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2016 Brazil Summer Olympics Thread

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I watched more Olympics over the weekend than I thought I would. Thoroughly enjoyed watching the men's volleyball (congrats, CBF, on the ass whooping), as well as the men's beach volleyball. All of the swimming events, men and women, were great. Women's rugby, Men's Water Polo, that white water rafting thing and cycling ... I'll never watch again - I found all of those events to be either boring or stupid. I was surprised that I didn't enjoy the women's gymnastics as much as I normally, do. But I'll still watch it if it's on.

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I watched more Olympics over the weekend than I thought I would. Thoroughly enjoyed watching the men's volleyball (congrats, CBF, on the ass whooping), as well as the men's beach volleyball. All of the swimming events, men and women, were great. Women's rugby, Men's Water Polo, that white water rafting thing and cycling ... I'll never watch again - I found all of those events to be either boring or stupid. I was surprised that I didn't enjoy the women's gymnastics as much as I normally, do. But I'll still watch it if it's on.



haha thanks. We love small upsets like these. Its our gold medal lol Seeing as how we will be lucky to finish with half the medals the US gets.


You guys kick some serious ass in the Summer Olympics. Your gymnastics team is insane!



I loved watching the womens rugby and womens soccer. Canada seems to be doing well in those so far







Is it just me, or am I the only one who just found out over the weekend that Mens Field Hockey is a real thing?






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I watched more Olympics over the weekend than I thought I would. Thoroughly enjoyed watching the men's volleyball (congrats, CBF, on the ass whooping), as well as the men's beach volleyball. All of the swimming events, men and women, were great. Women's rugby, Men's Water Polo, that white water rafting thing and cycling ... I'll never watch again - I found all of those events to be either boring or stupid. I was surprised that I didn't enjoy the women's gymnastics as much as I normally, do. But I'll still watch it if it's on.

It is proven. More women watch the Olympics than men... Hmmmm...



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Sux that the Russian Weightlifting team Got suspended, wanted to see them break some records




Weightlifting, Wrestling, Throwing events.


My Olympics is the Arnold Classic.

Was hoping to see the 105kg battle, but no Russia and no Kazakh. Then the supers, Lovchev's 264 was impressive, won't be there, nor Albegov. Down to Lasha from Georgia, the 214kg snatch was amazing, could push the all time total... 22 years of age as well.

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haha thanks. We love small upsets like these. Its our gold medal lol Seeing as how we will be lucky to finish with half the medals the US gets.


You guys kick some serious ass in the Summer Olympics. Your gymnastics team is insane!



I loved watching the womens rugby and womens soccer. Canada seems to be doing well in those so far







Is it just me, or am I the only one who just found out over the weekend that Mens Field Hockey is a real thing?







Transgender ?

Was hoping to see the 105kg battle, but no Russia and no Kazakh. Then the supers, Lovchev's 264 was impressive, won't be there, nor Albegov. Down to Lasha from Georgia, the 214kg snatch was amazing, could push the all time total... 22 years of age as well.


Pretty sad we can't even field a mens team, just proves pusification of America.

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Who done it...? Looks like a husband and wife. Much credit due to those two







And there's probably a bunch of people from the slums of Rio saying "Look! That's the team that won four straight Superbowls! I had all their championship t-shirts when I was a kid!"

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Some countries pay big bux for their gold medal winners. Britain is cheap!



"In the near term, athletes with the golden touch can expect a handout from their country as many of the 204 National Olympic Committees have financial incentive schemes for gold winners.


Singaporean athletes are being offered one of the biggest incentives with an offer of 1 million Singapore dollars ($800,000) for a gold. Singapore has never won gold at the Olympics.


Stamp and Glory
The United States will pay 15,000 pounds ($25,000) to gold medallists while Australians will receive A$20,000 ($20,900), feature on an Australia stamp and get a flight upgrade home.


Russia, battling Britain to keep its third place in the gold medal table, has promised athletes 85,000 pounds ($135,000) for golds while there are reports Italy has offered 116,000 pounds ($182,000).


China, which is jostling with the United States for top of the gold medals tally, has not released details of financial incentives but the Chinese language Sports Weekly reported they were likely to hand gold winners $51,000.


India has promised coaching jobs to athletes who win medals.


British athletes, however, will have to settle for national glory and their image on a stamp rather than cash.

British Olympic chiefs are of the view that financial rewards do not significantly impact the motivation of athletes to reach the podium and it is their desire to compete at the Olympics that is their main driving force."



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Michael phelps the greatest athlete of all time.

My friend texted this same message to me yesterday. No way. Greatest swimmer of all time. Not downplaying his greatness, but what other sport does he excel at? Jim Thorpe, Bo Jackson, and maybe Jim Brown belong in the greatest athlete of all time discussion, IMO.


Love watching Phelps compete though.

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