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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. As I said in the Gabe Davis draft thread, as a UCF alum, I've watched this guy dominate for years, and is the exact type of WR the Bills receiver corps was lacking. Big, strong, hands-catcher with a large catch radius. Keep in mind that this guy was a top option on an offense that lead UCF to an undefeated season, a Bowl win vs. Auburn, and an overall 25 game win streak. Last season, when UCF played Stanford, Davis was guarded by a CB that is projected to be a 1st round pick in next years draft and he completely abused him all day(well, first half until the game became a blowout). I'm so excited to have him, and Zack Moss on this team!!
  2. I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that there will be a season.
  3. I wear rubber gloves, and most people I see at the store do as well. I also put a paper towel on the inside of my mask to avoid the moisture problem you mention.
  4. I couldn’t stand the character of Wendy Byrd’s brother on this season of Ozark....basically everything he said or did was complete stupidity. I understand the purpose of his character this season, but he could have been portrayed in a less annoying manner with the same effect.
  5. Love Seinfeld and Curb your Enthusiasm for sure. Three others I enjoyed and didn't see mentioned yet would be Wings, Parks and Rec, and Community.
  6. I haven't, but its only been about a week since I ordered. On a side note, I ordered masks on Amazon that were supposed to arrive on April 9th, and I finally got them today.
  7. How about NewEra2...Electric Boogaloo?
  8. Davis is a lock to make the 53. I think McKenzie stays as well. Duke, Hodgins, and Foster will fight it out for the final spot, IMO.
  9. Called this pick in the other thread...love it!! As a UCF alum, I have watched him dominate for two seasons...big physical guy, and a hands-catcher with a huge catch radius. This guy is exactly what the Bills WR group needed! Go Beane!!!
  10. I watch a lot of Pac12 football(I'm a night owl and the games go on until 1AM-2AM) and I've been a big fan of Zach Moss for a while. He's a leader, he fights for every inch on every play, and he doesn't quit...a perfect McBeane guy! I couldn't be more excited to see him in a Bills uniform! I like Singletary, and its important to have a 1-2 RB punch, but don't be surprised if Moss is the feature back sooner rather than later.
  11. The woman playing video games with the family: This woman does some decent acting(for a commercial) as well:
  12. Terrence McGee's best KO wasn't even a TD.....it was this one against the Saints... Edit: I'm blocked from embedding it, but just click "Watch on YouTube" to see it.
  13. I left early this morning to get groceries, and while driving out of the neighborhood, I see a fire truck and ambulance at the house of an old couple just one street over from mine. The paramedics were in full Covid gear....not good. I usually see the old man walking his dog around the neighborhood, but haven't seen him in almost a week, although I believe it was his wife they were taking out. It was in my state, then in my county, then in my city, and now in my neighborhood.....too close for comfort!!?
  14. I think they could upgrade at Punter by drafting one of the two good punters in the 5th or 6th round.
  15. Exactly. Do people really expect these teams to pile into planes and fly around the country to cities like Seattle, LA, and New York, play a game that requires close contact with large numbers of players who may be carrying the virus with no symptoms, then pile back into a plane and fly back to their families who they may then infect etc. etc......and you expect them to do this for 17 weeks in a row. Would you do that??? These guys are human beings just like you and me......not machines who only exist for our sports-watching pleasure.
  16. As someone who frequents Vegas about once a year, these images of the Vegas strip are even more shocking to me...... https://www.cardplayer.com/poker-news/24767-the-las-vegas-strip-went-dark-and-people-on-twitter-are-freaking-out I was planning on setting up a trip to Vegas once I found out the week the Bills would be playing in Vegas, but at this point, I don't think its going to happen.
  17. I would love to add Claypool or Gabriel Davis from UCF and RB Zack Moss of Utah with the 2nd/3rd round selections. All three of those guys are McBeane-type players IMO.
  18. Bills really re-vamped that D-line. Gotta love it!! Adding another talented WR, RB, or OL with their second round pick has to be the plan, right??
  19. Maybe the Pats tank this year and end up with Trevor Lawrence from Clemson?(sick face not related to Coronavirus).
  20. Favre as well....and I believe it was the Bills Arthur Moats who gave him that hit.
  21. With everything officially shut down in the Orlando area theme park related, the local 11 PM newscast did a story from a mostly deserted tourist area.....they were only able to find two tourists to talk with. Believe it or not, they actually flew into Orlando today for some crazy reason, and they were from...……….you guessed it...……...BUFFALO!!
  22. All Orlando area theme parks closing until the end of the month....employees will continue to be paid during that time. There have been a few positive cases in the Central Florida area all related to people who were on a Nile River cruise(11 of Florida’s positive cases are related to that cruise).
  23. There are still no positive cases in the Orlando area, but in light of recent events, I think travelling is a more risky proposition now than it was a week ago.
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