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Stupid election backlash

DC Tom

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Celebrities Call for ‘Month of Resistance’ to Fight ‘Fascist’ Trump



And non-celebrities strongly suggest that celebrities actually learn the definition of the word 'fascist'.


All the Hollywood left is achieving with their frantic, emotional meltdowns is to completely marginalize themselves and their causes.

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Far left VOX Nutbag: The Whole Democratic Party Is Now A Smoking Pile of Rubble


Thanks, Obama!


What’s less impressive is that at the sub-presidential level, the Obama years have created a Democratic Party that’s essentially a smoking pile of rubble.


Republicans control the House, and they control the Senate. District lines are drawn in such a way that the median House district is far more conservative than the median American voter — resulting in situations like 2012 where House Democrats secured more votes than House Republicans but the GOP retained a healthy majority. The Senate, too, is in effect naturally gerrymandered to favor Republicans. Two years from now the Democratic Party will need to fight to retain seats in very difficult states like North Dakota, Montana, West Virginia, Indiana, and Missouri along with merely contestable ones in places like Florida, Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

In state government things are worse, if anything. The GOP now controls historical record number of governors’ mansions, including a majority of New England governorships. Tuesday’s election swapped around a few state legislative houses but left Democrats controlling a distinct minority. The same story applies further down ballot, where most elected attorneys general, insurance commissioners, secretaries of state, and so forth are Republicans.

One could perhaps overlook all of this if the Obama years had bequeathed the nation an enduring legacy along the lines of the New Deal or the Great Society. But to a striking extent, even as President Obama prepares to leave office with strong approval ratings, his policy legacy is extraordinarily vulnerable. And the odds that it will be essentially extinguished are high.

Due to a combination of bad luck and poor decisions, the story of the 21st-century Democratic Party looks to be overwhelmingly the story of failure.

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Robert B. Reich explains his 12-point plan for 100 Days of Resistance to Donald Trump.



Here's Michael Moore promoting the 100 days of obstruction: (at link)


Here's the 12-point list in simple text if you prefer reading.


Reich needs to add a 13th point: find someone to pay leftists to do all this because the left will never, ever care enough to lift their own hand...only pay people to lift it for them.

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Reich needs to add a 13th point: find someone to pay leftists to do all this because the left will never, ever care enough to lift their own hand...only pay people to lift it for them.

14th point: Hold your breath till your face turns blue and you faint. Make sure it's captured on video so you can post your sacrifice for the entire Intarswebs to see.

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Do you remember what happened the last time Hollywood went on strike?


Reality TV.


Do you remember who elevated his national presence through reality TV?


Donald Trump.


Keep up the solid ideas, Hollywood! You really are on the pulse of all that is happening in the world!


Nay, all of HUMANITY!!!!

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