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Why is Dennis Thurman not taking the blame for the defense

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If you listened to Rex's press conference today -



Earlier this season, Rex Ryan said Dennis Thurman was calling the plays. Reading through the Rex code, it sounds like he's calling them now


#Bills HC Rex Ryan says all defensive calls go through him, but was quite vague on who is actually calling the plays during the game.


#Bills HC Rex Ryan says he started calling plays they hadn't practiced in the second half to help "stop the bleeding"

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interview the best candidates. Simple.


Tomlin was a shoe inn. Iregardless of Rooney rule.


The problem pre-Rooney rule was some best candidates were not in fact getting interviews. All the rule does is force the owners, who are largely white, rich and middle aged to get minority candidates in the room. I am not suggesting that they don't ordinarily do that because they are somehow racist.... but there are studies that have been done that demonstrate we all tend to have pre-disposition to hiring people in our image because we have a comfort level there. The Rooney rule just acts as a bit of a balance to that.

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If anyone looked at the press conference they do I believe Rex pushes Dennis out there anyone can tell he feels like scapegoat for the defense while fat butt rob sits back and run the defense that's probably why Hughes got into with rob because he's back there running that crap they call a defense

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The problem pre-Rooney rule was some best candidates were not in fact getting interviews. All the rule does is force the owners, who are largely white, rich and middle aged to get minority candidates in the room. I am not suggesting that they don't ordinarily do that because they are somehow racist.... but there are studies that have been done that demonstrate we all tend to have pre-disposition to hiring people in our image because we have a comfort level there. The Rooney rule just acts as a bit of a balance to that.

I don't believe in thr validity l these studies but I do not dispute there was a time for such things like this rule. I do not believe in it now
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Remember when we interviewed Leslie Frazier for 15 mins before we picked Coach Moron so we could say we did? That was somewhat insulting.

We did not interview Leslie Frazier before picking Marrone. He was the HC of the Vikings at the time. We interviewed two minority candidates in that search - Ray Horton and Lovie Smith.

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Q: How much responsibility do you have on calling the plays on game day?


A: Thurman: "A lot."



Q: Who is the coach in the booth that Preston Brown said was getting the calls in late?


A: Thurman: "I have no idea what he’s talking about. See again, you guys assume I know what’s going on. I have no idea."



Edited by papazoid
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