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Bob in STL

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Everything posted by Bob in STL

  1. Yup. That defense gave up only 4 TDs on the ground in 64 and 65. Sestak was a beast until injuries got him. Too bad Saban left. Lamonica was the perfect QB for the late 60’s and we traded him away for a few washed up players. We should have kept him and git him a few more weapons.
  2. C o c k Robin, Talas, Weekend, 805 ... those guys are older than me. Too funny ? I liked the Jill’s. Bring them back I say.
  3. Correct. Has to be 1968 and the unraveling is in full force. Tom Sestak’s (70) last season and John Pitts (48) first. Looks like we are getting blown away too. No way would that happen in 64 or 65.
  4. Lots of players in the 60’s worked two jobs. Today’s rookies contracts are more then many of these guys saw in a career. That’s why it pains me to see the league pension fund and the owners leaving the pioneers of the game with little to no healthcare. There is money to help these guys.
  5. He led the #1 ranked defense in the AFL at the time. That defense was the reason the Bills won 2 championships in the mid 60's. Some of the best Bills ever are in that video - Tom Sestak (70), Mike Stratton (58), Booker Edgerson (24), Butch Byrd (42), and Georges Saimes (26) are all on the Wall of Fame. Jim Dunaway (78) was and excellent young tackle that went to Miami to finish his career. I see Ron McDole (72) who was a giant DE that had a very long career, after the Bills foolishly traded him he became a starter for the Redskins famous Over the Hill Gang. What characters. Tom "Tippy" Day was the other DE. Different game, different era, but don't knock it. Football was fun to watch in the 60's thru 80's. More hitting, less rules, less timeouts, no replays, less commercials, less hype, and no over-analysis of every play to painful detail. If those players back then were young and training in todays environment many of them would make it in todays game.
  6. Dalton is a class guy but one wonders about the importance of timing. Had the Bengals game been played on Saturday with the same result would the reaction be the same and as intense? Beating the Fish and then waiting and watching the conclusion on the Bengals game adds to the dramatic impact. I like that Dalton is awesome for sharing some of it with Buffalo and he will get red carpet treatment for sure. Bills fans are very generous and loyal and there are lots of local charities sponsored by Bills players. I’ve seen a lot of cities and Buffalo is a special place.
  7. Really? That era would have been long ago, Halas, Lombardi, Allen, Saban, Shula, Noll, Ditka being one of the last of that era. He would have not have lasted long with any if these guys and many more.
  8. TO came into the league in 96. Denver won Super Bowls in 97-98, 98-99 with a running team and a great defense. The NFL shifted to a predominantly passing league during TO’s career, not decades before it. TO and many of his contemporaries have stats that blow away receivers prior to that such as Paul Warfield and Lynn Swann but I’m not sure they are better players. TO has great stats and longevity and that is what got him into the HOF. TD passes from 13 QBs - big deal. The fact that he played on five teams says lots of things, not all of them are good either. Which is probably why he didn’t get a first ballot. I would have voted for him but I feel no sorrow for TO, and no anger with the media or the Hall. He created the sh@t show. Watched his speech in Chattanooga and was rolling my eyes, especially his nonsensical comment about the Bills.
  9. This is true. I need to consider this. If I was a voter I would have picked him the first time around. Most of the real voters did not feel this way.
  10. I did not see anything in TO’s game that said absolute 1st ballot. Sure, he has great stats like many WR’s from his era. He played when the NFL changed to a passing game and he is a top notch statistics guy, never a top team guy, and no championships. If Thurman Thomas was not a first ballot player then I am comfortable with TO not being one. To be passed a second time, yeah maybe that was a bit of a smack down. In the end TO got what he wanted, he got the most publicity of any player last Saturday.
  11. No. Harmon dropped it because he dropped it. Then he refused to be accountable. He was a moody guy. Even though he had good years after Buffalo we were better of with Thurman and Kenny Davis.
  12. Chris Burkett and Ronnie Harmon did not fit into the the family atmosphere that was developing. They were moody and brooding types. Harmon refuse to be accountable for his drop. Burkett and Kelly had issues. Neither was a traitor but they did not fit the culture that was developing. Not every player that leaves is a traitor, football is a business. Thurman,Bruce, Biscuit, are not traders .... these comments are ridiculous.
  13. Smerlas is at the top of any list. Mostly for his actions and comments after he left. I wish he was not on the wall and I disagree with the revisionist history on him ... Jeff wright was the better player when Fred was let go. The problem he had was no one else in he rotation to spell him. Marrone, Cousineau, and Gary Anderson are also top tier traitors.
  14. While I agree with the OL being a huge question our trio of McCoy, Benjamin, and Clay is decent if healthy. Depth is an issue at all positions. The biggest question mark is QB. With Taylor gone the whole offense is an unknown. Because of of all of these issues it may take several weeks of real games to get the offense going. My expectations for the first 5 weeks are not high.
  15. My bad, Castillo is still the OL coach. I meant to say new Offensive Coordinator who is bring in a new system. This could help John Miller re-gain a spot over Ducasse.
  16. You play your best lineup. If Groy wins the job he starts, no matter if he is a the more versatile backup. Bodine was brought it to push Groy, and maybe Bodine starts and Groy gets a Guard spot? Last year was a bit curious as most fans thought Vlad DuCasse was bad but Groy never got a shot at replacing him. With a new OL coach and new scheme maybe John Miller can reclaim the RG spot and get his career going again. The LG spot is a bigger worry. RI will be tough to replace. No matter how I look at this the interior 3 is unproven and with questionable talent.
  17. Fun video. Chefs is always a great experience and the food is consistently very good. I
  18. This is a really dumb post. I’m betting you never spent time in a Scandinavian country because that wold kill your cold weather and fit women theory. I lived in Baltimore and I spend a lot of time in DC. Neither has more “hot chicks” per capita than anywhere else I’ve been. I will give you one point, some warm climates in the USA have more fit people than cold ones. This applies to both men and women and has more to due with lifestyle and an obiesity problem in the USA.
  19. Bennett is worthy of HOF discussion. Had the Bills won a few SB’s and he made a few big plays in those games his stats would be good enough. They didn’t and he didn’t. Bennett had HOF talent but will end up in the Hall of Very Good. Should make Bill’s Wall someday.
  20. 6-3 home loss to Cleveland by far. My kid took two days off from school and we flew to Buffalo for a long weekend to watch that mess. I felt ripped off, cheated, and wanted my money back. No entertainment value at all.
  21. This kid gets it. Beane said Allen “is Buffalo”, I think he is quite perceptive. I am really pulling for Allen to develop into our next great QB.
  22. Byrd is not even on the Wall of Fame and he makes this list? I love Byrd but Billy Shaw is a must. There are lots of players equal to Stratton and Smerlas.
  23. Anytime you lose two players like Eric and Ritchie you are going to step back a bit, for awhile. The question is for how how long? Can Groy eventually play at Woods level? How is much can we get out of Miller and Vlad until we can draft a solid starter? Can Dawkins have another solid year at LT? Is there emerging talent at OT and OG already on the roster? Lots of questions. Makes me think McBeane will need another off season to really bolster the OL.
  24. I think the defense will be better this year but lets not forget that really good defense requires good offense too. It is hard to play great defense if you are on the field all the time and in bad field position. We need the offense to generate first downs, control the cloak, and score some points.
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