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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. All I know is Death Row was some crazy ****. I remember watching some documentary about them back in the day and Suge Knight had half that place employed with bloods and the other half with crips. Everybody was packin heat there and I guess just alot of overall tension, lots of fights and people getting their ass kicked, people drinking and smoking weed there. Must have been an absolutely chaotic place to "work".
  2. There was a play yesterday where Pat Williams looked like he just swallowed Pittsburgh's running back it was nasty
  3. Your not too far from Slick Willies, never been there for a game before but its a pretty cool bar
  4. Anybody catch South Park last night making fun of the WWE? It was one of the funnier ones I've seen in awhile, be on the lookout for repeats this week
  5. I honestly wanted to stay outta this thread but it just keeps getting better and better, homemade cookies
  6. I agree with the OP on almost all those points and would also like to add: * The game is getting too soft with the horrible roughing the passer penalties that are out there nowadays, back in the day the name of the game was blasting the Qb if you played defense. Deacon Jones has gotta be sick to his stomach. *No more primetime...whether I was at the Ralph for the day or at a bar or my buddies house wherever, I used to really look forward to going home and knowing I would get to see all of the days highlights and action put together in a very entertaining fashion. *Players are growing up with too much hype and getting perks as early as high school and definately college. By the time they make it to the NFL they feel like they don't have to prove anything, that they have already made it. Back in the day, that was just the beginning there was still alot more left to be proved. Just ask Thurman
  7. "I'm stuck in this pit, working for less than slave wages. Working on my day off, the goddamn steel shutters are closed, I deal with every backward ass !@#$ on the planet. I smell like shoe polish. My ex-girlfriend is catatonic after !@#$ing a dead guy. And my present girlfriend has sucked 36 dicks." P.S. The Bills suck
  8. Hey at least they'll fit right in with the guys and coaches we have over here
  9. R.I.P. Captain Lou, thanks for the memories
  10. "No, no, no, no I don't wanna hear I'm Good" "I didn't ask ya if the ball came down like a punt" Hahaha Samurai Mike is the baddest coach in the NFL
  11. You gotta understand its more than just being a rah rah hardass type of guy. That approach won't get you too far, players can see through the fluff. Singletary is a different animal though, he is an honest man that holds his players accountable and is determined to bring out the very best in every guy on that field. He is a coach players can believe in and with his background there is not one single player who doesn't respect him. He is pretty much the opposite of Dick Jauron in every aspect of the game.
  12. http://www.nfl.com/videos/san-francisco-49...9ers-tough-love
  13. "When I come to play I'm bringing my lunch bucket because I'm going to be here all day whether you like it or not. I'm not going to leave and I'm not going to run. I'm going to stand toe to toe with whoever they bring out."- Darryl Talley
  14. Fire Dick? Nah I get tested and I'm clean but thanks for asking
  15. Any place like BWW or Hooters or any chain(although the hot waitresses with huge melons is worth the price of admission itself) lack the character that many great bars in the Buffalo and WNY area offer. I never get that same sense of belonging when I go to places like that.
  16. I would love to have Mike Singletary as a coach, he was a f****** awesome football player, loved watching him play. I knew he would still have that same level of intensity as a head coach, I'm jealous of the 49ers in that regard.
  17. Even though they deny it, I still think the song has a subtle reference to a LSD trip even though they might have gotten they idea from Julian and Lucy, I mean c'mon have you ever seen the video?? If that isn't trippy then I don't know what is
  18. You know what though, I think Hangartner might've been hurt
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