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Bad Things

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Everything posted by Bad Things

  1. My son took this photo from the back deck last night.
  2. I didn't even realize we were having a lunar eclipse until I went outside before bed and saw it. It was pretty impressive down here!
  3. Give me a break. We can most certainly compare these two teams. Just because we compare them doesn't mean that we think they're equal. I think the main difference was that back in the day, we didn't have social media where people act like idiots.
  4. You may be mistaken as most Jests fans normally have that sort of clueless expression on their faces.
  5. I generally agree with you. I loved Brent's gravelly voice, especially when singing harmonies, but... at times I felt that his keyboard playing was over-powering to what the rest of the band was doing.
  6. I just watched the highlights. You guys weren't kidding that tonights unis were horrible. Wow!
  7. I noticed a couple weeks ago that our local cinema was going to show the GD Meetup. I had no idea what it was, so looked it up. It was a pretty cool idea, so I mentioned it to my wife. She reminded me that in the 17 years we've lived in NZ, we haven't met any Deadheads. Any! I'm sure they exist, but not close to the numbers back in the US of A. (They're probably all nice and snug in their Hobbit-holes.) That said, we decided to just stay at home. Pooj... what was it like where you went? How big was the crowd? Was there anything else on offer apart from the concert movie?
  8. So, you're saying you don't like these jerseys?
  9. When he was last with the Bills, I remember him always waving his arms around to get the crowd loud and into it. Is he still doing that this year?
  10. Yup, I had a blast watching him last night. What a great signing.
  11. Hmm... I came here this morning to read about last night's game. Thank God I did, because I didn't realize we actually LOST the game.
  12. I think if someone lives their life like an a-hole, they deserve to be remembered as being an a-hole.
  13. I know that Gronk isn't playing anymore, but he should should always have the honorary title of Meathead of the year. Perhaps a Lifetime Achievement Award?
  14. I hear it could be a cross of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bench and Northern California Sinsemilla. 😀
  15. So, what I wrote "infuriated" you? Good grief, mate. Are you suggesting that Buffalo should have a flash stadium like some of the others in the NFL? (Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Dallas...) If so, you are either totally delusion, or haven't traveled much. In my post, I wrote, "It suits our team and the area. It's nothing 'over-the-top', but is very practical, with a modern, clean feel to it." That really infuriated you? There's already an uproar with how much of this will be publicly funded. How do you think the situation would be for an even more expensive stadium at taxpayers expense? Let me ask you... what were you expecting from the new stadium? Also... you have me quoted as writing, "it's not fancy, it's suits Buffalo we don't need any of the over the opt stuff". I never wrote any of that, but you make it sound like I did. WTF?
  16. After giving it time to digest, I gotta say that I'm really happy with how the stadium looks. I wasn't too impressed at first, especially with the exterior, but now really like it. It suits our team and the area. It's nothing "over-the-top", but is very practical, with a modern, clean feel to it. I would be happy to sit in any of those seats to watch a game. Great sight-lines, with a balanced feel between a big open-aired stadium, and a modern one with a roof. (I do hope the roof extends further than what this rendering appears to show.) In regards to the exterior... is that all mesh covering the entire stadium? It's purpose it to basically "absorb" some of the wind, so it all doesn't swirl around the building and onto the field, right? If so, it makes sense. What an exciting time to be a Bills fan! Thank God.
  17. Another great Grateful Dead live album. Cornell 5/8/77
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