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Tired of Deflategate

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Well, Brady is part of that institution that's been implicated previously. But, OK. In that case Brady lied about knowing McNally and I have to wonder why. He loses any benefit of the doubt on that basis alone. Why did he lie about knowing McNally? And again, why did he choose to withhold relevant information to the investigation?




As I said, I'll await further clarity on this point.

So we have:


I repeat.... "He actually brought you up and said you must have a lot of stress trying to get them done"


So Brady had no knowledge the situation? No knowledge of McNally?

As I said to K-9 .... I'll await further clarity on this point.

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As I said, I'll await further clarity on this point.


As I said to K-9 .... I'll await further clarity on this point.

Regardless if you know someone or know of someone, bringing them up by name is acknowledging they have a familiarity with the person especially when there was a message to be delivered to said person.


He's not acknowledging Brady was asking about the balls but he is aware of his job. Which he also claimed he didn't know.

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Regardless if you know someone or know of someone, bringing them up by name is acknowledging they have a familiarity with the person especially when there was a message to be delivered to said person.


He's not acknowledging Brady was asking about the balls but he is aware of his job. Which he also claimed he didn't know.


I don't have the time to dwell on all of the particulars involved so I will simply link to a CBS debunking story noting the salient point "3. Debunking Brady's knowledge of what was going on" for possible answers.



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I don't have the time to dwell on all of the particulars involved so I will simply link to a CBS debunking story noting the salient point "3. Debunking Brady's knowledge of what was going on" for possible answers.



Nothing in there actually answered my question but thanks for that. I actually enjoyed the reasoning for him being "stressed" was because he was trying to sell tickets to the game. God knows it must be hard to sell tickets to a playoff game in NE.

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I don't have the time to dwell on all of the particulars involved so I will simply link to a CBS debunking story noting the salient point "3. Debunking Brady's knowledge of what was going on" for possible answers.



Again, and one last time, had Brady turned over his phone they could verify he never contacted anyone. But, he didn't. He chose to not cooperate with the investigation. Then when the league draws conclusions, you want to say but let's see what Brady has to say??? And then when the league factors in his lack of cooperation into the punishment, you want to say its a witch hunt???


You seem to want to have it both ways. Give Brady the benefit of the doubt and don't expect him to assist in proving himself innocent. Essentially, just believe him because he wouldn't lie, everyone else is.

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Another thread of a tired subject debating how much Brady cheated when. The question is not how much he cheated it is if he cheated. He did. That's it, he's a cheater and that is the end of the story.


It doesn't matter the game was a blow out, it does not matter if he did not know the balls were underinflated on purpose, it does not matter if he asked them to be done this way or not, it does not matter for any of that. Brady cannot deny that he did not notice a difference in the balls.


Brady is a professional and has felt a lot of balls. Both an expert with the hands and mouth, there is no denying that this guy could not tell how full they were.

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@Rachel__Nichols: It's official: Players association files appeal of Tom Brady's 4-game suspension, asks #NFL for a neutral arbitrator http://t.co/DqlZkab0xW

"Given the NFLs history of inconsistency & arbitrary decisions in disciplinary matters," requests neutral arbitrator.

oh this is going to be huge


Given the NFLs history of inconsistency & arbitrary decisions in disciplinary matters," requests neutral arbitrator.

Its said you cannot publicly critique the NFL if you are of the NFL

Too bad the Pats* denied Wells the interview where he intended to find such context...

and why the organization should be viewed harshly.

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The key point in that article is the most obvious one: He lied to the investigators (Fact), he obstructed the investigation (Fact), he messed with the footballs (circumstantial proof). He has zero case.

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The key point in that article is the most obvious one: He lied to the investigators (Fact), he obstructed the investigation (Fact), he messed with the footballs (circumstantial proof). He has zero case.

If only we had "context."



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The key point in that article is the most obvious one: He lied to the investigators (Fact), he obstructed the investigation (Fact), he messed with the footballs (circumstantial proof). He has zero case.

I can't help but think if Brady losses the appeal he won't file a lawsuit. I honestly think at this point he's just digging the hole deeper.

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I can't help but think if Brady losses the appeal he won't file a lawsuit. I honestly think at this point he's just digging the hole deeper.

The lawsuit is an empty threat, like A-Rod's was.

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The lawsuit is an empty threat, like A-Rod's was.

It's not an empty threat but it would likely incriminate him more than it acquit's him of the charges assuming they want all the details and not just what the Pats** were willing to give up.

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Why did he say he didn't know McNally?


Because he's a liar and cheater and has something to hide and knows he would be caught.


He's obviously lying.


The "greatest confabulator on TSW"? LOL! Yeah, okay.



Bar none. And revisor of history.

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Funny how Pats* fans nitpick any little potential inconsistency in the Wells report and argue that any tiny little potential incinsistency shows the whole report is wrong, yet won't apply that same standard to the BS the Pats* are spewing on their ridiculous website. Doesn't work that way, sorry. Most reasonable people agree with Tuel--when you make a ridiculous and obvious lie like the "deflator" point everything else you say gets viewed in light of that. As I just said elsewhere, the idiot who came up with that should be fired and the fact that no one else in Pats* land stopped him speaks volumes about their arrogance and sheer disdain for the intelligence of their audience. To wit, my wife nearly spit out her drink when she read that--we all thought for sure it was from the Onion.


I'm really starting to think that all Pats* fans are delusional--there is so much evidence here pointing to their guilt, yet absent a signed confession (not likely, since they're already hiding evidence) they don't believe it. It would really be akin to Bills fans militantly thinking OJ was innocent. Not many (if any) of us here believe that I'd wager. It's really a special kind of idiocy infecting Pats* nation right now.

Exactly! Every time Pneumonic keeps making stupid comments like wait until there is contradictory evidence he demonstrates how illogical he is. If there was contradictory evidence they would use it. Instead they are just making stupid crap up that they hope will confuse and drown out the facts. That's not a defense. I'd love to see Goodell increase the penalty during the appeal for all this crap the Pats*** are doing to make a mockery of the league. Wouldn't that be great?

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I don't have the time to dwell on all of the particulars involved so I will simply link to a CBS debunking story noting the salient point "3. Debunking Brady's knowledge of what was going on" for possible answers.




You just linked a debunking story that references the very report that claims deflator meant losing weight. Goodell should throw out the appeal just for them thinking the fans are that stupid.


I hate to keep harping on the deflator weight lie, but I can't get past the fact that if they are willing to make up that kind of BS, then anything else they say should be regarded with incredulity, and ridiculed. They are just throwing BS out there to see what sticks with the public so they can turn the PR tables on Goodell.

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I wish people would read the report as well as all of the arguments from both the Patriots** side and the anti-Patriots** side, and then compare them.


This is one of the better arguments. Here is a chart showing the two different gauges used, for the Patriots** balls and the Colts balls. 14 of 15 balls show one thing. The Wells report says they made a mistake and reversed the gauges. The Patriots argue that since one of 15 readings was off, even though if you reversed them they all would be true, makes the entire investigation off.


Anyone looking at that, like an IQ test, saying which doesn't belong, could say with 99% certainty that one reading was reversed not that that one reading shows all others are 15 wrong and this one is right.




Look at the psi values by gauge.

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