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Can I start another $%&#@ Dave Wannstedt thread?


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Be careful eball I went here like a month ago and was amazed that there are some people that DON'T think that it was Wanny's fault. His vanilla scheme was so outdated. It was like watching the Pro Bowl every week. That was certainly the biggest problem last year with the defense. You have to put people in position to succeed. You need to dictate the paste not react to what is being dictated to you.


Not just that but you need to DISGUISE!! The amount of game planning that team do now is far more advanced than ever before. If teams know what you are going to do before you do it they design something to expose the flaws of what you are about to do. He never understood that and thought that if we line up with more talent we should win. That is not always the case.


For example if they know where Mario is coming from they will shift a TE or back to help. They weren't scared to get beat by a blitzed in this situation because they RARELY sent anyone other than the front 4.

I don't know of any.

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It was pointed out by our good friend Rastro on Twitter that 8 out of 11 currently-designated starters on the Bills' defense were 1st or 2nd round draft picks.









A. Williams


The other three? K. Williams (4th), Carrington (3rd), and Bradham (5th)


Only Lawson and Alonso are newcomers this season.


I think we know why Mike Pettine wanted this job -- talent out the yin-yang.


And most were high picks within those rounds too:


#10 Gilmore

#11 McKelvin

#1 Mario

#3 Dareus

#22 Lawson

#46 Alonso

#42 Byrd

#34 A. Williams

#134 K. Williams

#72 Carrington

#105 Bradham


Average pick position: 43.6


Plus Jerry Hughes - another 1st rounder - #31 overall.

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It was pointed out by our good friend Rastro on Twitter that 8 out of 11 currently-designated starters on the Bills' defense were 1st or 2nd round draft picks.









A. Williams


The other three? K. Williams (4th), Carrington (3rd), and Bradham (5th)


Only Lawson and Alonso are newcomers this season.


I think we know why Mike Pettine wanted this job -- talent out the yin-yang.

It's obvious why Wanny did not succeed. Lawson wasn't on his team.



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It's still not going to be an overnight success. Should the results be better? Absolutely, however it'll take time to adjust to the scheme for both players and the coach. Our linebackers are still a question mark until proven otherwise.

Seriously. The whole team is a question mark after last season

and the season before and the season before and the season before and....


But it aint no lie. this aint yor granpappy's Buffalo Bills son Billeive it and mark it down.

you are correct about the team buliding will take time but we do have some nice ingredients. Hope this doesnt go like Rian Lindell's carreer. Who played very very well for ever on a team that could not would not become a contender. poor bastard. 32 yards to become the leading scorer.

Dont worry we will find a way to suck .

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Along those lines, here's a decent Kool-Aid-drinker article from Yahoo on the defense:


Jairus Byrd's Arrival Final Step Toward Dominant Buffalo Bills Defense in 2013


And yes, !@#$ you, Dave.


And, here I let Damond Talbot dupe me into thinking that landing a Yahoo writing gig was a big deal. Apparently the only qualification is being a longtime fan! Maybe I could be the next JW?

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I was one of the fans who foolishly thought Wanny was going to revitalize this D but I was wrong. If he's now outdated I'm wondering what a current defensive philosophy would do in the early 90's. How far can defensive schemes progress? Is it dependent on following and trying to stifle the progression of new offensive philosophies? Will this turn into a circular pattern? What is the limit of an offense's progression through out the coming decades and then the defense's? I suppose yearly rule changes come into play here.

Edited by Pilsner
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Last years talent was not as good. Kyle and Mario hurt, Dareus below average, LB's weak or inexperienced, wilson regressed, gilmore a rook etc.


Wanny and Chan ( and I ) feel that you need to get pressure with 4 in order to have a great D. On paper in the preseason it looked like we were poised to do that but our run defense AND pass rush were weak.


I blame Wanny for not adjusting as the season went on ( or even at halftimes of most games) but new defensive schemes are usually overrated.


There is nothing Pettine is doing that Brady or even Sanchez havent seen a hundred times before. Nothing. To force punts and field goals on D we need healthy, disciplined players that can outplay the man in front of them and win their respective battles.


When it comes to NFL defensive success I put 95% of it on player performance and talent. Coaching 5%.


Belicheck is a pretty decent defensive coach but several seasons I recall the Pats D being ranked poorly compared to the league. Its all about the talent, depth and player productivity.


With that in mind, I forsee a much better Bills D with Kiko taking NFL defensive rookie of the year honors. We missed out on Keuchly but we got his twin this year.

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It was pointed out by our good friend Rastro on Twitter that 8 out of 11 currently-designated starters on the Bills' defense were 1st or 2nd round draft picks.









A. Williams


The other three? K. Williams (4th), Carrington (3rd), and Bradham (5th)


Only Lawson and Alonso are newcomers this season.


I think we know why Mike Pettine wanted this job -- talent out the yin-yang.


or getting out of the nuthouse that is the NY Jets and under Rex's thumb.

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Webster, I like your post but I have to respectfully disagree with the percentages. History is full of talented teams/armies/groups who have battled but were defeated by superior tactics by coaches/generals/admirals/leaders.


I know in this regard you are talking about just football. It's a game of strategy and tactics still. As in a chess board where both sides are fairly equal in talent, the difference is the coaching and decision making at particular, well every point in the game. Great coaching and proper leadership makes quite a bit of difference.


It's not solely player talent or coaching. The team must draft well and be coached well to succeed. It's a combination that is complementary. But do not so easily disregard coaching. Appreciating good coaching, decision making, putting players in the right place to succeed cannot be overstated. It's a mix of proper coaching, placement of talent and timing.


I would say 5% is a bit underrated.


I'm just giving you a hard time though :)


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First if was all Edwards fault. Then it was all Wannstedt's fault. If they stink under Pettine will it FINALLY be time to blame the players?


Edwards didn't have players and was overmatched. Wannstedt had a pretty stacked cupboard and coached like he was asleep. Your response is cute and all, but not really on point.

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