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Buffalo News reporting Byrd wants traded by Oct. 29 deadline


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So last year he played on a one year rookie deal but this year on a one year tag he absolutely won't?




#1- this years tag is 100% guaranteed for injury.


#2- had he missed most of last year, he probably wouldn't have gotten tagged this year.


#3- the most important thing to Byrd is to get to the end of this season healthy. even if it means missing games early, as long as he show he is healthy at the end. then he is likely to get tagged again or the long term deal he desires. either way, more guaranteed money.

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I was listening to WGR earlier today and Joe B had a significant point about the whole Jarius Byrd situation that I think merits further discussion. Joe said (paraphrasing) that back in March the Bills hadsome question about how well Byrd fits in the new defensive scheme that Pettine has implemented. The second question was if the Bills would want to pay top dollar for a safety that might not be a perfect fit?


Now lets be clear, no one is saying that Byrd isn't a great, ball hawking safety. The reality is though that the prior Bills defenses are very different from what we'll likely see on the field this Sunday. Byrd won't be able to sit back in a cover 2 scheme, read the QB's eyes and grap the pick. Safeties in Pettine's system are much more physical and aggressive. Pettine is also going to employ schemes where he'll have three safeties on the field at times. Jarius has never been a great "in the box" type of safety and he's not a jarring hitter.


The Bills wonder, and rightly so, what his production will look like in this new system hence their reluctance to go out and spend top dollar.


Not saying it's the right position for the Bills to take but I can totally understand their line of thinking.

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It's been discussed several times that this could be an audition in the eyes of pettine/Whaley. It could be. If that's true it could be true that they weren't aggressive in locking him up and this drama is truly from a lowball offer. Could also be him being unreasonable. Based on his verbiage about "not knowing what else he has to show after 4 years" he may have at some point been told he had to show them something this year.


Or he might be dramatic and unreasonable. We just don't know right now

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Fit is overrated when it comes to elite players, especially on defense in my opinion. Elite defenders can play zone, play man, tackle, make plays on the ball, etc. Now whether you consider Byrd elite or not is a different question. But in my opinion, he can do all of those things.

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Just watched the Byrd, (sorry, from here on out "Tyrd") news conference, what a sour puss. I hope that's the last interview and he just declines to talk to press and gives no interviews. Just play football, oh, and by the way, make $7 million this year. What a cry baby


The players were made available to the media post practice, he didn't call a presser. If he refuses to answer questions posed by the media, it will only fuel unsubstantiated rumors that the press and knuckle headed fans will feast on.


Some posters on TSW and fans elsewhere sound like the :censored: babies to me.

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Just watched the Byrd, (sorry, from here on out "Tyrd") news conference, what a sour puss. I hope that's the last interview and he just declines to talk to press and gives no interviews. Just play football, oh, and by the way, make $7 million this year. What a cry baby

Honest question: do you think that given their earning power, Drew Brees, Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers or any other top-flight QB while in their prime would sit and be happy with a one-year deal at $7 million and nothing guaranteed beyond? These guys have special bargaining power and leverage in a game where billions are made off of their athletic exploits. They are worth more -- in their particular niche of the world. You don't have to like it, or to like them, but it's the reality of the situation. Byrd is obviously not at their prime position, but my point is that no one in their right mind would say that these guys should take a $7M one year deal just because it is good money in the grand scheme of things. It's simply not how the system works.


The whole "boo hoo, he should be happy making what he's making playing a game" sentiment just displays a complete lack of understanding of the world these guys live in. It is a high power, high stakes game played by guys who have a specific talent and skill set that happens to be valuable in the league and in this country.


Yes, he gets to play a game for a living. Yes, he makes more money than I'll probably ever see. Yes, that's absurd. But if you hate it so much, stop watching the game. Or, just be like most rational people and understand that this has everything to do with how the CBA MAKES these things play out. It's designed to keep players cost-controllable, it's designed to reward them on a limited basis with no long-term guarantees, and it's designed to advance raises so that it becomes increasingly difficult for the team to maintain that cost control over more than 1-2 years.


True, many players sign their franchise tenders without as much acrimony, but we don't have any further information beyond that as to side deals and promises made among teams and players.


Byrd could just be angry because he knows he has been injured, he knows it can all end on one play, he knows he doesn't have a lot of leverage, and he believes he is in his prime. It is not going to line up for him for more than a year or two. The older he gets, the more risky he gets, and the less able he is to capitalize on those prime years and the production he has displayed.


I think he's worth Weddle, Goldson money and wish that he were offered it, and that he would accept it from the Bills. Negotiations by nature are not public so we really don't know what he's been offered or what he has turned down.


Everything else is coming from a secondary source and we should always question the veracity and the motives of those sources.


This is my last post ever on this because it seems like people are content to say the same stupid things. It becomes all the more ridiculous when we realize that if Byrd signed a long term deal at the end of the year, all we would want is for him to be great in a Bills uniform.

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It's been discussed several times that this could be an audition in the eyes of pettine/Whaley. It could be. If that's true it could be true that they weren't aggressive in locking him up and this drama is truly from a lowball offer. Could also be him being unreasonable. Based on his verbiage about "not knowing what else he has to show after 4 years" he may have at some point been told he had to show them something this year.


Or he might be dramatic and unreasonable. We just don't know right now

Good point, I watched that interview
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Then why franchise the guy when you knew that it was a guaranteed holdout if you weren't willing to pay him the going rate for a top free agent safety? Why not trade him in April when there was still the market?

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