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Stupid election backlash

DC Tom

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Brilliant thinking. What about the tens of thousands of employees in Hollywood who work behind the scenes in making the productions, who do not have star salaries? Will the enlightened stars pay them during the strike?

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It's not we'll be missing out on much aside from a continuous stream of remakes, re-imaginings, and sequels anyway.



Do you remember what happened the last time Hollywood went on strike?


Reality TV.


Do you remember who elevated his national presence through reality TV?


Donald Trump.




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Brilliant thinking. What about the tens of thousands of employees in Hollywood who work behind the scenes in making the productions, who do not have star salaries? Will the enlightened stars pay them during the strike?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, there. Just a minute now. That's crazy talk GG. You're not suggesting the big stars are gonna give away their money so peons can live in Kalifornia? If they wanted to do that, they'd claim residency in that state instead of the tax free ones like Nevada, Washington, and Wyoming that they do.

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After Trump came out with her being overrated I thought about it for a while. I realized I haven't seen her in a movie that I enjoyed. At least any I can remember. I usually associate her with pretentious boring crap.

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She's very principled.


All of Hollywood loves a pedophile apparently. What does that tell you about not only her, but everyone in that industry? Wonder if they mentioned why he couldn't be there to accept? Inverted reality again. They praise a real sex offender. Slam Trump for the fake sexual assaults.

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After Trump came out with her being overrated I thought about it for a while. I realized I haven't seen her in a movie that I enjoyed. At least any I can remember. I usually associate her with pretentious boring crap.


It doesn't matter. She's been around forever, she's still alive, so she's Hollywood royalty.


As far as I'm concerned, she'll forever be the woman who abandoned her husband and seven-year-old son because she was unsatisfied with life, only to trigger a chain of events which causes her husband to lose his job right before she decides to challenge him in court for custody of the son she abandoned, only to have everyone go through heart-breaking misery just so she can come to the second revelation...that she really doesn't want custody of her son after all because she had to paint clouds on a wal.


Of course, if you read IMDB, they describe it a bit differently: Ted Kramer's wife leaves her husband, allowing for a lost bond to be rediscovered between Ted and his son, Billy.

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For comparison:



Considering the neo-McCarthyism flooding the Hollywood Hills these days, this one is particularly funny.

(Streep, to her credit, applauded)

I have to admit I didn't know his significance and had to look him up on Wikipedia. I knew something was up when about 25% of the Hollywood freak show wasn't applauding and that something was probably good.

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I looked through Streep's long list of film credits, and discovered that the only movies of her's that I have ever seen are "Deerhunter" and "Manhattan" (both smallish, supporting roles). I haven't avoided her, but we have somehow never crossed paths. She means nothing to me, and I have watched a massive amount and variety of movies, from Jess Franco to Eisenstein to Spielberg. It really surprised me, but then again, most of her work is seems to be self-serious drivel.

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I looked through Streep's long list of film credits, and discovered that the only movies of her's that I have ever seen are "Deerhunter" and "Manhattan" (both smallish, supporting roles). I haven't avoided her, but we have somehow never crossed paths. She means nothing to me, and I have watched a massive amount and variety of movies, from Jess Franco to Eisenstein to Spielberg. It really surprised me, but then again, most of her work is seems to be self-serious drivel.

I think she is a terrific actress and like other Hollywood types should not be taken seriously when they speak on politics or other matters of which they have no clue.

Justice Department is investigating Comey on his role in helping Trump win the election

Yeah, pretty damn funny. You have to admit, the left's inability and unwillingness to self assess the outcome of this election and others in recent years is quite entertaining.

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