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How come this always happens when some actual decently tough dude picks on a chubby or weak dude? Why don't they ever start with a bigger dude?


Not always.

Last time this happened to me (I was supposed weak dude) I was warned by police that if I had taken it any further that I would have been arrested for assault. I said it was self-defense and had many witnesses with signed statements and that I had my nose broken after several warnings to attacker; each time I stopped defending myself attacker attacked me again so finally I laid out cold with legitimate fear for my life. Not one person including an off duty security officer gave me a hand or tried to restrain attacker.

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If I were an MMA fighter I think it would be fun to go with some of my fellow fighters to away games in a Bills jersey, not talk any ****, but act exactly like I would in a Bills backer bar.

That might be fun, but I'd have a hard time deciding who I would brag to about it with my one phone call from jail.

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If I were an MMA fighter I think it would be fun to go with some of my fellow fighters to away games in a Bills jersey, not talk any ****, but act exactly like I would in a Bills backer bar.


Your post made me think of the Bas Rutten/Brian Urlacher story:


Bas Rutten told a story involving a possible altercation that could have taken place between he and Brian Urlacher. Bas and Brian were at a charity event when Bas accidentally stepped on Urlacher’s toes needless to say Brian was none to pleased. Bas tried to be cool about it and apologize to Brian even offered Urlacher a beer. Brian then proceeded to ask Bas who is much smaller if he wanted to take it outside, naturally Bas said sure lets do that. Brian was alerted as to who Bas was and Brian immediately backed down and apologized before any brawl could take place. Listen to Bas tell the story himself.




(around 4 minute mark of clip)


Urlacher was about to make a huge mistake if it were not for his friends. There is a life lesson to be learned from this story.


As an aside, I think Bas seems like a great guy. It would have been funny if Bas and Urlacher actually "took it outside."

Edited by Peter
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Your post made me think of the Bas Rutten/Brian Urlacher story:






(around 4 minute mark of clip)


Urlacher was about to make a huge mistake if it were not for his friends. There is a life lesson to be learned from this story.


As an aside, I think Bas seems like a great guy. It would have been funny if Bas and Urlacher actually "took it outside."


I have never seen somebody who won't back down when they know they've made that huge mistake.


I'm thinking of guys who will beat up 100 guys, but when they pick on the wrong guy, it's all apologies.

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That might be fun, but I'd have a hard time deciding who I would brag to about it with my one phone call from jail.






Your post made me think of the Bas Rutten/Brian Urlacher story:






(around 4 minute mark of clip)


Urlacher was about to make a huge mistake if it were not for his friends. There is a life lesson to be learned from this story.


As an aside, I think Bas seems like a great guy. It would have been funny if Bas and Urlacher actually "took it outside."


I love that story

Edited by Rob's House
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No, I do. I just can't understand why the weakling brings it on themselves.

its the Nepolian syndrome. They are so short and small. Got their ass kicked all throughout high school and now that they are "adult sized" (I say that because they are usually 5-8 or smaller) they get a big ass truck, and they beat up people smaller than they are because they can't do it to real men.
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its the Nepolian syndrome. They are so short and small. Got their ass kicked all throughout high school and now that they are "adult sized" (I say that because they are usually 5-8 or smaller) they get a big ass truck, and they beat up people smaller than they are because they can't do it to real men.

I thought NePolian syndrome was when you couldn't stop yourself from telling your boss that his daughter is a c@#$?

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I wasn't there, I don't know if the Bills fan was taunting and/or was drunk and deserved it... But I wil tell you this, I'm 57 years old, had season tickets from 1978 until1988 when I left the Buffalo area for work reasons... I traveled to at least a dozen NFL cities to see the Bills play... I never wore Bills gear, I never drank and acted a fool, nerver taunted or ridiculed opposing fans.... I was never foolish enough to invite trouble and this is my advice..... CLASS begins with YOU and when you lose control of yourself, you lose control of the situation...

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I've never had problems in opposing venues. I've gone, worn my Bills gear, and cheered. I think the key is just being good natured in general. If you act cool with the people around you, they tend to like you.


Smile when you get scored on, take the ribbing like a man, and cheer without being a jerk when the Bills do well.


I've never even had a scintilla of confrontation.

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I wasn't there, I don't know if the Bills fan was taunting and/or was drunk and deserved it... But I wil tell you this, I'm 57 years old, had season tickets from 1978 until1988 when I left the Buffalo area for work reasons... I traveled to at least a dozen NFL cities to see the Bills play... I never wore Bills gear, I never drank and acted a fool, nerver taunted or ridiculed opposing fans.... I was never foolish enough to invite trouble and this is my advice..... CLASS begins with YOU and when you lose control of yourself, you lose control of the situation...


If I were going to an opposing team's stadium I'd probably do as you have for practical reasons, but I think it's bull **** to claim wearing your jersey and cheering for your team is "classless". Anyone who attacks someone for that is a pathetic POS.

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Nothing good ever happens in the end zone seats.


One of the guys I go to games with is always shooting his mouth off to opposing fans. I'm hoping he gets his ass kicked one of these times.

If you feel that way, then why do you still go to games with this guy?

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I've never had problems in opposing venues. I've gone, worn my Bills gear, and cheered. I think the key is just being good natured in general. If you act cool with the people around you, they tend to like you.


Smile when you get scored on, take the ribbing like a man, and cheer without being a jerk when the Bills do well.


I've never even had a scintilla of confrontation.

Me either. Went to the Bengals game a few years ago when it was Stevie's coming out party. The first half people were ripping on us and giving us a hard time and my brother and I just smiled and said "Yeah, we suck, we know."


Second half nobody talked to us but this one little kid he was about 7. My brother was trying to make him into a Bills fan and as the game went on people seemed to get a kick out of it. The boys mom even thanked us afterward for making the day fun for her son.


Games at the Ralph too with opposing fans. Last game against the Vikes we got a sack or something and I turned to the Vikes fan next to me and tried to high five him and he just looked at me but was laughing. It all about respect really. Its just a game. No reason to go to jail over it

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Me either. Went to the Bengals game a few years ago when it was Stevie's coming out party. The first half people were ripping on us and giving us a hard time and my brother and I just smiled and said "Yeah, we suck, we know."


Second half nobody talked to us but this one little kid he was about 7. My brother was trying to make him into a Bills fan and as the game went on people seemed to get a kick out of it. The boys mom even thanked us afterward for making the day fun for her son.


Games at the Ralph too with opposing fans. Last game against the Vikes we got a sack or something and I turned to the Vikes fan next to me and tried to high five him and he just looked at me but was laughing. It all about respect really. Its just a game. No reason to go to jail over it


Indeed...I've usually found that if you just pick one or two players on the opposing team that you like and compliment them, it's an immediate common ground that establishes rapport. Besides, I paid good money to get into that game; I don't want any kind of trouble that would result in my getting kicked out and not seeing the game I paid to see.

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Indeed...I've usually found that if you just pick one or two players on the opposing team that you like and compliment them, it's an immediate common ground that establishes rapport. Besides, I paid good money to get into that game; I don't want any kind of trouble that would result in my getting kicked out and not seeing the game I paid to see.

Yup this too. Saw a dude wearing Bridgewater and just ask "Oh what do you guys think so far? Does this kid have a shot?" Usually all it takes
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If I were going to an opposing team's stadium I'd probably do as you have for practical reasons, but I think it's bull **** to claim wearing your jersey and cheering for your team is "classless". Anyone who attacks someone for that is a pathetic POS.

Never said wearing you teams jersey was 'classless" taking what I wrote out of context.... I was making a point about inviting trouble.. Idiots will find a reason to be idiots, no reason to help them along.... I work with a guy who is a Miami fan and was all excited to sore Bills tickets a few years ago... I warned him about everything that I had previously stated, but he didn't listen.... Dresssed in Dolphin gear, he and his 7 year old son were harassed and pelted with popcorn and trash by drunken Bills fans... Fools come in all team colors..


Back about 1980, the seats behind me were held by Canadian season ticket holders... Each and every game they would cheer for who ever the Bills happened to be playing... Drunk, falling down, and obnoxious they played out the same script each and every week... Sometimes a fight would breakout with a Bills supporter and they would be escorted out of the stadium, only to return the next week... I once made a disparaging remark about Canadians, only to hear a gentleman sitting in the row in front of me say, 'Not all Canadians are like that'.... I apologized for my assumption and looked forward to seeing my new Canadian Bills fan for numerous seasons to follow....


Once again, wearing a Jersey of your favorite team has no bearing on CLASS....

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I may have shared this story before, but it's a good one so I'll share it again.


I was at a bar with a friend, it must have been 15 years ago, watching the Redskins play the Cardinals when we coincidentally ran into some guys who were kind of friends of ours (our social circles intermingled). Everyone there except me and one other guy were Redskins fans, and I was pulling for the skins too. The one guy who wasn't was a Cowboys fan. When the Redskins won, every one of us jumped up cheering. This Cowboy fan was pissed and wanted to take it out on someone, so rather than say anything to any of us he picked out some kid who was maybe 18 wearing a Redskins jacket and started talking ****.


At around 6', the kid was a fair amount taller than his aggressor, who stood about 5'6", but the short guy was stocky and built, and the kid looked soft like he'd never been in a fight before. He was completely non-confrontational and tried to brush it off like the guy was joking, but for whatever reason the dude wouldn't let it go. He kept talking **** trying to goad this kid into a fight but the kid wouldn't take the bait.


He then followed the kid out into the parking lot to press the issue. When I got out there there was a circle of people with the two of them in the middle, one guy talking ****, the other flustered and scared, pleading repeatedly that he didn't have any problem with the guy and didn't understand why he wanted to fight. After about five minutes of this the Cowboys fan realized the kid was never going to give him a reason to fight and decided "!@#$ it" and reared back and drilled the kid straight in the face.


Adrenaline, shock and fear set in as the kid reached out to put his hands on the guy's shoulders to hold him back and protect himself. The shorter guy threw several hay makers to the face and body, most grazing or missing, few hitting solidly. Then he lunged in, grabbed the kid, and started driving him back about 20 feet into the grill of a truck. At this point the shorter guy ran out of wind and said "it's over, dude."


In a fraction of a second, the look in this kids eyes went from fear and terror, to relief, to realization, to RAGE. He realized his attacker was gassed and he was still fresh and he started throwing straight right punches. The bully started backpedaling to get out of his range, but the kid pressed forward punching him again and again driving forward for about 15 feet until the would be bully fully retreated at which point, with great confidence and fury yelled, "YEAH! YOU WANT SOME MORE B word!?"


The would be bully didn't want more.


Of the fights I've witnessed this was my favorite. The night the bully got his ass kicked by his victim.


I've never had problems in opposing venues. I've gone, worn my Bills gear, and cheered. I think the key is just being good natured in general. If you act cool with the people around you, they tend to like you.


Smile when you get scored on, take the ribbing like a man, and cheer without being a jerk when the Bills do well.


I've never even had a scintilla of confrontation.


I think that's true most of the time. Even at the bar, if we're winning and I'm around someone wearing the rival jersey I'll usually say something like "don't get too worried yet, we have a knack for pulling defeat from the jaws of victory," and then it's friendly. It's a rare occasion where someone still picks a fight.

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