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Bad Things

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Everything posted by Bad Things

  1. When I was a kid, my oldest brother had the greatest musical influence on me. Here's another fantastic live album from back in the day.
  2. I'm sad to hear this. He led some fantastic defenses. Always with that swizzle-stick in his mouth. God bless, Walt.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU8gvF6WCIk Bruce Smith - Bad Things I've had this username since I joined the board in the late '90's. I only changed it for a short while, when I moved to NZ, but had to go back to the original.
  4. I don't mind Ian Eagle that much, it's usually his broadcast partner that is the annoying one. (Charles Davis or Trent Green.) I can't stand those two guys. The only annoying thing about Ian Eagle is how he pronounces his name. Ion Eagle. Is he trying to make it sound like "Iron Eagle"?
  5. Yesterday evening the wife and I were out on the back deck when we spotted a massive Australasian Harrier flying overhead. It landed on one of our taller trees to have a look around. It eventually spotted the White-faced Heron nest in our neighbours gum tree, and had a feast of the baby birds in it. It was actually quite a startling thing to witness.
  6. I'm interested to know why the average American NFL fan would support this. I get the idea that it would be fun to fly over there for a game and see the sights, but for most people that may be out of reach. I personally think it's a bad idea on many levels.
  7. Here's one of the latest. I used to have a tie-dye shirt that looked kinda like this. https://esawebb.org/images/comparisons/potm2209a/
  8. Some new images from the James Webb Telescope. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/21/world/neptune-james-webb-space-telescope-new-images-scn/index.html
  9. I'm not a religious person, but... Jesus once said, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” (Matt. 19:24.)
  10. Thank you for the write up, Virgil. I've always looked forward to these since NYC Bill started them so many years ago. You've done a great job of carrying the torch. Two things about this game stick out most for me. The Defensive Line played an incredible game. Their brut physicality changed how the entire defense looked, and was something that I haven't seen from a Bills D-Line in a long long time. It's a sign that we could be in for a very fun season. The second thing is Ken Dorsey's play-calling. It was a masterpiece, and another positive sign that we could be in for a very fun season. 20 - 0 Let's go Buffalo!
  11. Good morning from New Zealand! Man, I haven't been this excited about a season opener in a long time. This is our year! Lets go Buffalo!!!
  12. The anxiety has honestly begun creeping in this morning. I hope McD has this team playing full-throttle all season this year. No loses to lesser teams. 20-0! Let' go Buffalo!
  13. JoPoy88, the great defender of the tank top!
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