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Trayvon Martin Case


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good points.


My droid falls 2 seconds behind every night. My truck loses a minute a day for some reason.


The time on my phone syncs some time in early AM but if I keep data off it can be 2 or 3 minutes behind if I put a lot on the CPU...

This all may be true, but the time on your cell phone is not necessarily the time on your phone records. Your phone records are from when the cell phone company's computers records the calls. It has nothing to do with what time your phone says it is. The cell phone company's computers are what would be set to the atomic clock. Again, neither set of attorneys seem to have any question about if these times are accurate or not.

You may want to listen to that tape again. After telling them to meet him at his truck he said something along the lines of "just have them call me".

Agreed. But what I was going by was his re enactment video he made with the police. On there he says where he was when he told the operator he was heading back to his truck. I realize that he actually told the 911 operator to have the police call him. (Why did he want the police to call him? Did he not know where he was going to be? Perhaps still in pursuit?) He says where he is which is approx to when his call ended. It then takes him 30 seconds to get to the T and then the confrontation subsequently happened. According to him in the video, he got there, and then Trayvon confronted him. Not he stood around for one minute and THEN Trayvon approached him.


It is of my opinion (no one has the exact facts to this except George) that the timeline does not add up. Everyone is of course entitled to their own opinion.

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I've displayed a fairly clear understanding of the law and have tried to carry on a civilized conversation.


Fabricating things and calling me names is typical of what I've come to expect from posters who have nothing better to say.



can you prove I admitted to being a troll, on a site I try to everything in my power to bolster TBD's reputataion?


You said you are here to add drama.

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It made Zimmerman more negligent pursuing Martin on a dark rainy night because he had no way of protecting himself from the criminal elements he might face without the use of deadly force.





hey man, you want to start an argument or debate then how about stop pulling my comments out of context

Silly me, I thought we were participating in the George Zimmerman trial thread, and that I was responding to your ridiculous assertions that the defense has to prove anything at all.


What would have been the proper context?

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It made Zimmerman more negligent pursuing Martin on a dark rainy night because he had no way of protecting himself from the criminal elements he might face without the use of deadly force.



did you just argue the zimmerman is criminally negligent for exposing himself to being attacked because if attacked he would have to kill his attacker?


theres a certain element to that which makes my head spin.

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Short skirt defense.

Exactly. She looked like a tramp because she was all made up and looked gorgeous. She wanted it. I gave it to her and then the B word shot me! Criminal negligence on the part of the raped woman 101.



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That's his point. There are hundreds every year, and not one peep... from ANYBODY, yet alone the POTUS.


There were 30 murders in Chicago alone over the Fourth of July weekend, including a 7-year-old boy gunned down in a drive by, and yet where is the outrage? Where is Al Sharpton? Jesse Jackson? Martin Bashir? The rhinestone cowgirl?Where is Eric Holder? Where is POTUS?


Silent. In fact the only time POTUS paid attention to the Chicago murders is when one of his campaign props got gunned down a couple of days after one of his Amway presentations.


What does this tell you? One thing: the only dead black person they care about is the one they can use to agitate the citizens.

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There were 30 murders in Chicago alone over the Fourth of July weekend, including a 7-year-old boy gunned down in a drive by, and yet where is the outrage? Where is Al Sharpton? Jesse Jackson? Martin Bashir? The rhinestone cowgirl?Where is Eric Holder? Where is POTUS?


Silent. In fact the only time POTUS paid attention to the Chicago murders is when one of his campaign props got gunned down a couple of days after one of his Amway presentations.


What does this tell you? One thing: the only dead black person they care about is the one they can use to agitate the citizens.

none of those kids were only armed with Skittles when gunned down. Jus' saying...


But in reality, you could talk to anyone about this, publish it in the NY times... And no one would bat an eyelash. They'd think its just right-wing bias trying to change the topic away from the tragedy that was Trayvon Martin.


Yet, all those being spoon fed this media bias, the Martin family included, are the victims of this. The Martin family, whether part of the whole campaign or not, was allowed to go forward. Victims of a larger narrative that was orchestrated at the highest levels of our society only to further special causes. Should this have happened without a media push then I Think any rational person would have believed the Martin family would have left it be when they believed their son attacked a man and was killed in self defense.

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There were 30 murders in Chicago alone over the Fourth of July weekend, including a 7-year-old boy gunned down in a drive by, and yet where is the outrage? Where is Al Sharpton? Jesse Jackson? Martin Bashir? The rhinestone cowgirl?Where is Eric Holder? Where is POTUS?


Silent. In fact the only time POTUS paid attention to the Chicago murders is when one of his campaign props got gunned down a couple of days after one of his Amway presentations.


What does this tell you? One thing: the only dead black person they care about is the one they can use to agitate the citizens.


Playing golf and sending text messages to John Kerry, who's busy lounging on his yacht (and having the State Dept lie about it). What's that you say? Egypt is in choas? Oh well.... FORWARD!

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State wants to put:

Aggravated Assault



They will be argued tomorrow.


Trayvon fighting texts will not be entered.


Final closing statements likely to begin at 1PM tomorrow when jury returns to court room.


As one of the final FU's to the defense, MOM asks to delay closings until Friday. The logic used by JDN - "I am doing what is convenient and makes sense to me. It will give you more time to prepare for a defense." [and Jury to let states closing arguments weigh on them, because we are pretty sure you do not need to worry about a defense.]


Also, someone left the courtroom mic live on the Chan9 feed after court.

Edited by jboyst62
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State wants to put:

Aggravated Assault



They will be argued tomorrow.


Trayvon fighting texts will not be entered.


Final closing statements likely to begin at 1PM tomorrow when jury returns to court room.


FYI - Florida has man mins for gun related crimes, commonly referred to as the 10-20-life law. The jury could acquit on murder 2 and manslaughter, but convict on agg assault with a firearm and GZ would face multiple decades in prison. The kicker is: the jury would not be instructed on this. They could return a guilty verdict on the least serious crime and he could get more prison time.

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There were 30 murders in Chicago alone over the Fourth of July weekend, including a 7-year-old boy gunned down in a drive by, and yet where is the outrage? Where is Al Sharpton? Jesse Jackson? Martin Bashir? The rhinestone cowgirl?Where is Eric Holder? Where is POTUS?


Silent. In fact the only time POTUS paid attention to the Chicago murders is when one of his campaign props got gunned down a couple of days after one of his Amway presentations.


What does this tell you? One thing: the only dead black person they care about is the one they can use to agitate the citizens.


Are we not all caught up/fascinated by the complexity of this case?

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Playing golf and sending text messages to John Kerry, who's busy lounging on his yacht (and having the State Dept lie about it). What's that you say? Egypt is in choas? Oh well.... FORWARD!


In all fairness, Obama IS about to hit the road again to push the immigration reform bill because, on the list of the top 30 things Americans are concerned about, immigration is #31 with a bullet!!! And if you think about it, he has consistently said the reason people don't like Obamacare is because he just didn't do a good enough job explaining it.


I'm sure his speeches on the immigration bill will bridge and unite all people to this cause, assuming they're not too ignorant to understand his message.

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edit to add:


Great article on how it will work with other charges


Aggravated Assault

Aggravated Assault is classified as a Third Degree Felony. Under Florida’s sentencing guidelines, and absent mitigating circumstances, a judge can impose any combination of the following penalties:

  • Up to 5 years in prison.
  • Up to 5 years of probation.
  • Up to $5,000 in fines.

10-20-Life Firearm Enhancement

If the jury finds that a firearm was used, Aggravated Battery is reclassified to a Second Degree Felony, which increases the maximum sentence to 15 years in prison or 15 years of probation.

However, because Aggravated Assault is an enumerated felony, if the jury finds that the firearm was used to kill Trayvon Martin, the judge would be required to impose a 25 year minimum-mandatory prison sentence and could sentence him to life in prison.

If the jury found the firearm was discharged, the respective 20 year mandatory-minimum sentence must be imposed.

If the jury found he possessed the firearm, a 3 year mandatory-minimum sentence applies. (This is a specific exception from the 10-20-Life schedule.)

Not Guilty or Bust

It is entirely possible the jury could convict him of a lesser offense and not find he possessed, discharged, or caused death with a firearm. In such case the mandatory-minimum would not apply.

Realistically though, George Zimmerman must hope he is acquitted out right. Because absent a Manslaughter conviction, Judge Nelson would be statutorily required to impose the 25 year mandatory-minimum prison sentence under Florida’s 10-20-Life for any felony but Manslaughter or Felony Battery.


Meaning, if prior to the discharge of gun - he committed a crime it would not be used in sentencing...



feed of MOM presser









In all fairness, Obama IS about to hit the road again to push the immigration reform bill because, on the list of the top 30 things Americans are concerned about, immigration is #31 with a bullet!!! And if you think about it, he has consistently said the reason people don't like Obamacare is because he just didn't do a good enough job explaining it.


I'm sure his speeches on the immigration bill will bridge and unite all people to this cause, assuming they're not too ignorant to understand his message.

Now you are really starting to get under my skin with the truth. It is scary.


This is a GZ thread, keep the politics out! :nana:

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The texts that the Defense want admitted as evidence concerns starting fights, bloodying people's noses, wanting to own a handgun among other things that show TM's proclivity in the Defense's eyes to be an in-your-face punk who was the aggressor in this altercation.


what is the argument this is admissible anyway?

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