviewing everyone that everyone else is interviewing except the two Patriot coordinators and Shanahan, that is kind of like saying they are interviewing everyone but the three guys many seem to think are the top three candidates. I do not know whether any of these three would be great HCs or not, but I doubt that any of the three are interested in being the Bills HC at present in any event.


Long Shots


If I were doing the search, I would use back channels to see whether there was any interest from Harbaugh and what would it take to entice him. If I were Harbaugh, I would stay at Michigan rather than take any NFL job. This comment has more to do with his position at Michigan than a comment on the Bills.


I also would do the same with Gruden and Cowher. I like Gruden although he seems to have detractors over the years here. I would suspect the same result with Gruden and Cowher as with Harbaugh, but think that Gruden might be someone that the Pegulas might be able to convince with lots of $$$ and power.


The Bills might be doing all of this and we just have not heard about. I doubt that the search includes these types of candidates given that I do not think that the guy leading the search wants anyone who would have more cache or power than he has.

Edited by Peter
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No, I'm just enjoying his takes. They've been very relevant the past week, a good check-and-balance if you will.


Thanks for posting this; I missed it! Sully has been on one helluva streak lately....

I would like to see us interview Dave Toub and Teryl Austin, maybe Vance Joseph, but other than that the Bills seem to have a fairly similar evaluation as most teams of this year's crop of coaching talent.


Yup...I believe that Toub will be a great HC.

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Guest K-GunJimKelly12

That's cute, however, Frank Reich will not coach here.

I actually think Frank Reich might be the one guy that will get the fans to give Whaley and Bills a little more time to get us to the playoffs before the next round of firings. Maybe not the majority of the fans on this board, but the overall fan based the goes from casual to die hard. I don't see anyway in hell the Bills fire Frank Reich after a year or even two.

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I am not a fan of Sully in the least but there is a point to be made with what he is saying.


I am not particularly excited about any of the guys that the Bills are interviewing thus far.


Of the ones that they are interviewing, I probably could live with Anthony Lynn. I am impressed with his back story and it would be less of a start over. He seems like a leader. McDermott may be ok but who knows. I am not excited about him, but I would try to be open minded.


People Not Interviewed:


I would interview Wade. Of the guys that would likely to take the job, he would be my favorite. I also would interview Coughlin if we could groom an heir apparent. For me, I would choose either Wade or Coughlin above the names we are hearing.


Comment: When people say that they are interviewing everyone that everyone else is interviewing except the two Patriot coordinators and Shanahan, that is kind of like saying they are interviewing everyone but the three guys many seem to think are the top three candidates. I do not know whether any of these three would be great HCs or not, but I doubt that any of the three are interested in being the Bills HC at present in any event.


Long Shots


If I were doing the search, I would use back channels to see whether there was any interest from Harbaugh and what would it take to entice him. If I were Harbaugh, I would stay at Michigan rather than take any NFL job. This comment has more to do with his position at Michigan than a comment on the Bills.


I also would do the same with Gruden and Cowher. I like Gruden although he seems to have detractors over the years here. I would suspect the same result with Gruden and Cowher as with Harbaugh, but think that Gruden might be someone that the Pegulas might be able to convince with lots of $$$ and power.


The Bills might be doing all of this and we just have not heard about. I doubt that the search includes these types of candidates given that I do not think that the guy leading the search wants anyone who would have more cache or power than he has.

I kind of thought they might interview Wade. That would be interesting. Maybe they tried. Shanahan interviewed in the last search. Reports are that it did not go well. I suspect it is mutual disinterest at this point and I am ok with that. Personally, I would not be in favor of McDaniels. I do not think he will be able to stand up on his own, just like last time. Patricia is intriguing, but in general the track record of ex Pats coaches is not good.
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I am not a fan of Sully in the least but there is a point to be made with what he is saying.


I am not particularly excited about any of the guys that the Bills are interviewing thus far.


Of the ones that they are interviewing, I probably could live with Anthony Lynn. I am impressed with his back story and it would be less of a start over. He seems like a leader. McDermott may be ok but who knows. I am not excited about him, but I would try to be open minded.


People Not Interviewed:


I would interview Wade. Of the guys that would likely to take the job, he would be my favorite. I also would interview Coughlin if we could groom an heir apparent. For me, I would choose either Wade or Coughlin above the names we are hearing.


Comment: When people say that they are interviewing everyone that everyone else is interviewing except the two Patriot coordinators and Shanahan, that is kind of like saying they are interviewing everyone but the three guys many seem to think are the top three candidates. I do not know whether any of these three would be great HCs or not, but I doubt that any of the three are interested in being the Bills HC at present in any event.


Long Shots


If I were doing the search, I would use back channels to see whether there was any interest from Harbaugh and what would it take to entice him. If I were Harbaugh, I would stay at Michigan rather than take any NFL job. This comment has more to do with his position at Michigan than a comment on the Bills.


I also would do the same with Gruden and Cowher. I like Gruden although he seems to have detractors over the years here. I would suspect the same result with Gruden and Cowher as with Harbaugh, but think that Gruden might be someone that the Pegulas might be able to convince with lots of $$$ and power.


The Bills might be doing all of this and we just have not heard about. I doubt that the search includes these types of candidates given that I do not think that the guy leading the search wants anyone who would have more cache or power than he has.

Jim Harbaugh has already made 100% clear he will be back with Michigan in 2017. Gruden allegedly turned down the chance to speak to the Rams. You think he would speak to Buffalo? Cowher is never coaching again and I would be very certain the Pegulas have sounded him out directly on that before they hired Rex and while he was Head Coach.


As for the Pats guys - I have said all year I think McDaniels is the best candidate on the market but that he won't move within the AFCE and face Bill and Tom twice a year. Have the Bills even asked? I'm not sure... but I don't think that is a runner. Patricia I am not sold on yet as a bona fide HC candidate. I think Goodwin and McDermott certainly have better cases. Patricia may be a good one in time though, no doubt.


That leaves me with the one guy I think they should have interviewed who they haven't - Shanahan. I don't know what the truth is there. Maybe he bombed two years ago, maybe they have concerns of another kind and maybe (I certainly can't rule out) they think he would want a level of control they don't want to give. I just think it is all speculation.


After Shanahan and McDaniels, McDermott and Goodwin are 3 and 4 on my list and I said as much earlier this season when we still had a Head Coach. I thought McDermott would have been a Head Coach in 2016 had the Panthers not gone all the way to the Superbowl.

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Obviously I didn't read it, because I don't read TBN, but here's what I don't understand:

Didn't they hire the big-name star 2 years ago?

How'd that work out?

Shouldn't getting the right guy be priority, and NOT just a big name?

That was exactly my first thought.
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The fact that they are not interviewing Kyle Shanahan tells you all you need to know about this joke of a coaching search. I don't care if he didn't impress in his interview from a couple years ago or if the Bills brass doesn't like his personality. Belichick and Saban don't seem like the friendliest people but they are great football coaches.


Kyle Shanahan has had success as an offensive coordinator everywhere he has gone and what he has done with the Falcons offense this year is impressive. He is easily more qualified than any candidate we have interviewed and they guy flat out knows how to operate the offensive side of the ball with the best of them. Yet, he is not even getting an interview. It is pathetic.

Have you considered that they might have reached out to him or his agent and been told he's not interested in interviewing for the job?
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Guest K-GunJimKelly12

Have you considered that they might have reached out to him or his agent and been told he's not interested in interviewing for the job?

Yes, of course he wouldn't be interested. He has a semi lame duck GM hanging over him.

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Yes, of course he wouldn't be interested. He has a semi lame duck GM hanging over him.


That definitely would be a concern that anyone not desperate to be a HC would have . . . along with other things mentioned here.

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why anybody in their right mind would consider hiring a cheaters coordinator is beyond me, especially the oc. mcdaniels greatest achievement is holding the cape of the greatest thrower in the history of all sports that throw stuff. and patricia implements whatever one of the best defensive minds wants him to - with the huge advantage of having said thrower putting constant pressure on opposing offenses to produce immediately


and then of course is the parade of former coordinators from there that have failed spectacularly when not on a team with that thrower. not even one single one has done anything on their own. not one


so i wouldnt touch either one if they came here for free. and i cant figure out why year after year teams get suckered into hiring them

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