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Everything posted by julian

  1. Have there been many foreigners who started playing football and in 2 years were starting QBs on a big time NCAA football team ? I don’t follow college football but that seems unlikely
  2. Yeah and Ted kaczynski wanted no part of it
  3. Problem with that is there’s only about 5 or 6 RBs in the league that constitute an upgrade at RB over Allen
  4. I’ve given up on worrying about RB until Allen retires.
  5. Yeah when it comes to draft prospects, every year there seems to be examples of NFL talent evaluators disagreeing with fan opinions greatly. Sometimes they’re spot on, and sometimes not so much. I don’t even try to pretend to know, but I admire those who put the effort in to create an informed opinion.
  6. Plenty of these players can’t even identify which teams play in which divisions, not a stretch to imagine they don’t know who Bruce Smith is.
  7. It was the first thought I had when hearing this news, the whole thing feels odd.
  8. The group text I was in was going bonkers during that game, I walked away believing 17 was the best player in the league.
  9. I was a Leaf fan and only paid attention to football during the super bowl. After watching the Bills lose to the Giants, something about that loss pulled me in. I was at a bar the following year watching the Skins physically impose their will upon the Bills. I was completely invested at this point and haven’t missed a game since. My wife noticed I was no longer screaming at the television during Bills games this past season and after some thought, I realized I now just have an expectation of post season and no longer live and die with every play.
  10. Wow… might be a little early for comparison to LT top 5 non QB of all time.. Parsons is my selection for this exercise and he looks to be destined for greatness if he stays on his current trajectory.
  11. Agreed, not sure what the answer is on how to get the experience needed to qualify, but I don’t believe simply forcing owners to hire based on skin colour is the solution long term. Just my opinion of course and reserve the right to change when I gain more knowledge. Haha family making sure you remember your roots, good on them
  12. Yes I totally agree on your nepotism angle, that may be a significant detriment to all potential applicants especially minority candidates. I’m Canadian, kind of British light lol
  13. For the same reason adding white applicants over more qualified minority applicants is considered racist. Like one poster of colour in this thread has already stated, they want the jobs because they were the most qualified, and I trust his opinion is amongst the majority. There are other ways to make sure potential hiring prospects can gain more solid footing within league circles so as to have more opportunities, some of those have already been expressed in this thread.
  14. Yeah it’s amazing, I pay close attention to the AFC and watch the condensed version of any games impacting the Bills standing and any other attractive matchups league wide. 80-100 bucks for entire season lol
  15. Actually plenty of people of all ethnicities acknowledge racism is bad and don’t subscribe to the theory of eliminating racism with more racism as acceptable practice.
  16. Avoiding the scrum and choosing not to fight for the ball in the super bowl was the moment I lost respect for him as a competitor. I agree that was the narrative during much of his successful run. The difference being that Allen delivers punishment while Newton takes it, that being said I’m all for eliminating designed runs outside of the red zone.
  17. Yeah even though they’re comparable in size and both run between the tackles… Allen runs with more physicality and looks to end runs on his terms, Newton defiantly tries to avoid confrontation.
  18. Limit designed QB runs to inside the opposing 10 yard line… and give Josh the green light to take off on his own whenever he sees fit
  19. You may be right, I was being more hopeful of Diggs wanting to stay but I won’t blame him for insisting on fair market value. I just hope if Bean decides to pay him 25M+ that it’s 3 years MAX and continue drafting WRs
  20. 3 years 60 million fully guaranteed.. spread it out over 5 or 6 years and add fluff money if needed. but 3 years 60M guaranteed is my best offer or I move for a return.
  21. Next year is too soon considering the recent extension, but I agree if McDermott doesn’t deliver a championship during his current contract, you must look elsewhere and hope Josh isn’t disillusioned by that point.
  22. I agree, it’s important that McDermott learns and grows, much the same as he expects of his players.
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