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PLEASE, no more Toronto!

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Do you think if we were a playoff team, with playoff talent, the Toronto game would stand in our way? I don't. Good teams win in hostile environments.


If we were a dominant team with a Hall of fame QB like Manning or Brady then no. But we're a team that's been trying to turn the corner for over a decade, and in our case it's a huge disadvantage (1-5 record). The Pats, Fins, and Jets get 8 home games. We get 7.


Every other GM in the league can stand up and say "Our organization is 100% committed to winning first and foremost" Our front office can never say that. As a matter of fact, they have to carefully skirt that issue - lest one of our local scribes will stand up and call them on it. We sell a home game and put profit ahead of our commitment to winning, and that's a fact (however sad it is).

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oh please there are so many other factors that play a role in a win or loss. when you lose your home crowd, uh yea, it matters and ANY player of ANY sport will tell you that it's night and day.


you can nitpick those two fumbles if you'd like and ignore that bigger picture that the Bills are at a clear disadvantage when they play up there, if that's what floats you boat.


some players have openly express they discontent with the toronto series as well as fans.


more games against teams coming off a bye or a thurs game and one less home game a year. all disadvantages. the FO is not putting this team in an environment to win. plain and simple.

wouldn't have needed those plays in RWS....we would have been taking a knee....


I didn't nitpick the two fumbles. How about blowing that lead and the momentum (as mentioned in my original post) in a stadium that, from my TV, seemed to be cheering for Buffalo? This loss is not on the stadium.

Edited by Offsides Number 76
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i started a thread about stopping the support for this useless toronto series but it got closed.



this FO is screwing the fan base by doing this. no one there cares and they don't care they steal a game from its season ticket holders.

when will we stand together that this series is nothing but a money grab and stealing our own teams fan base/advantage? you want to botch that they don't pay jairus byrd but steal home games?! this is just typical front office moves! they are screwing tha fan base over and over again!!!!

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Who exactly is it that decided to give Atlanta another game in a dome instead of having to play in Buffalo? I mean, of all teams...get dome team Atlanta outdoors in Buffalo in December is a huge home field advantage. Instead they got a bonus quiet warm and cozy dome game? Given that they were among the Super Bowl favorites when the schedules were created, it just seems like the NFL was giving them a gift here.


Looking at our 2014 non-div home opponents: KC, SD, GB, MIN, AFC North TBD opponent. Let me guess...it'll be a mid december game against the Chargers.

Edited by disco
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I'm a season ticket holder and I refuse to attend these Toronto games out of my own little protest against it. All of my season ticket holder friends take the same stance and also protest the Toronto games with their non-attendance. We want the game back in Buffalo. But our only recourse is to not support the Toronto game and to voice our opposition to it.


The cheers of the home crowd helps prop your players up to play better and helps demoralize your opponents. No doubt that could have helped today.


If that game was in the Ralph, it is possible that the 14 point lead turns into an even bigger lead because of the emotional bonus effect from the crowd.


Maybe that is wishful thinking. The effect of crowd noise on teams definitely gives a distinct advantage to the home team though. I am mad that I got screwed out of rooting for my home team in my home stadium for this game. This would have been a nice game to see at the Ralph.

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The only ones to blame for these games not being Home games for the Bills are the fans who would rather throw temper tantrums that a home game is being played in Toronto to help the team get more revenue to survive in the NFL instead of traveling the 1 hour down the QEW to Toronto and support your team. When was the last time this team won at RWS because of the "home field advantage" at RWS?The only way that game is going to be a home game with a crowd supporting the Bills is if Bills fans attend the damn games instead of just crying about them and the lack of crowd support

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The only ones to blame for these games not being Home games for the Bills are the fans who would rather throw temper tantrums that a home game is being played in Toronto to help the team get more revenue to survive in the NFL instead of traveling the 1 hour down the QEW to Toronto and support your team. When was the last time this team won at RWS because of the "home field advantage" at RWS?The only way that game is going to be a home game with a crowd supporting the Bills is if Bills fans attend the damn games instead of just crying about them and the lack of crowd support


I disagree.


The whole point of the Toronto game was to regionalize the fan base, not get people from buffalo to travel to Toronto.


Judging from the attendance at these games, it seems like the plan hasn't worked as the bills had hoped.

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I posted this in a different thread but it it fits better in this one.


There were thousands of Falcon fans, a good bit of Bills fans, I really wonder how many actual Canadians attended the game because it cant be that many, this with freebies given out all over town. Im not part of the doom and gloomers talking about the Bills moving north. If these games are any measure of Canadians hunger for American football I dont see it. I swear at points early in the game you could almost follow a conversation in the stands it was so dead. And yes I get that the team playing isnt named Toronto. Maybe Toronto to the shock to noone is a hockey city first and I do think Canadian football fans may think about what having an NFL franchise in one of their largest cities would do to the entire CFL. Just maybe they have some pride and loyalty to a football league played across their country. Really what is the attendance for an Argo's game? Less then 40k in the seats for the NFL....scary .I would be leery if Im an owner going to plunk down close to a billion for a team. Hell American football fans in a great weather city like San Diego are sweating a move. Just becaue Toronto is bigger, doesnt make them an automatic success as an NFL fanbase.



Edited by billsfan714
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How in the hell are there so many Atlanta Falcons fans in Toronto? I could understand the Cowboys or Patriots, but that place was roaring when they hit the field goal in OT. Just terrible!


I dont think there are many Falcon fans in Toronto. Its more like a lot of the fans in Canada are @ssholes and pull for any team playing the Bills. I've seen em in the ralph and they can go to hell.

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What a disadvantage to play in Toronto ... for all the reasons previously stated. Horrible decision for the team (maybe not the FO).

How many empty seats in that stadium? It is clear they do not want NFL there. Big mistake if any team moves there.

5 losses out of 6 games.

I have a idea: let's host a dome team, and play in a dome as a home team.

F**king ridiculous.


The Toronto crowd is the worst, those pricks always root for the "away" team. Every time Atlanta scored or made big D plays they cheered loudly, friggin D - bags :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:

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No matter how good or bad this team is going forward, we are the only team in the nfl with seven home games EVERY year. We are one of the most passionate fan bases in the world and because of our city's small market we get this crap every year. It sucks.

It's not an excuse for our shittyness but it just plain fuggin sucks.


Small market BS more like it, plenty of other small market teams are doing fine, like Cincy, Pittsburgh, Cleveland. It's just propaganda they feed us to make us think we need Toronto to survive. (I'm not disagreeing with your post just adding to it).


If This team wants to make money start winning and this franchise will have all the green they can handle without pimping us out to big markets that don't even want us.

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I dont think there are many Falcon fans in Toronto. Its more like a lot of the fans in Canada are @ssholes and pull for any team playing the Bills. I've seen em in the ralph and they can go to hell.

I think you hit the nail on the head. Hell I live in Atlanta and the fans here gave up on the Falcons over a month ago. There is no way they have a bunch of fans who travel to their away games, not after going from Super Bowl expectations in the off season to a (mostly) lifeless 2-9 team. The Toronto folks that go to the game seem to love to cheer on anyone that is playing the Bills. It is pitiful and it even showed up in the SI recap after the game (they since edited it to get rid of some of the more sarcastic remarks about the alleged "home game" and the fans it attracts). The Toronto venue is an embarrassment for the Bills. I'm not even bringing up how it hurts our team and may or may not affect the outcome of the games. I'm saying I think it makes us a laughing stock that we willingly give up one of our home games.
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What a disadvantage to play in Toronto ... for all the reasons previously stated. Horrible decision for the team (maybe not the FO).

How many empty seats in that stadium? It is clear they do not want NFL there. Big mistake if any team moves there.

5 losses out of 6 games.

I have a idea: let's host a dome team, and play in a dome as a home team.

F**king ridiculous.


You have hit the nail on the head. The reason the Bills lost is we played in Toronto. What else could it be?


So should we expect a packed RWS for the Dolphins? :lol:



Edited by PromoTheRobot
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You have hit the nail on the head. The reason the Bills lost is we played in Toronto. What else could it be?


So should we expect a packed RWS for the Dolphins? :lol:




So what you are implying then is that there isn't a home field advantage? 70 thousand screaming Bills fans at RWS wouldn't have made a difference, and that the less than 38,000 fans, more than half of which that were rooting for the falcons had no impact on the game?


that's lame, even for you....

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You have hit the nail on the head. The reason the Bills lost is we played in Toronto. What else could it be?


So should we expect a packed RWS for the Dolphins? :lol:



No, there will be thousands of excuses from the "greatest NFL fans" why they can't attend this game with most of them being that "the Bills are out of the playoff hunt", "have sucked for years", "Ralph is cheap and just trying to make money", "Too close to the Holidays", "More comfortable watching at home", etc


I disagree.


The whole point of the Toronto game was to regionalize the fan base, not get people from buffalo to travel to Toronto.


Judging from the attendance at these games, it seems like the plan hasn't worked as the bills had hoped.

Sorry, I was never given the memo that only Toronto/Canadian Bills fans were allowed to attend...........


I posted this in a different thread but it it fits better in this one.


There were thousands of Falcon fans, a good bit of Bills fans, I really wonder how many actual Canadians attended the game because it cant be that many, this with freebies given out all over town. Im not part of the doom and gloomers talking about the Bills moving north. If these games are any measure of Canadians hunger for American football I dont see it. I swear at points early in the game you could almost follow a conversation in the stands it was so dead. And yes I get that the team playing isnt named Toronto. Maybe Toronto to the shock to noone is a hockey city first and I do think Canadian football fans may think about what having an NFL franchise in one of their largest cities would do to the entire CFL. Just maybe they have some pride and loyalty to a football league played across their country. Really what is the attendance for an Argo's game? Less then 40k in the seats for the NFL....scary .I would be leery if Im an owner going to plunk down close to a billion for a team. Hell American football fans in a great weather city like San Diego are sweating a move. Just becaue Toronto is bigger, doesnt make them an automatic success as an NFL fanbase.

Unlike the Bills having the owner, or Russell Salvatore by up thousands of tickets and give them away to save the games from being blacked out multiple times a year?
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