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Trayvon Martin Case


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These !@#$s always get away with this...


This is a good simulation of how GZ and TM crossed path's




Much nicer than the one 3rd posted. And makes it abundantly clear that Zimmerman wasn't "stalking" Martin, but rather Martin had to either lay in wait or double back.

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Much nicer than the one 3rd posted. And makes it abundantly clear that Zimmerman wasn't "stalking" Martin, but rather Martin had to either lay in wait or double back.

I don't know what 3rd posted but any compliment using him as comparison is dubious at best


While GZ might not have been stalking TM when their paths crossed at the end it is certainly understandable that TM could feel he was being stalked- and of course remember this is GZ's version of events - GZ does not have the best memory one of the things he's asked in the police interview is given that you have lived in this complex for three years and are head of the neighborhood watch and there are only three streets how can you not know the name of the street? this is where his ADHD and Adderall use is discussed - another question asked in the police interview was why GZ never identified himself as neighborhood watch as that could have perhaps diffused the situation- the police interview I posted is pretty interesting just to contrast it to what you see in TV/movie crime drama.

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From the article:


Dyson said that Zimmerman was only arrested and charged in the first due to the public “outcry,” leaving him with little hope that a jury would find him guilty.


If he was only arrested because of pressure and the state has been unable to make a case, what does that tell you, Mr. Dyson?

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From the article:




If he was only arrested because of pressure and the state has been unable to make a case, what does that tell you, Mr. Dyson?


All sorts of police OT when the riots begin a couple of hours after the verdict is read.

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From the article:




If he was only arrested because of pressure and the state has been unable to make a case, what does that tell you, Mr. Dyson?

The riots will be slanted many many ways...


A) They are only focusing on certain neighborhoods where the violence is going on and missing the bigger picture, where the peaceful protests have been going on. Instead of focusing on the positives these demonstrators are providing we see yet again the Man putting his thumb on us.


B) The idea that they wanted peace for Trayvon, with these posters and propaganda spread are not as bad as the propaganda spread by stations like Fox News and Rush Limbaugh who would make you feel as if you were in Germany.


C) It is time that the black man be able to show his power. Unfortunately, we as a race are tired of not having our voices heard. It is only out of outrage for years of injustice that some of our brothers have stepped out in anger.

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The riots will be slanted many many ways...


A) They are only focusing on certain neighborhoods where the violence is going on and missing the bigger picture, where the peaceful protests have been going on. Instead of focusing on the positives these demonstrators are providing we see yet again the Man putting his thumb on us.


B) The idea that they wanted peace for Trayvon, with these posters and propaganda spread are not as bad as the propaganda spread by stations like Fox News and Rush Limbaugh who would make you feel as if you were in Germany.


C) It is time that the black man be able to show his power. Unfortunately, we as a race are tired of not having our voices heard. It is only out of outrage for years of injustice that some of our brothers have stepped out in anger.





Hey!...........maybe I was right after all ?

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C) It is time that the black man be able to show his power. Unfortunately, we as a race are tired of not having our voices heard. It is only out of outrage for years of injustice that some of our brothers have stepped out in anger.


If only they could get a black man in a position of real leadership, that would show us honkies...

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Day ends with near shouting match of Judge Nelson and Don West over evidence. The ruling on video and texts from TM will be made at 8am tomorrow. This after 13 hrs of court today.


The defense plans to rest its case tomorrow.



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Day ends with near shouting match of Judge Nelson and Don West over evidence. The ruling on video and texts from TM will be made at 8am tomorrow. This after 13 hrs of court today.


The defense plans to rest its case tomorrow.




In his direct testimony Dr. Di Maio had mentioned studying gunshot patterns on live animals. Now BDLR acted aghast that Dr. Di Maio would have harmed poor innocent little beasts (the fact that there is at least one serious pet owner on the jury may have promoted this line of questioning).


That's not even relevant to the case. It's nothing but prejudicial. How on earth is that even allowed?

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That's not even relevant to the case. It's nothing but prejudicial. How on earth is that even allowed?

With the way this judge has been going, if Zimmerman is found guilty of even something as minor as jaywalking before getting beat by TM, the case will be sent to appeal in an instant.

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Is he in jail now? I thought he was not, but that insane Nancy Grace in her unfocused camera was going on and on about what he's been eating in jail in order to prove that he was too fat to fight.

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While GZ might not have been stalking TM when their paths crossed at the end it is certainly understandable that TM could feel he was being stalked- and of course remember this is GZ's version of events - GZ does not have the best memory one of the things he's asked in the police interview is given that you have lived in this complex for three years and are head of the neighborhood watch and there are only three streets how can you not know the name of the street?


The problem here being that, now that we have court testimony, it's NOT just Zimmerman's version of events. Prosecution testimony backs it up - Jeantel specifically testified that Martin told her he was by his father's house, thus would have had to make that right turn Zimmerman mentioned, and would have had to walk a couple hundred yards and backtrack.


Therein lies the problem with this whole prosecution - their case rests upon a story that their own evidence doesn't support. The worst judgement against Zimmerman the evidence supports is that he's a knucklehead, which might get involuntary manslaughter, but isn't even close to the standard for murder 2 or the prosecution's story of "slavering racist hunting down black kid."


With the way this judge has been going, if Zimmerman is found guilty of even something as minor as jaywalking before getting beat by TM, the case will be sent to appeal in an instant.


You almost wonder if that's the plan...she doesn't want to be responsible for an acquittal, and would rather let the appellate judges get the death threats.

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Is he in jail now? I thought he was not, but that insane Nancy Grace in her unfocused camera was going on and on about what he's been eating in jail in order to prove that he was too fat to fight.

He isn't in jail. I also think less of you forwatching her. Or should I think you like to torture yourself?

With the way this judge has been going, if Zimmerman is found guilty of even something as minor as jaywalking before getting beat by TM, the case will be sent to appeal in an instant.

I worry about his safety between A and B first. If I had a bullet proof car company in Florida, which their probably is...drug dealers n all... I would donate him one after the trial.

That's insane.

the leading questions by the state are what get me. Then the ability of the state to ask a question that was not even a question but more of an "I think the evidence shows GZ ate the flesh off of babies, would you agree?" type of slam is insane.


I cannot imagine that anyone involved on the state side should be allowed to continue their profession after this. The judge should step down, also. The defense team has been terrific but even the trolls of this thread could win in their mumblings.


You almost wonder if that's the plan...she doesn't want to be responsible for an acquittal, and would rather let the appellate judges get the death threats.

That has crossed my mind a lot. I can't wait to read her book in a few years...

(Which I believe should be illegal. A judge should not be able to profit of their witnessing and knowledge of cases before them - at tax payer expense)


Like 4mer joked, weekend court would have made great ratings. An appeal hearing ... More? Conspiracy theory?

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I cannot imagine that anyone involved on the state side should be allowed to continue their profession after this. The judge should step down, also. The defense team has been terrific but even the trolls of this thread could win in their mumblings.



I also happened to see a little of Ashleigh Banfield during the day and she was gushing about how great the prosecuting lawyers are.

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