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Trump's leadership team

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I have fun laughing at the crazy conspiracy theorists but I feel really bad for the parents. On top of dealing with the unsolved murder of their son, they have to deal with all this other crap. Really disgusting how low people will stoop for agendas and profit.

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The decision to remove Mr. Scaramucci came at the request of chief of staff, John F. Kelly.


Mr. Kelly made clear to members of the White House staff at a meeting Monday morning that he is in charge.





Seems like a good thing.


None of these jackasses, seemed to be up to the job.


I don't care how it looks, if they can't keep their mouths shut ( a common DC trait) boot their backsides out General !!




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Trump should appoint some reasonable Democrats to his team. This has been done many times to soothe things over.


There must be a few out there....


Name a single Democrat that isn't toeing the "Trump is a Nazi colluding with Commies against democracy" line.

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Trump should appoint some reasonable Democrats to his team. This has been done many times to soothe things over.


There must be a few out there....

Besides Pence, Trump has no true conservatives in his inner circle. I don't know if Fox and Friends counts.

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Half the Dems hate the Clintons, they can't keep faking the fake over this...

Besides Pence, Trump has no true conservatives in his inner circle. I don't know if Fox and Friends counts.


The libs in my life think they are Plato and Einstein trying to tell me "Trump isn't a conservative."


It's all very funny, I'm laughing constantly over this.

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Half the Dems hate the Clintons, they can't keep faking the fake over this...


The libs in my life think they are Plato and Einstein trying to tell me "Trump isn't a conservative."


It's all very funny, I'm laughing constantly over this.

His anti free trade talk (killing the TPP) and proposed infrastructure spending are liberal policies. Time will tell whether he actually turns his words into action.

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The decision to remove Mr. Scaramucci came at the request of chief of staff, John F. Kelly.


Mr. Kelly made clear to members of the White House staff at a meeting Monday morning that he is in charge.


Seems like a good thing.


None of these jackasses, seemed to be up to the job.


I don't care how it looks, if they can't keep their mouths shut ( a common DC trait) boot their backsides out General !!








CHANGE: John Kelly closes the Oval Office door.



Gen. John Kelly, the new White House chief of staff, has taken control in dramatic fashion, and is already imposing unmistakable signs of order after just a few days on the job:

Even POTUS appears to be trying to impress his four-star handler, picking up his game by acting sharper in meetings and even rattling off stats.

Meetings, which under Reince Priebus were meandering, are shorter and stick to their scheduled topic. Reince was a wallflower; Kelly moderates and is clearly in charge.

Everyone — even uber-aides Jared and Ivanka, and economic adviser Gary Cohn — is being deferential to Kelly.

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Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is resisting the pleas of State Department officials to spend nearly $80 million allocated by Congress for fighting terrorist propaganda and Russian disinformation.

It is highly unusual for a Cabinet secretary to turn down money for his department. But more than five months into his tenure, Tillerson has not issued a simple request for the money earmarked for the State Department’s Global Engagement Center, $60 million of which is now parked at the Pentagon. Another$19.8 million sits untouched at the State Department as Tillerson’s aides reject calls from career diplomats and members of Congress to put the money to work against America’s adversaries.

The $60 million will expire on Sept. 30 if not transferred to State by then, current and former State Department officials told POLITICO.

The struggle over the money is a case study in Tillerson’s approach to managing the State Department and the frustration it is engendering among American diplomats. Current and former U.S. officials call it the latest example of a severe slowdown in department decision-making; of Tillerson’s reliance on a coterie of political aides who distrust State’s career staffers; and a casualty of President Donald Trump’s intention to slash State's budget, which has Tillerson looking for ways to reshape the department and spend less money, not more.

Sources cited another sensitive factor at play: Russia. One Tillerson aide, R.C. Hammond, suggested the money is unwelcome because any extra funding for programs to counter Russian media influence would anger Moscow, according to a former senior State Department official.

"This is an extraordinary example of the dysfunction that is ripping through the State Department," said Brett Bruen, a former U.S. diplomat in contact with State employees involved in the funding fight. "What we're seeing is a small group of people with very thin knowledge making all the decisions in a very centralized and isolated process. It causes unnecessary delays and confusion."


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His anti free trade talk (killing the TPP) and proposed infrastructure spending are liberal policies. Time will tell whether he actually turns his words into action.


Not sure what anyone thinks about free trade in North America.


For our federal election in 1988??, basically a plebiscite on Free Trade, the Liberal candidate yelled it was TREASON during all the debates, when his party was the one pushing for FT for about 100 years prior. He drank a lot and it showed though..

Every party up here except the Green and that Socialist Thing have argued very angrily on both sides of Free Trade.

Edited by row_33
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Whew!! That tornado blew through pretty fast!

In a really bad presidency this last week has taken the cake. Can only get better from here? Oh boy...



I'm torn between wanting the hilarity never to end and wanting to survive the upcoming and inevitable nuclear holocaust.

Saw that the other day.

Hilarious. KellyAnne gets my vote.

Or just drop a f#%*in house on her already.

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President Trump got some good news Thursday regarding his efforts to fill job vacancies in his administration: Nearly 70 nominees received Senate approval in one fell swoop.


But the president also received some bad news: The Senate unanimously agreed to a move designed to block Trump from making any recess appointments while the Senate takes its summer break.


The good news means that former U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas becomes the nation’s ambassador to NATO and New York Jets owner Woody Johnson becomes ambassador to Britain. :doh:




A dispute over rent has forced the Secret Service out of Trump Tower in New York City and onto the street. The federal law-enforcement agency vacated its command post inside the Manhattan
The federal law-enforcement agency vacated its command post inside the Manhattan skyscraper that houses the president’s primary personal residence following a dispute between the government and the Trump Organization over the terms of a rental agreement, the Washington Post reported.
If the WP is all lies why is FOX repeating the story?
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Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is resisting the pleas of State Department officials to spend nearly $80 million allocated by Congress for fighting terrorist propaganda and Russian disinformation.


It is highly unusual for a Cabinet secretary to turn down money for his department. But more than five months into his tenure, Tillerson has not issued a simple request for the money earmarked for the State Department’s Global Engagement Center, $60 million of which is now parked at the Pentagon. Another$19.8 million sits untouched at the State Department as Tillerson’s aides reject calls from career diplomats and members of Congress to put the money to work against America’s adversaries.


The $60 million will expire on Sept. 30 if not transferred to State by then, current and former State Department officials told POLITICO.


The struggle over the money is a case study in Tillerson’s approach to managing the State Department and the frustration it is engendering among American diplomats. Current and former U.S. officials call it the latest example of a severe slowdown in department decision-making; of Tillerson’s reliance on a coterie of political aides who distrust State’s career staffers; and a casualty of President Donald Trump’s intention to slash State's budget, which has Tillerson looking for ways to reshape the department and spend less money, not more.


Sources cited another sensitive factor at play: Russia. One Tillerson aide, R.C. Hammond, suggested the money is unwelcome because any extra funding for programs to counter Russian media influence would anger Moscow, according to a former senior State Department official.


"This is an extraordinary example of the dysfunction that is ripping through the State Department," said Brett Bruen, a former U.S. diplomat in contact with State employees involved in the funding fight. "What we're seeing is a small group of people with very thin knowledge making all the decisions in a very centralized and isolated process. It causes unnecessary delays and confusion."



Putin was angry about Hillary's agggressive state department. Tillerson is taking care of that

President Trump got some good news Thursday regarding his efforts to fill job vacancies in his administration: Nearly 70 nominees received Senate approval in one fell swoop.


But the president also received some bad news: The Senate unanimously agreed to a move designed to block Trump from making any recess appointments while the Senate takes its summer break.


The good news means that former U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas becomes the nation’s ambassador to NATO and New York Jets owner Woody Johnson becomes ambassador to Britain. :doh:




Trump Tower evicts Secret Service over rental dispute

A dispute over rent has forced the Secret Service out of Trump Tower in New York City and onto the street. The federal law-enforcement agency vacated its command post inside the Manhattan



The federal law-enforcement agency vacated its command post inside the Manhattan skyscraper that houses the president’s primary personal residence following a dispute between the government and the Trump Organization over the terms of a rental agreement, the Washington Post reported.


If the WP is all lies why is FOX repeating the story?


The best thing in all that is the Senate staying "open" for business so Trump can't make recess appointments. Good!

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President Trump got some good news Thursday regarding his efforts to fill job vacancies in his administration: Nearly 70 nominees received Senate approval in one fell swoop.


But the president also received some bad news: The Senate unanimously agreed to a move designed to block Trump from making any recess appointments while the Senate takes its summer break.



The Senate scheduled nine pro-forma sessions to avoid the Supreme Court's bizarre definition of "recess."


The FoxSnooze article makes it sound as though that's exceptional. It's not - the use of pro-forma sessions to avoid going in to recess and thus curtail the President's constitutional authority to appoint people has been standard practice for the past ten years. Pioneered, unsurprisingly, by Harry Reid.

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