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If Bryd is a man....

Estelle Getty

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Any player with his head screwed on properly knows and understands that his loyalty is to himself and to his family. He "owes" the fans and the owners exactly nothing. He should always look out for himself because nobody else will. Everybody involved in this business is completely self interested and that is what it should and needs to be.

Byrd is in an awkward position. If he has a chronic foot problem that legitimately keeps him off the field for at least part of a season, then probably he and his agent have overvalued his services. That would also be the case if he is basically good to go but playing would credibly risk aggravating the injury to where he would legitimately be unable to play.

If he can play with the condition, as he did last year, then he is in bad faith in refusing to honour his contract.

The mere risk of sustaining any injury is of course no reason not to play. Otherwise there would be no football.

Idk but I wonder what Eugene will be telling the Bills or perhaps other teams after the season is over. I suspect he will be saying that his client doesn't really have a chronic debilitating condition that will keep him off the field for four or five games a year. In other words with a wink and a nod it will be understood that this really relates entirely to his contractual situation.

I guess Eugene assumes, quite possibly with justification, that he and his client can get away with this. Just show us the money and he will be on the field.

Now however it becomes important for Byrd to see the field to maintain his value in a contract year. So now it's up to coach.

If this is what's going on Byrd and Parker are in bad faith.

If it's not, he's not worth what he wants.

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as someone said it's a national audience to showcase his audience. He'll play well and then say playing hurt his footsie.

Playing and then saying he got injured again kills his market value.

Edited by Doc
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The difference for Byrd right now is that he can be selfish and risk little personally as the franchise deal leaves him set personally for life. However, to play would be a selfish move because if he negotiates a long term deal not only him and his parents but also relatives past his cousins and beyond would also be set. The irony here is that the manly thing to do is to not sign until he gets a career deal because if he signs the big contract his immediate family plus are the winners. If he "manned up" as some demand and signed he would actually be doing the selfish thing as he would be choosing his teammates over his close but still fairly immediate (aunts, uncles and cousins) family. I have no problem with either choice but playing and risking a multi-year deal would actually be quite selfish and pretty unmanly IMHO. Its his choice though.

I think he is playing this perfectly. He waits until he is 1000% healthy and can go at full strength without taking shots, etc. Goes out and plays very well for 7-9 games, signs a $20-30m guaranteed deal after a quality up year for the Bills and its all good. The Bills aren't going there with Pettine's defense emphasizing corner and slot corner play way above high safety play. Everyone is happy. We pay Gilmore, Brooks or whoever is awesome at Corner and pay and live with Searcy and Williams at the low-impact safety position. Just hope we trade the guy before all this happens, but the word is probably out and teams will just wait until FA and compete for him there. Kind of stinks, but it is what it is. In the Jauron/Wanny schemes, high safety was a key key position, in Pettine's immediate pressure scheme, not so much. Heck, f ing JIm Leonhard is effective in Pettines defense.

Edited by 8and8Forever
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I think he is playing this perfectly. He waits until he is 1000% healthy and can go at full strength without taking shots, etc. Goes out and plays very well for 7-9 games, signs a $20-30m guaranteed deal after a quality up year for the Bills and its all good. The Bills aren't going there with Pettine's defense emphasizing corner and slot corner play way above high safety play. Everyone is happy. We pay Gilmore, Brooks or whoever is awesome at Corner and live with Searcy and Williams at the low-impact safety position.




That's like 100% for each toe.



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Maybe during the Cincinnati game the team can entice Byrd to participate by nixing all team intros in lieu of a Jairus Byrd exclusive. We'll put together a nice clip of Jairus' greatest plays, and that will culminate him flying out of the tunnel to the adoring masses whilst the PA rings out "BYYYYYRRRRD MAAAAAAAN" Something classy like the old cartoon:


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No surprise. He continues to demonstrate that he is a POS week after week.


I saw a quote from Byrd where he said it was Marrone's call on whether he played or not


"I feel pretty good," Byrd said. "It’s been getting better and it’s a process. I haven’t had any setbacks so we’ll see. We’ll see. I got in there a little bit. I’m not going to say yes-no that’s coach Marrone’s call. I honestly don’t even know."


Until I hear differently from Marrone or the Bills I'm going to assume this is accurate.



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Playing and then saying he got injured again kills his market value.

I partially disagree.

But first i dont think that will happen.

Byrd plays well it means he can walk onto a team (to a degree) and kick butt is a positive.

Ailments can be repaired even this horrible emasculating disease., Masked over with meds. or a full miraculous recovery one with cash.

I think if he plays well when he finally plays ,everyone knows this is all buulshit. he is exposed as a weenie with great skill we flip him off and he gets picked up by the jets or patsies.

Letsjust hope we can get trade value

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