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Everything posted by JohnNord

  1. Not happening unless they can swap Ed Oliver for White. Besides, I think if the Bills were going to give out a monster contract to a LB they would prefer Edmunds. I can’t see them giving White that kind of deal if they wouldn’t give it to Edmunds
  2. What was the defensive plan? All remember from SB26 was their secondary being really aggressive with our receivers and getting away with it
  3. It always is crazy to me that the Bills kept shut out Denver’s offense led by Elway. Then when lowly Gary Kubiak came in, he went right down the field for a TD and nearly tied up the game.
  4. Clearly you don’t follow his work. Sounds like you are another fan who desperately wants to be believe the Hopkins rumors are true…
  5. Wrong… The people who say it’s not likely to happen are rooted in reality going off reports from credible reporters. The fake insiders like EricCountyBulls are just making ***** up. Hopkins has a huge cap hit and will be 31. The Bills don’t have a ton of cap space. They are also often reluctant to part with premium draft picks. PLUS Tim Graham reported that it was unlikely the Bills will trade for Hopkins.
  6. IMO it would be a massive upset for a rookie drafted at the bottom of round one to unseat Davis or Brown.
  7. No one is really downplaying their talent…everyone knows Kelcie is rated among the GOAT at TE. But the rest of the pieces on their own are decent but don’t really scare a defense. Its the crazy talent of the QB (and the play calling to a lesser extent) that scares defenses and elevates that talent
  8. Probably not but I think that’s more of a result of the DE’s not really developing more so than Oliver. It reminds me of the phrase “you don’t throw good money after bad.” That’s what the Bills have done in the draft since 2019 consider how much premium draft capitol they’ve spent on DE. I have always said that there was a huge opportunity cost with missing on these draft picks. In the case of the Bills, they were forced to sign Miller to a huge deal
  9. Well said… It’s ridiculous that people are using the Edwards signing to legitimize this guy. There was an “insider” in Miami who tried connecting the dots and reported that Poyer was going to sign in Miami. What gets me is, even if ErieCountyBulls did have legit sources, what would be the motivation for them to leak the info to a random Twitter account with a following of 200 rather than a legit reporter or a fan account with a larger audience? Everything always pointed to BS but fans want it to happen, they’ll pretend they don’t smell it.
  10. Sherfield is probably a decent comp. James played well last season. On his own, he won’t be a huge difference maker but I think he’ll be a decent rotational receiver in the offense.
  11. Good point… all goes back to the fact that Simmons turning out to be a better pro than Oliver isn’t exactly complete hindsight
  12. “Just below Aaron Donald type good” was where many had projected Ed Oliver 😟
  13. 😂 After it was reported by legit media that the Bills media were bringing him in for a tryout THREE earlier. There was also a report the Bills were looking at Jordan Phillips. I could have easily guessed an announced his signing if I wanted to pretend to be an insider. It sounds like you want to be lied to. That’s fine but just know he is full of *****
  14. Do you really think that a rookie is going to challenge either of those two for a starting spot though? They regressed badly? By losing 2 games?
  15. It wasn’t all hindsight… Not everyone believed Oliver was the better DT prospect. Simmons was always touted as a top prospect at DT in 2018. The knock on him was character related because a video re-surfaced of him hitting a woman a few years earlier. He likely would have been drafted higher. As far as Oliver - the reception was very much mixed how he would transition to the NFL. Some were enthralled with the quickness of his first step and his athleticism whereas others were more concerned about his size. I think the comparisons in his game to Aaron Donald helped raise his stock in the eyes of some. Not to say he was going to be the next Donald, but that he had that kind of potential. Oliver’s career over his first four season is probably dead set in the middle of his ceiling/floor trajectory coming out of the draft. He had flashed at times but overall isn’t nearly the difference maker the other 2018 first round rookie tackles have been
  16. Simmons, Quentin Williams, Christian Wilkins. These players are true game wreckers at DT. Ed Oliver is not. Period.
  17. Nothing… Like he’s always done, he simply re-phrases news already reported by other outlet and pretends it’s his own. I’m glad to hear that you gave him some crap because it’s astounding how many people actually thought he had some kind of info. I completely believe those fans just want to be lied to:
  18. …and plenty of times random users on Twitter pose as insiders or in the know about certain players. In most cases it’s a fan trying guessing based off national reporters and trying to make themselves feel important. If their guess actually happens then they take a victory lap. If their guess doesn’t happen then “plans change” What gets me is how easily some otherwise knowledgeable Bills fans in this forum have been duped by this random account. It seems that Hopkins might have had his former player friends put that out there. Pac Man Jones did a whole segment on Pat McAfee talking about teams he would could be traded to.
  19. It’s over… when nothing happens I’ll be the guy to tell you “I told you so” He went further than Wilson did and fans like you treated ECBulls like he had legit information. It was pure BS…we all knew it was…but fans were so desperate they allowed themselves to believe some random Twitter account.
  20. Remember when so many people believe the random “ErieCountyBills” account that said the Bills were trading for Hopkins 🤣🤣🤣 I tried telling you it was BS…some of you just want to be lied to
  21. It’s always a hard balance when to move on from a player. I think it’s fair to say that after the 2020 season the Bills probably put too much faith that Cody Ford would work out. They penciled him in as starting guard and didn’t really bring in any competition. When he didn’t work out they had to move Darryl Williams and start Brown which wasn’t the plan but ended up working out ok. Had the Bills cut bait on Ford earlier they might have been able to get better compensation that why received in 2022. The opposite thing happened to Wyatt Teller. He had a relatively uneventful start to his career and was on the edge of the roster. The Bills traded him while they could still get decent value rather than cut him or keep him on the bottom of the roster. In this case they moved on too soon. But either way, we’re at that “fork in the road” with the three players I mentioned in the original post.
  22. I think the drafting has left a lot to be desired - especially when you look at how many premium assets were spent on DL. The crazy thing is that they drafted every type of DL player from freaky athletic (Oliver) to pro ready (Basham, Epinesa) to very raw (Rosseau) and yet they still needed devote a massive contract to Von Miller since no one worked out. Of course, if Beane’s faith pays off in the three players I mentioned above, the narrative about drafting changed big time.
  23. My issue with Morse is more about his inability as a people mover in the run game. It’s just not his specialty. He’s a fast, athletic blocker with good technique but he’s not the type of Center that will blow a NT off the ball on his own. Still I think Morse and Dion are easily the best lineman and the Bills would be smarter looking to upgrade the other 3 spots rather than those two
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