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Kim Pegula Weighs In

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Most of the reason the job is less attractive is because of the QB predicament, not the dysfunction. If anything I think coaches would say I can make a boatload of money there and pay as many assistants as I want and my GM will work with me to get the kind of players I want.

Did Whaley cut Taylor already?

Half the fans? Would love to see the numbers on that statement.


No one follows JimKellyFan69 on Twitter, but players do follow the national guys, who almost universally panned today's nonsense.


You can say it's not that big of a deal, which I agree with, because it was already readily apparent we're a rudderless organization. But the consequence is we looked bad, period.

Rudderless? How? They fired Rex and told Whaley to find a new one. Where is the lack of direction? This whole schittstorm is 100% manufactured by the Buffalo News. The national people don't know anything., They just pick up on what they are writing and echo it.

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I hope it's a Whaley hire, and that's who he reports to. That way we know where to direct credit or blame.


I've mentioned this many times, but can you tell me why you don't think Rex was a "Whaley hire"? What can you point to that proves Whaley's own gushing comments about Rex at the time he was hired were falsehoods he spoke?

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If that's the argument, Jed York could easily do the same thing.

The argument is nobody knows what makes a job more or less attractive to any candidate, least of all lay people with little understanding of what each candidate values.


The money example points out how easy it could be to skew a person's sense of what may or may not make Buffalo more or less attractive.


Then that is not the kind of Coach I want anyways.

I want a Coach who can win.

I'm sure Whaley and the Pegulas want that, too. Are you suggesting a coach who says yes to being the highest paid is a mutually exclusive from a coach that wants to win? Would you be upset if Pegula offered that deal to the person you would most like to see become HC?

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Did Whaley cut Taylor already?


Rudderless? How? They fired Rex and told Whaley to find a new one. Where is the lack of direction? This whole schittstorm is 100% manufactured by the Buffalo News. The national people don't know anything., They just pick up on what they are writing and echo it.


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I've mentioned this many times, but can you tell me why you don't think Rex was a "Whaley hire"? What can you point to that proves Whaley's own gushing comments about Rex at the time he was hired were falsehoods he spoke?

Here's the deal....I don't have to prove anything to you. I can't point to any one thing. I've read the Pegulas became infatuated, I've seen the Rex shtick and I believe that's how it went. I wasn't in the room, but I doubt you were. So here we are....

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I don't want to!!! So there! Why the Kim hate and not Terry? Is this a sexist thing? Owners do not have to have great football knowledge, and it's better if they recognize that.

Recognizing you have a problem is the first step....
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Most of the reason the job is less attractive is because of the QB predicament, not the dysfunction. If anything I think coaches would say I can make a boatload of money there and pay as many assistants as I want and my GM will work with me to get the kind of players I want.



Didn't you once say that Whaley was one of the most intelligent people one could ever meet? :flirt:


I think your fondness for Whaley colors your take on his situation.


This isn't a fresh start for DW.

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Here's the deal....I don't have to prove anything to you. I can't point to any one thing. I've read the Pegulas became infatuated, I've seen the Rex shtick and I believe that's how it went. I wasn't in the room, but I doubt you were. So here we are....


I'm only basing my question on the direct statements of Whaley, who was in the room, no?


Why do you not take him at his word?

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LA, SD and SF are all in worse--MUCH worse--shape than we are.


LA...Highly regarded young QB...younger roster....moving into super stadium.....premium media market/attractive player destination and decent place to live.

Elite QB with a few seasons left....roster that could contend right away......great place to live be it SD or LA.

High drafting team in rebuild with new stadium.......low immediate expectations......storied history without ingrained losing culture.....possibly premier living/player destination in US.


Bills.....older team.....system QB....DEEP seeded losing culture.....lame duck GM.


But OK if you say so.


Kirby had a link to a poll of NFL executives that agreed Buffalo is the least attractive job but if you say otherwise it must be so.

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LA...Highly regarded young QB...younger roster....moving into super stadium.....premium media market/attractive player destination and decent place to live.

Elite QB with a few seasons left....roster that could contend right away......great place to live be it SD or LA.

High drafting team in rebuild with new stadium.......low immediate expectations......storied history without ingrained losing culture.....possibly premier living/player destination in US.


Bills.....older team.....system QB....DEEP seeded losing culture.....lame duck GM.


But OK if you say so.


Kirby had a link to a poll of NFL executives that agreed Buffalo is the least attractive job but if you say otherwise it must be so.



All good points.


How can anyone see the Bills as a better situation than LA or SD?

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I'm only basing my question on the direct statements of Whaley, who was in the room, no?


Why do you not take him at his word?

Seriously? You live in the real world, right? You're just looking for an angle to hang stuff on him, of course. Sure, the young GM is going to undermine the new billionaire owner publicly on his decision. You lose credibility for even asking that.

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All good points.


How can anyone see the Bills as a better situation than LA or SD?

Arguably better owners, actually. Kroenke is a mercurial weirdo and Spanos isn't much better.


But all of the other factors tilt in those teams' directions. Including the relative attraction of SoCal to free agents.

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Yea they sign the checks it's their team I get it blah blah. But they're unqualified to even give their 2 cents in the decision. It's just a fact. A cold hard fact. God bless him for all he's done for our teams and the city.But when it comes to personnel and structure (for both teams) the Pegulas are putting up red flag after red flag of incompetent management.

Totally agree with the above.


Kim said the blue team was not as good as the other teams so they have to do more homeruns to win the Stanley cup.

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If I owned the Bills, I would have off season evaluations and sit in on the meetings. I would discuss the candidates my GM wanted to bring in for the interviews. I would want to stay apprised of all developments, I would make my thoughts on every bit of it well known, and then I would let my GM pick his guy and 95% chance sign off. The only difference between that and what the Pegulas are doing is I would probably have a larger list of candidates I didn't want.

I am really not sure why people find this hard to understand, but they sure seem to.

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Meanwhile, we no nothing about Gilmore, Glenn &Watkins injuries, potential coaching candidates. Christ no one even asked about Coughlin.

People are going to write what sells. At this point everything is about Rex and his departure. The bills are being shown as disfunctional with several heads. I agree that they need to put the responsibility with Whaley and make him own up to his decisions. That is when this is going to succeed. There should be no involvement from Russ or the Pegulas.

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Seriously? You live in the real world, right? You're just looking for an angle to hang stuff on him, of course. Sure, the young GM is going to undermine the new billionaire owner publicly on his decision. You lose credibility for even asking that.


Maybe I'm not asking this correctly. What about the following comments led you to conclude Whaley was just kind of going along with the Boss?:




“I knew when he started talking about how he wanted to build a team and I could complete his sentences and he could complete mine in how we want the Buffalo Bills to look we were on the same page.”


“For me his philosophy on how to build a championship team, a consistent championship team is exactly the way I think a team should be built,” said Whaley. “It’s proven. This past postseason everybody was talking about the conference championship games and the four quarterbacks in there were unbelievable quarterbacks, but the common theme in both of those games was the running game. A running game and a defense is a quarterback’s best friend. And those types of teams consistently compete for championships.


“It was funny because at the start of the process Kim and Terry asked me who my favorite was and I said, ‘You can’t go in with any preconceived notions of what you want and what you like. You’ve got to go in with an open mind so you don’t have any biases,’” said Whaley. “And at that point Kim said, ‘Well then how do you know?’ I said, ‘Unfortunately it’s like when I asked people who were married and I was single. How do you know? You just know.’ And when we got to that point we all looked at each other and knew that Rex was the guy who we wanted to be our next head coach.”

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