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Fan fight video

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If i am going to a game at another stadium I am wearing a bill shirt of some kind and cheering for my team. I m not going to be obnoxious or over the top but I'll cheer Bills success.


If someone else has a problem with that we will keep it there problem. I won't have any of it.

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Sometimes it's like you don't understand human nature at all...


The lesson of history is that the bigger better dude always beats up on the littler or fatter out of shape dude.

Union dude vs rebel dude

Russian dude vs German dude

US dude vs Japan dude

Sluggo vs Mr Bill

Only exception Popeye beats up Bluto every time.



Plus he's wearing a Modrak-era Bills jersey. I'd hit him too.


Good one.

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Last year in New Orleans all the fans were really nice to me, except for one dude. I had been drinking since Friday so by Sunday was too hungover to drink. My whole row was Bills fans, some that I knew, most I didn't, all were drunk. I was on the aisle, and most Saints fans were really nice. But one guy was just a jerk to everybody. Except of course the quiet, hungover, sober one at the end of the aisle. So of course, since I'm not talking back, being hungover, and knowing we had no chance of winning. Seeing that I'm not talking back, he decides that he wants to yell straight at me. I ignore him, and that just infuriated him even more till he was right in my face. Got to the point where other Saints fans were apologizing to me on his behalf. Guy behind me had Freddie on his fantasy team so even highfived and cheered with us after he scored a touchdown. Playful taunting back and forth is fun, but there's a limit. If I wasn't a guest in the stadium, I would have hit him.

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I may have shared this story before, but it's a good one so I'll share it again.


I was at a bar with a friend, it must have been 15 years ago, watching the Redskins play the Cardinals when we coincidentally ran into some guys who were kind of friends of ours (our social circles intermingled). Everyone there except me and one other guy were Redskins fans, and I was pulling for the skins too. The one guy who wasn't was a Cowboys fan. When the Redskins won, every one of us jumped up cheering. This Cowboy fan was pissed and wanted to take it out on someone, so rather than say anything to any of us he picked out some kid who was maybe 18 wearing a Redskins jacket and started talking ****.


At around 6', the kid was a fair amount taller than his aggressor, who stood about 5'6", but the short guy was stocky and built, and the kid looked soft like he'd never been in a fight before. He was completely non-confrontational and tried to brush it off like the guy was joking, but for whatever reason the dude wouldn't let it go. He kept talking **** trying to goad this kid into a fight but the kid wouldn't take the bait.


He then followed the kid out into the parking lot to press the issue. When I got out there there was a circle of people with the two of them in the middle, one guy talking ****, the other flustered and scared, pleading repeatedly that he didn't have any problem with the guy and didn't understand why he wanted to fight. After about five minutes of this the Cowboys fan realized the kid was never going to give him a reason to fight and decided "!@#$ it" and reared back and drilled the kid straight in the face.


Adrenaline, shock and fear set in as the kid reached out to put his hands on the guy's shoulders to hold him back and protect himself. The shorter guy threw several hay makers to the face and body, most grazing or missing, few hitting solidly. Then he lunged in, grabbed the kid, and started driving him back about 20 feet into the grill of a truck. At this point the shorter guy ran out of wind and said "it's over, dude."


In a fraction of a second, the look in this kids eyes went from fear and terror, to relief, to realization, to RAGE. He realized his attacker was gassed and he was still fresh and he started throwing straight right punches. The bully started backpedaling to get out of his range, but the kid pressed forward punching him again and again driving forward for about 15 feet until the would be bully fully retreated at which point, with great confidence and fury yelled, "YEAH! YOU WANT SOME MORE B word!?"


The would be bully didn't want more.


Of the fights I've witnessed this was my favorite. The night the bully got his ass kicked by his victim.




That's a good story. I'll tell you my favorite fight story. Its when I was in High School waiting for the bus ride home. I had my usual group of friends that I waited with. Not my best friends but friends I made on the bus.

So we are waiting for the bus and this loud mouth punk starts talking crap with this one guy who is pretty buff actually but very quiet and reserved. So after about 5 minutes of listening to this punk taunt and call names he punches the punk in the face and knocks him out cold. The punch was so fast I didn't even see his arm move. It was classic. The punk never came around again.

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