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Bob in STL

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Everything posted by Bob in STL

  1. Been reading the news much? Ritchie is lost and in need of mental health help. Something triggered in the Jacksonville game and he has gotten worse. The pay pay cut was not the problem and he could have said no.
  2. Henderson had good potential but they gave up on him. I thought he had a serious medical condition? Kuanjo would still not be starting ahead of Mills or Dawkins. We are thin at OT and even worse at OG and C. I expect we will be picking up other teams cuts. This OL is going to be a problem.
  3. Pederson coached a brilliant game and won it all with his second string QB. Beating Brady and Belly makes it even sweeter. Pederson out coached everyone. No doubt he pulled “what to do and what not to do” from other coaches.
  4. I know he is only 20 but but he does not look like a NFL MLB to me. I think he may be more comfortable outside. We shall see
  5. Let’s freeze this thread, bring it back in August 19, 2021 and see what it looks like.
  6. The Bills of the Levy era were typically a 1-3 preseason team. They looked at players, they kept things simple. They were almost always a strong starting team when the season started. I just dont don’t read into preseason wins and losses. It is nice to see Allen looking good, definitely further along than many pundits predicted. Let’s keep in mind that facing a starting defense, using their full bag of tricks for a full 60 minutes will be a totally new challenge. Especially tough for a rookie qb.
  7. I got the point immediately. Pre season always was and always is pre season. It means nothing and the fortunes of teams and players, especially QBs, can change quickly during the grind of a real season. Not a knock on Allen or any of the of the QBs drafted in this class. What I have seen so far is that we look weak at OL and LB. we all knew WR was thin going into it. At QB wish the Vet brought in to replace Tyrod was experienced. It is what it is.
  8. I am still not so sure. I am behind Allen all the way but not sure that starting him so soon is a good idea. Given how bad our OL played against Cleveland’s first team I am reluctant to throw him to the wolves at this time. If he starts the next game and does well then it will be hard to sit him. I envisioned he would take over by week 6 unless whoever was playing had us in contention. He needs time to learn how to prepare and learn the NFL’s weekly rhythm that a starter goes through. I wish we had a veteran QB on the roster that could help him. Not McCarron or Peterman. Perhaps we can pick up a vet QB off of waivers to help the kid out.
  9. Why put any stock in writers when it comes to drafting a QB? 90% of the teams in the league can’t get it right either.
  10. Lets trade Nathan Peterman (QB) and Jeremy Kerley (WR) to the Raiders for Khalil Mack. The revenge of the Daryl Lamonica trade.
  11. I remember when there were 6 ... talk about overkill. You need at least 2 to evaluate players and 1 to get the starters used to contact and in rhythm. 2 or 3, but add at least 1 more game to the regular season.
  12. I do think Beane will address WR, OL, LB, TE, and CB depth. Right now our roster is similar to last year. Still weak at WR, weak on OL depth, questions at LB. The wildcard for this season is how will the QB play. Can we get more passing production from the new QB with similar ball protection? Perhaps the defense will be improved this season as some steps were taken to improve at MLB and DL.
  13. Heck, I would just like to be able to run to the men’s room during a commercial break and then make it back to my seat without missing a play. It can be down in modern well laid out facilities. Not having some drunk piss in the sink would be an added bonus.
  14. I used to love Rich Stadium, but the time it became The Ralph it was losing luster, New Era is pretty much a second rate facility by today’s standards even with the so called “improvements”. Best experience in NFL? Sure, if you like drinking and rowdy behavior - which I really did at one time - then New Era is fine. I also like the parking options and tailgate set up. Once you get inside the Stadium the experience drops because the design is so inconvenient by today’s standards. The overall amount of drunkenness, craziness (fires, table jumping, fighting, etc), arrests, and such seem to be on rise. I am so proud of Buffalo’s comeback. I would love love to see a new modern gorgeous stadium down in the city, with plenty of parking and green space for tailgating. Let’s it replace some of the wasted land to the south. Design it with 80,000 seats again and shape it to be loud. Reflect the city history in the design. Buffalo is is a city on the rise again and a new stadium would be awesome.
  15. Teller and Boettger look like future starters but not this year unless injuries or the starters fall apart. OL is an area of need to address early in the next draft.
  16. (Heavy Sigh) way way back In this thread i posted that they looked at the details behind his “accuracy issues”. That they analyzed every throw, every catch, every drop, every throw on run, every throw to covered receivers. They said that. THAT IS analytics. Do you just make things up? Did you not listen to Beane talk about the research and study that went into this draft. I never heard him say “we used our eyeballs and that’s it. Yuk, yuk, yuk, golly gee I hope it works out”.
  17. Yes, Allen is a long shot. Most QBs are. But I like the pick given the circumstances at the time. In 1983 Todd Blackledge was drafted before Jim Kelly. Tony Eason and Ken O’Brien were drafted before Dan Marino. 26 players were taken before Marino, including back to back centers right before him. The draft is not a science. It is harder to find and develop a QB than any other position. The Bills past troubles stem from how few they have drafted in the early rounds. You gotta play the odds because they are pretty much all long shots.
  18. Ive been a fan since 1963. I’ll never change teams. It was not meant to insult, it is a suggestion. Upon reading your posts you don’t seem to like the team and you go to great lengths to criticize.
  19. McD and Beane are smart guys and they work hard. We finally have legit nfl talent in the FO and as a HC. They could have picked Rosen or Lamar. I think they picked the guy with the most upside. You can always root for another team.
  20. From what McD and Beane have said they did not ignore his accuracy stats. They did a detailed analysis of them and decided accuracy would not be a reason to not draft him. On top of that they loved the arm, the size, the attitude and intangibles.
  21. Watching him last year and then taking into account the off season I don’t know if this kid has what it takes to be an nfl player. We we are extremely thin at WR so that helps his chances but he is not looking like a McD kind of guy. Which is odd given McD drafted him.
  22. Contract year. Expect his best performance ever. I am puzzled as to why he dismissed Cam during warm ups. Maybe Cam was looking for some reconciliation? I guess he sticks by his comments, for whatever the reason.
  23. Reason 2 is completely false. The Raider bailout was financial and completed years before the trade. The Bills without Saban watching the store we’re complete idiots. The Raiders were coming off back to back 8 win seasons and Tom Flores, their qb, made the Pro Bowl as did his favorite target, Art Powell. The Bills thought they were getting Kemp’s replacement when in fact he was already on the roster. Lamonica bailed kemp out several times and would have beaten him out if given a chance. Al Davis was a real football guy and he knew talent better than Ralph ever dreamed. It looked like we got the better of the deal on paper but we got fleeced. Flores was mediocre and always hurt, Powell was washed up too. Ralph was mad at Al for years. In fact, Al tried to trade for the rights to Jim Kelly when Kelly went to the USFL. Ralph joked that would not deal with Al ever again, but he meant it.
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