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Who's a Bust ??

T master

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First off i have not been on the site in a while so if this has already been talked about please excuse me !!


But to all of you that were calling CJ a bust , i wonder just how many of you have jumped on the wagon since he has not only been leading the league in rushing but also in YPC .


It wasn't all that long ago when you could come on here & there would be at least a couple of posts saying , "what a waste of a #9 pick he was" , & how Nix & company screwed up for getting CJ & letting Marshawn go .


Well here's a famous quote from A country star "HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW" ??????


And if that isn't good enough here's one from a famous movie (insert dutch accent here

"who is the deak head now"


Well as i was saying i wonder just how many of you have the nads to admit that you were wrong or will you go in another direction "see i told you he wasn't a every down back he just can't hold up "



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It's very easy to play the "I told you so" game, and doesn't really serve any purpose. I'm certain those who were unhappy with the pick at the time, and disappointed in the level of performance over the first 1.5 years of CJ's career, had valid reasons for their disappointment. I'm also certain those same folks are thrilled with CJ's performance over his last 8+ games and not the least bit unhappy he's still a Bill.

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I questioned the pick a lot, not because Spiller wasnt an exceptional talent at Clemson, only because one of my friends was a huge Spiller fan and would tell me about him all the time. Now I watch my fair share of Clemson games, but his man crush on Spiller got to be annoying, that and every player this dude liked tended to suck at the NFL level so I was cautious. As I'm sure every Bills fan is now overjoyed with how Spiller has changed his game around. Hopefully when he comes back he picks right back up where he left off.

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I will admit that I thought the Bills should have drafted Bulaga who has been decent but not spectacular with the Pack. Still think T.Cody should have been the pick over Troup.


BTW, not that he wouldn't have been a better pick than TT but Terrence Cody has shown in flashes but is still not the entrenched starter at nose tackle in Baltimore. He is a reserve behind Ma'ake Kemoeatu who is a rising star.


The Bills could also have drafted Linval Joseph instead of TT and Joseph is playing very well for the New York Giants.


It's pretty hilarious reading some of the old Spiller threads. Both Erik Pears and Chris Hairston have turned out better than Bulaga.


At a fraction of the cost, to boot.

Edited by San Jose Bills Fan
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Chan is to blame for anyone calling Spiller a bust. I wasn't thrilled with the pick although I watched a ton of his games in college and thought he was a great talent. At the time, the Bills were so talent depleted that drafting a RB, which was their strongest position, didn't make sense. But okay, if you're going to draft him then use him! Then Chan only gives the guy 70 carries his rookie year? Then he follows that up last year by only giving Spiller 21 carries through the first 10 games? The truth is, CJ has only looked great when he was able to get the ball rep after rep. When Freddy comes back, will Chan get his head out of his a** and start running the ball with both of them consistently? I don't know but if he doesn't then Chan's time should be up.

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Drafting CJ Spiller is a prime example of why a team must take the best player available.


Typically draft busts are players that were drafted out of need.


Spiller did not play at a position of need but he was so far better than the other players available at that pick.


The only other player considered to be at his talent level at the time of his selection was Dez Bryant, who was a major character concern who has proven his detractors right with his long string of idiotic behavior since being drafted.


Of the other prospects, people knew JPP was a diamond in the rough but not a good risk at #9.


And of course the needs-centric people here made a lot of noise for Bryan Bulaga.


At the time of the Spiller selection, I wanted Brandon Graham who showed some promise with 3 sacks in 6 starts as a rookie before suffering a torn ACL.

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