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Polian was right when he said recently (paraphrasing):


"Marv Levy did less with more, than any coach in history. That team was loaded. We (the league, not just the Bills) may never see such a collection of talent again."

Edited by maddenboy
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It will play out that the Bills made a very good decision drafting EJ at #16


The Bills front office, and new coaching staff is doing a good job despite a lot of challenges


Mario was not worth his contract. But I am glad he is on the team and think he is a great player.


Byrd wants out of Buffalo more than he wants a bigger contract.


Stevie Johnson is a 7th round pick who often plays like a 7th round pick. That said, he has overachieved in my mind looking at his career as a whole

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I hate breast cancer awareness month.


I know, women get it. And die from it. My grandma got it in her 80s. A co-worker of mine got it. I hope no one else I love gets it. Actually, I hope everyone I love doesn't get any disease.


Pink shoes, pink socks, pink Niagara Falls, pink this, pink that. They got so silly, the pink flags were causing confusion.


I think the football-viewing populace understands. Women have breasts. They can get cancer. It does, no doubt, suck. ALL cancer sucks. ALL diseases suck.


Let's end this phony display already. What about brain cancer? And lung cancer? And the uber preventable prostate cancer? MS? ALS? Mental disease? Obesity? Because of good marketing, us fans have to endure four weeks of Pepto Bismol?

Edited by Just in Atlanta
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Polian was right when he said recently (paraphrasing):


Marv Levy did less with more, than any coach in history. That team was loaded. We may never see such a collection of talent again.


I know Polian has said "We may never see such a collection of talent again".


I have never seen him say anything approaching "Marv Levy did less with more than any coach in history", and unless you have a link, I question whether you're distorting the meaning with your paraphrase. It is rather silly to consider 4 consecutive Superbowl appearances as "less" than any coach. What other coach has done as much?


In the end, a combination of key injuries, distraction - players getting too full of themselves and getting distracted with partying too hard the night before, pranking over playing (Thurman's helmet), and a D that had great players and good players - but not quite enough of the latter at key positions - and yes, being outcoached somewhat in the Big Dance - did the Bills in in those 4 SB. The players have to be grown-ups and want it enough to be at there best, as well. Levy didn't make Kelly throw all those picks.

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I suppose this opinion is neither unpopular or popular....yet:


I used to think Metzelaars_lives was a fine upstanding poster, but am now questioning that assessment as he made a special point to agree that Andre Reed will not be inducted into the NFL hall of fame..and that he shouldn't be. :doh:


Metzelaars_lives would be dead to me, at this point, if he had also agreed that Eric Moulds was a better receiver than Andre Reed...since Metzelaars_lives is usually pretty sharp, I will assume he is not agreeing with that asinine statement as well...and he regained some credibility by pointing out, in his own way, that saying Kenneth Davis was a better running back for the Buffalo Bills than Thurman Thomas...still...this thread is really opening my eyes...I don't even know who some of you people are anymore... :w00t:

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Dude, I hope you realize I was not agreeing with the poster who said that Kenneth Davis > Thurman Thomas!?!?! And no, I think that Andre Reed was definitely a greater all-time receiver than Eric Moulds. The numbers actually aren't that far off and, without looking, I'm guessing that Moulds had better single seasons than Reed. HOWEVER, Andre Reed was an incredible impact playoff performer throughout his career. And more importantly, numbers don't tell the whole story. Andre Reed was simply considered a greater receiver relative to other WR's in the league during his prime. All that being said, although I think he is on the cusp of being a HOF'er, I like my Hall of Fame to include great players only; not very good players. I don't like the fact that Bert Blyleven and Rich Gossage are in the baseball Hall of Fame and I don't like the fact that Art Monk is in the football Hall of Fame. Again, Reed is borderline but I don't think he's quite a Hall of Famer. And when you add all that to the fact the Bills already have FIVE players/coaches from that squad in the Hall and they don't have a ring, I just don't see them making room for him. That was pretty sharp, eh?

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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I have the utmost respect for Josh Reed and Shaud Williams, and their contributions to the team.


I think Levy was a very good coach and all of the comments about the talented "loaded" team he coached only exist because of the success they had under him. Bruce Smith would have stood out on any team, but the others were put in a position to play to their strengths and realize their potential (in broad strokes).


Lee Evans was a winner. The team let him down more than the other way around.

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I hate breast cancer awareness month.


I know, women get it. And die from it. My grandma got it in her 80s. A co-worker of mine got it. I hope no one else I love gets it. Actually, I hope everyone I love doesn't get any disease.


Pink shoes, pink socks, pink Niagara Falls, pink this, pink that. They got so silly, the pink flags were causing confusion.


I think the football-viewing populace understands. Women have breasts. They can get cancer. It does, no doubt, suck. ALL cancer sucks. ALL diseases suck.


Let's end this phony display already. What about brain cancer? And lung cancer? And the uber preventable prostate cancer? MS? ALS? Mental disease? Obesity? Because of good marketing, us fans have to endure four weeks of Pepto Bismol?

The thing about this is that two years ago, someone would have undoubtedly said, "what you have a problem with breast cancer awareness? My aunt had breast cancer. Why don't you go crawl under a rock and die somewhere." But by now, it is SOOOOOOO played out that I think your sentiment is the popular one. I can't freaking stand it anymore and I think most people would agree with us.


OK here's the first 2 of my own, ready? 1. Jim Kelly should NOT have been a first ballot HOF'er. He should've been a second or maybe third. Thurman Thomas SHOULD have been a first ballot hall of famer (he was a second). 2. It was a freaking lateral. It was thrown 100% completely parallel. It was called right on the field and they certainly made the right call by upholding it. The only thing I'd concede is that if they had ruled it a forward pass on the field, they probably would've/should've upheld that as well, just because it was so close. But anyone who thinks they should have reversed the call, doesn't understand the rule and is simply not being objective. Great thread by the way.


If Russell Wilson was drafted by the Bills he wouldn't have played a lick last year and would have been cut by Coach Marrone in order hand the reins to their main men EJ and Tuel Time.

Dude, no he wouldn't have.
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Mike Schopp is a very good radio host. He doesn't tolerate stupidity on the part of those who call in- and I can't say that I blame him.


Bulldog, on the other hand, has no business being in the profession.


I used to be a huge Sabres fan. But I am getting a kick out of the fact that they suck so bad. Buffalo is, and always will be, a football town.

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- Bills will not score more than 24 points in a game this season.

- Like it or not OJ was the best player the Bills ever had.

- If Buffalo did not have a football team, most people in Buffalo would support the Dolphins or the Cowboys.

- The majority of the children born in Buffalo have been fathered by Willis McGahee or Travis Henry.

- The Bills name is just as offensive to guys name Bill as the Redskins are to Native Americans.

- The Bills should throw Kyle Williams in the Poz pyle and draft a Pat Williams clone.

- The Bills new uniforms look like knock off Colt uni's. Where is the red?

Edited by VADC Bills
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Marv Levy wasn't that good of a coach.


Buddy Nix was underrated, as was Tom Donahoe.


The Toronto Series is a must for the long term viability of the franchise.


Russ Brandon is the best thing that has ever happened to the Bills, in terms of keeping the team economically viable in Buffalo in the post-Wilson era.


This is spot on.

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There should be a ban on draft threads until midseason.

Agreed. I'll never understand why people invest so much time and energy to research prospective players when they have no control over whether or not the Bills will actually draft them. Like, OK, you really like this one tight end out of TCU or something as a value pick in the 4th round. Well, the chances of the Bills drafting him are 1 out of 32. So 31 out of 32 times you're going to think the Bills whiffed on some guy, who has no better chance of succeeding at the next level than any other mid round tight end. Once you realize that it's a complete crap shoot and just let the experts make their mocks, you'll have so much extra time on your hands. Like these people that put their entire 7 round draft wishes on their signature. Guess what? They're not going to take more than maybe 1 of your guys and the guys you wanted them to take in rounds 4-7 are out of the league now just like the guys the Bills drafted rounds 4-7. But you can never have that time back.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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I hate to bash a Bills supporter, but Chris Berman is awful.


The "pink" is pure marketing by the NFL to attract females fans. Next up for the NFL is camoflauge.


Fans of Ohio State and Notre Dame are the worst in college football.


Whoever is in charge of playing music at the Sabres games should have been fired in 1995.

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Imo, EJ is a bust, he shows flashes of being decent at times, but will never be consistent. The FO drafted him to try a last ditch effort to keep fans interested, but as we all see it's same old crap just a different year. Mario was a good move for us. Pettine was an awesome move, but I don't believe he will be in Buffalo for very long. I wish Andy Reid was our head coach. Finally, if Manziel enters the draft, I say we take him! We are going to have another top 10 pick after this season ends.


exactly but no one wants to admit it

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