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Trump's leadership team

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The only competent people that Trump has picked have been Generals, save for Flynn. Can any of them convince this idiot, now, that he alone, is the biggest problem with this administration? Lets' hope Kelly can do what no civilians have been able to do.

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I thought he was talking about Kelly-Anne.


Monkeys !@#$ footballs with more order than this White House runs things.


The more disarray in the White House, the more power Congress can exercise, and the stronger the restoration of checks and balances become. In accordance with the prophesy.

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The more disarray in the White House, the more power Congress can exercise, and the stronger the restoration of checks and balances become. In accordance with the prophesy.

Let me know when Congrss starts enacting meaningful legislation that curtails executive overreach Carnac.


Or just meaningful legislation period. I'd settle for that.

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Let me know when Congrss starts enacting meaningful legislation that curtails executive overreach Carnac.


Or just meaningful legislation period. I'd settle for that.


Passed Russian sanctions with a strong limitation on the President's ability to modify them, by a veto-proof margin. In accordance with the prophesy.

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Passed Russian sanctions with a strong limitation on the President's ability to modify them, by a veto-proof margin. In accordance with the prophesy.

Ironically, the first piece of major legislation Trump will sign.


I was disappointed they fired the Mooch as his on the record comments about Trump's staff was hilarious. How he got hired in the first place I'll never know.

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Ironically, the first piece of major legislation Trump will sign.


Shows what an idiot he is. He could ignore it and it goes in to force just as well, and doesn't serve as ammo for the "Putin's puppet!" crowd.


I know..."How are they going to use that as ammo?" They'll find a way.



I was disappointed they fired the Mooch as his on the record comments about Trump's staff was hilarious. How he got hired in the first place I'll never know.


Actual transcript of the conversation between Scaramucci and Trump today...


S: "Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?"

T: "Bismallah, no! We will not let you go!"

S: "Let me go!"

T: "Bismallah, no!..."

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Whew!! That tornado blew through pretty fast!


In a really bad presidency this last week has taken the cake. Can only get better from here?

Oh boy...






Incoming White House Chief of Staff John Kelly considered quitting his job as secretary of homeland security over President Trumps firing of FBI Director James Comey, CNN reported on Monday. "John was angry and hurt by what he saw and the way [Comey] was treated," one of two sources told CNN. Kelly reportedly called Comey and told him he was considering resigning over the ex-FBI chiefs firing. Comey reportedly implored him not to resign.

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The decision to remove Mr. Scaramucci came at the request of chief of staff, John F. Kelly.


Mr. Kelly made clear to members of the White House staff at a meeting Monday morning that he is in charge.





Seems like a good thing.


None of these jackasses, seemed to be up to the job.


I don't care how it looks, if they can't keep their mouths shut ( a common DC trait) boot their backsides out General !!




Edited by B-Man
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