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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. I said this exact thing to my friend right after the game....its been a long time since I felt that way.
  2. I love Lake Street Dive....great musicians, and Rachel's voice is terrific. Here's a couple of their 80's covers:
  3. Hi everybody!!! Even though the weather geniuses had Irma staying away from my area(just north of Orlando), it turns out what was left of Irma's eyewall went directly over my neighborhood between 2:15-2:50AM! I've lived in Florida since I was 4, and have been through many storms over the years, but that was some of the scariest 35 minutes of my life for sure....I've never heard the wind howl like that in any of the previous storms I've faced. This was preceded by what I believe was one of the many tornadoes spawned by Irma that passed just a few streets away from me, which knocked down two huge Oak trees crushing the power lines down the street, and knocking out power at 8:00PM on Sunday night. Despite the fact that I didn't lose a single shingle on my house or tree on my property through 100mph winds from a tornado, and 115mph wind gusts in Irma's eyewall, my power was not restored until 7:00PM on Thursday. Four days of hell!!! It was a tough ordeal, but I know many of my fellow Floridians have it way worse than me, and I am hoping all Floridians will be back to their normal lives as soon as possible.
  4. I'm here just north of Orlando, and they are telling us to prepare for 75-90mph winds with gusts up to 110mph for anywhere from 5 to 10 hours on Sunday night/Monday morning....thats not great, but I'll take that over 175mph any day.....wish me luck, and I wish luck to all of our Florida Bills fans out there.
  5. FWIW, I watched the first half of the Rams game.....in 2 quarters of action, Sammy had 0 catches and 0 targets. Robert Woods had 2 catches Goff threw an interception and had a sack/fumble returned for a TD.
  6. I was late to the Netflix party, but I got a new smart TV with Netflix already installed a couple of months ago, and this was the first show I watched(all 3 seasons).....fantastic show!! Fargo is my absolute favorite show....Billy Bob Thornton's character in season 1 is awesome, and season 2 and 3 were great as well. My top three shows would be: 1. Season 1 of Fargo 2. Season 1 of Homeland 3. Season 1 of True Detective Just started this as well.....still on season 1, but so far so good. I'm halfway through season 3 of Bloodline, and I'm sad to hear so many negative comments about the ending....its been enjoyable up to the point I've reached.
  7. Season 6 of Veep starts tonight. Season 3 of Fargo starts on Wednesday. I'm looking forward to them both!!
  8. How about Rodrigo y Gabriella....no one plays the guitar like Gabriella....it has to be seen to be appreciated.
  9. The new season(which is the final season) of Bates Motel starts this Monday....looking forward to it, love the show. Not sure if it was mentioned in this massive thread, but is anyone watching "Taboo" Tuesday's on FX?? Tom Hardy plays the main character in it, and if you can stand a little excess violence, I think its a worthwhile show to binge watch on demand to catch up as there are only two episodes remaining in the season.
  10. I think this needs to be seriously considered for next season after another solid performance by Kujo. This team has enough holes to fill this offseason that it would be nice to fill one of them with players already on the roster. Cordy Glenn is great at LT, but I truly believe he would be an elite-level RT.
  11. I guess when you aren't protecting your body for Olympic long jumping dreams you can find a way to stay on the field.
  12. I believe that is what Sammy is trying to do, is he not??
  13. Can you believe how many ex-Bills are on the Dolphins roster? Rambo, Urbik, MarQuies Gray, Alonso, M. Williams.....am I missing anyone??
  14. It was the broadcasters jinx on that one.....about three plays before the injury the announcer made a comment that Wood had played in 100+ consecutive games, then the injury happened. Awful news for the team and for Wood. I hope he can come back at full strength for next year.
  15. Thanks. A slight "jog" to the east of the forecast track about 6 hours before projected landfall moved center of the hurricane about 30-40 miles offshore of the east coast of Florida, and that 30-40 miles made all the difference. That changed the impacts in central Fl. from 100 mph sustained winds to 65 mph sustained winds, and it changed the impacts to the east coast from 140 mph sustained winds to 90 to 100 mph sustained winds. As bad as it was, it could have been so much worse for everyone in the state.
  16. Wow......dodged a huge bullet with this one here in Central Florida. The winds never got above 65mph at my house, no damage for me, and we never even lost power....very lucky. We did get about 13 inches of rain in a 15 hour period, so there is flooding in low lying areas, and the lake where I live overflowed its banks...I've only seen that lake at a higher level once in all the years I've lived here.
  17. Here we go! Looks like the inland areas where I am located may see lesser impacts than expected. Lets hope they are right. 50-60 mph gusts instead of the 70-90 mph winds originally predicted for the Orlando area. The worst impacts will still be on the immediate east coast.....good luck to all of us Florida Bills fans in the path of the storm, and everyone in Florida for that matter.
  18. I live just north of Orlando, and they are talking about winds from 60-80 mph this far inland, and total devastation for the entire east coast of Florida. I've lived in Florida nearly my whole life(30+ years), and I have never been so concerned about a storm. Our biggest concern inland will be wind damage and large power outages...people on the coast could lose everything. Keep us Florida Bills fans in mind over the next 48 hours or so.
  19. I think it is safe to say that he "stepped up" this week. If he continues to play like this in the absence of Watkins, his stock can only rise, and he could be looking at a huge payday this off-season.
  20. Obviously his suspension ends after Sunday, but I haven't heard one word about him in weeks. Is he out of rehab? Is he in shape(both physically and mentally) to play? Of course, his well being is the most important thing, but the Bills sure could use him in the middle of that Defense as soon as possible.
  21. I was going to start a thread about this.....I wouldn't be shocked if this happened....we'll see.
  22. He threw more accurate deep balls in that game than he has thrown in his life. No pressure + corners on an island against taller receivers = Fitz looking like a good QB for once in his career.
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