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Everything posted by zow2

  1. I didn't have a problem with Mularkey but he just never seemed comfortable being the head guy....having to articulate his thoughts in press conferences. He is the prototypical behind the scenes guy and seems to enjoy being out of the limelight...or hotseat. Maybe he has changed...we'll see.
  2. Nothing against AJ Green, but that is the ultimate luxury pick at #3. It would be like repeating the Spiller pick but times 10. And what has Easley done to prove anything? I'm more high on Roosevelt and Jones,,,to go along with Nelson, Parrish, Evans and SJ.
  3. I'm not wure what's worse, this CB prediction or that AJ Green will go #3? I have a feeling many of these mock drafts slot the players in terms of best overall,,,and whoever is sitting at #3 then so be it. If you watch the Bills it only makes sense to take a "franchise QB" to mentor under Fitz, OR a D-lineman or LB stud to contribute NOW.
  4. I agree. You need a legitimate defense but it does not have to be special nowadays. It's a QB driven league. Defense may win you the Championship game, but you won't even sniff that game if you don't have a good QB and offense.
  5. Luck is good, no doubt...but it always amazes me how much bigger the field looks in college games. Alot of it has to do with the defense closing speed in the NFL. You gotta make quicker decisions and if you scramble, watch out. Luck tip-toed away a few times when he would get drilled in the NFL. So we'll see about Mr. Luck but he definitely has the tools. I'm not gonna say he's the best prospect "in ages" because that is overhype. Anyone else think that Jim Harbuagh seems like a douche? he's always b*tching at the refs calls or something going on...always muttering in anger on the sidelines. He does not seem in control to me. He seems like a fan coaching. Maybe it's his spat with Jim Kelly that makes me think he's an idiot... and now i see his demeanor on the sidelines and i have no respect for him even though he obviously did a great job with Stanford.
  6. Seems like he has good pocket awareness but hey, i expected the consensus #1 overall to move the ball with this great field position.. hmmm. still waiting.
  7. I hope he's better in the pros than Chase Daniel. He also had prolific numbers at MO.
  8. I've never been a big Favre fan but he has really proved to be a sleaze bag off the field. His "good 'ol boy" persona from Mississippi with his tight knit family is such a farce. He obviously has no respect for his wife (or marriage) and thinks it's his given right to get a piece of a$$ from anyone he desires. Yes- there are plenty of other married athletes on other teams doing this but they don't have the media fawning all over them for 15+ years. As for the Jets, I have no doubt that they are not the first team to use the wall blocking the gunner or treating female reporters like crap... but still, I hope they get killed by Indy or New England or whoever in the playoffs. They and their annoying coach don't deserve the ring.
  9. I think Fitz is THE MAN. Chan loves Fitz and trusts him. Chan has been around long enough to not want to wait for a major rebuilding project to unfold (which he now realizes is unavoidable). Even Chan has to realize (and myself) that Fitz has some limitations and you cannot go into 2011 with just one QB. They either need to sign a veteran backup or draft the next up and comer so Fitz can help groom him. Fitz would still be the guy in 2011 but lets face it, the bearded wonder got away with getting drilled several times on scrambles. You can't assume Fitz is gonna be able to start all 16 games next year the way he plays. He takes some pretty big shots and i'm surprised he didn't get concussed at least on 5 separate occasions this year. I believe you can write off Luck. He gets drafted #1 or stays in school. I do think the Bills are gonna draft Newton or Mallet with the #3 pick and i am ok with that. Nix and Gailey know they need a guy behind Fitz. Don't kid yourself, if the Bills pass on either of those guys, they will be swooped up in the Top 10 by our opponents. They'll probably go heavy on D the rest of the way.
  10. Inside sources say that Maryland got cold feet about Leach. They took the safe, conservative route with Edsall. Not sure how that fulfills their goal of going from good to Great??? They do get a younger, thinner coach on the sidelines though.
  11. If the Bills have any aspirations of grooming a young QB for the future, they're gonna have to go QB with the #3 overall pick. Fitz will still be the man next season but i suspect unless he bombs in the title game they will select Cam Newton #3 overall. Personally I'm a Ryan Mallet guy so I'm kinda hoping they take him (assuming Luck goes #1 overall or does not come out). Anyway, QB is the only offensive position they should even consider at #3. If not QB then i agree that Fairley or Dareus would be excellent choices.
  12. i don't even care about the position anymore. As has been mentioned numerous times, just select a guy that can step in and contribute and prove to be "worthy" of a #1 pick. Just don't screw it up. The only exception i will be OK with is QB. If they select a Mallett or Newton, then Ok, i can live with them being an understudy for a year or so.
  13. He's not a huge name, but Maryland's WR Torry Smith said after yesterday's game that he's going pro. He's a burner and has very good NFL potential... Some others are listed.. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/544689-2011-nfl-draft-potential-underclassmen-early-entrant-list
  14. I'd probably rather see a guy like Alex Smith back up Fitz than Brohm. Nothing against Brohm, he just has not led the team to many (any?) TD's when i've seen him play in preseason. At least Smith has played actual NFL games and has had some success at times.
  15. Yeah- Martinez is a fun player to watch. I've seen him a few times this year. I personally don't like Locker. Hope the Bills stay far away from that kid. Why did the Holiday Bowl even want this matchup? Bowls normally try to stay away from repeat games. Nebraska killed them in September and they will probably whoop them again tonight. Actually, every Bowl wants Nebraska since their fans travel so well.
  16. I'd actually rather see Todd Bouman if i was a Jags fan. Trent is not gonna get it done. He just can't hang in the pocket and scan the field. 1st option is covered? boom! checkdown. If he does try to hang in there, it more than likely results in a sack/fumble/Int. Go Trent, Best of luck!
  17. http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_daddy/post/Buffalo-welcomes-the-hockey-world-hockey-world-?urn=nhl-301095
  18. We just came down Elmwood to Delaware. Actually, i had dinner that eve at Coles on Elmwood before the game. It was crowded for sure. Like others said, if you don't know exactly where to go, you won't see pedestrians walking around much, especially downtown. What can i say? it was a ghost town. Funny to hear the kid backtrack in his apology interview on the News website. He now says Buffalo is a vibrant and energetic city....in the springtime i guess.
  19. I'm a big Buffalo backer. I don't live there anymore but always defend the city and talk it up to anyone that says anything negative. I was in town for the Bills game and the Rangers/Sabres home opener in October. There was a pretty big buzz for the Sabres home opener. As we drove downtown on a Saturday eve it was literally empty (or a ghost town as this kid said). I literally did not see anything going on anywhere until we parked and got within a block of the Arena. Then finally i saw people with Sabres jerseys on and some festivities in the plaza. I have to say it was kind of a downer as we drove through downtown. I'm not expecting Buffalo to be a vibrant nightlife but you literally have to be on top of the action to notice anything going on. I can see why this kid made that stupid tweet. I don't like it but i can understand from his perspective.
  20. It never ceases to amaze me how fans continue to expect the team to pull starters or "tank" games for a better draft position. In your wildest dreams do you really expect a coaching staff to put a lesser team on the field if everyone is healthy? I mean it's common for teams that wrap up a playoff berth but when your scratching and clawing to change a culture of losing you gotta win. Chan Gailey and his staff have their professional reputations at stake every week. They were humiliated last week. I expect tham to try to win this game with everything they have (especially after getting embarrassed by the Jets already this year). If Brian Brohm gives the team a better chance to win than a healthy Fitz, then go for it. I suspect that's not gonna be the case. I'm glad the fans are just fans and don't call the shots here. Can't stand people wanting the team to lose. Big deal, Luck is either going somewhere else or he's staying in school. There will be plenty of good players to choose from wherever the Bilsl pick.
  21. I think its BS. The Pats/Bears game just a couple weeks ago was played in weather just as bad if not worse (not to mention all the terrible weather games over the past decade). I lost all respect for the city of Philly. Those folks are not hearty at all. This sets a bad precedent. So I guess every big city with a forecast of 6-10 inches of snow will have their NFL game cancelled. I imagine for places like Green Bay and Buffalo the NFL will just step aside. They could probably not care less if 17,000 people show up for a Bills game in a blizzard. For Philly or some other big markets in a prime time game they want a nice showing with butts in the seats.
  22. On Peter King's segment tonight he had some inside news on Andrew Luck. Sounds like the kid is planning to return to college next year. That is according to Jim Harbaugh. So Luck may be available in the 2012 draft.
  23. Its strange to have one pro franchise so completely owned by another. Bostonians > Buffalonians
  24. The Austin Collie story has turned into a really really sad one. He's an awesome player but Let's be real, his career is in serious jeopardy. He is now prone to concussions and it's a foregone conclusion he's going to get more if he keeps playing. I think he ends his career early and keeps his brain from turning to mush.
  25. Bravo, totally agree. Fitz was the guy last year and he's still getting better. I don't think there's a smarter QB out there in terms of breaking down a D and knowing where to go with the ball. Can he always get it there, ala Brady? probably not...but he can more times than not. I also love that he takes chances and gives the WR's a chance to make a play. It WILL result in a few INTs but the rewards of a big play or TD so far have outweighed any negatives. The Bills can draft and groom a young backup but that person will not unseat Fitz for a long time.
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