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Everything posted by Simon

  1. The answer has the simplicity of a chinese finger puzzle. There's only one group of people in the world who can accurately assess the effectiveness of a teacher. And that is other teachers. Not parents, students, administrators or government bureaucrats. Unfortunately the nearly limitless power of a corrupt, bloated, self-interested union makes this nearly impossible. The solution is that the teacher's union has to show the fortitude to eat its own when necessary and thereby earn the right to the kind of self-regulation that is the only viable solution. Until the vast majority of good teachers find the courage to toss the small minority of useless slugs, we'll continue to look like the kind of ineffectual clock punchers we're frequently portrayed as.
  2. That's how it used to be but I think they switched it in the mid 80's due to excessive travel issues. Soft.......
  3. Because regardless of what he was being payed, Schobel always showed up ready to play. The one time Peters wasn't happy with his paycheck he laid around on his couch all summer dipping kettle chips in mayonnaise and showed up as a fat useless pig. The bottom line is that you're trying to turn this into a black/white issue. There are legitimate cases where those prejudices are a factor; this is not one of them.
  4. Says the guy who is measuring Schobel's ability by sack numbers. This is coming from a guy who usually sticks up for his fellow players from Western PA: Taylor was the ultimate oneplayagame superstar. He'd usually make one spectacularly athletic play a game (almost always in the first half) that would make everybody go "Wow!". And then he'd disappear and be a total non-factor in every aspect of the game for the remainder of the day. Schobel never made anybody go "Wow!" but he was there all day, every day, being effective in every aspect of the game. One of the smartest, most versatile DE's you'll ever see. Jason Taylor was nowhere near the player that Schobel was (is?).
  5. One of the funniest posts I've ever seen on here.
  6. Life is Beautiful. Benigni blew my mind....
  7. I sort of think that holds true for almost every member of the unit, which is why I'm not ready to chuck Trent Edwards out of here until we see him in an offense which is competently designed and innovatively called. The one caveat I'd give is to say that you can probably get a pretty decent read in how a guy is in passpro regardless of how poor an offense he's thrown into. If you can't win your one-one matchups in pass protection, it probably doesn't matter what calls are coming in. Even with Gailey providing the first experienced steady hand on the till in a long time, I still fear for the Bills QB getting hammered off the edges cuz we simply have no Tackles, regardless of scheme.
  8. An offense's only advantage over defense is that they know what's coming while a defense doesn't. If you negate that singular advantage, defenses will always have the edge. As it pertains to an OLine, I'd say that predictably is an absolutely brutal albatross for them. Aside from simply overloading the point of attack if you know what's coming, an opposing front 7 can also set up in gaps which complicate blocking assignments (from stacks to wide splits), come off the ball in a manner which makes them more difficult to engage (anchoring, pad level, shooting, etc), employ a variety of techniques to frustrate blocking schemes (from swims to rips to dips) and even exert less energy while the OLine has to work double time. Even if they don't necessarily "play" any better this year, I'd think their efforts are still likely to lead to somewhat improved results.
  9. Do you seriously think I'm going to take the time to elucidate what I think about this when the only reply I'm likely to receive is some incongruous non sequitur implying that I hate plastic because I'm frustrated with the governments of Southeast Asia when their bags wash up in my back yard on the California coast? I'll just say that you have a unique talent for making good the enemy of perfect and that the pleasure you seem to derive from attempting to increase the discomfort of others does not speak well of you.
  10. They don't all end up in landfills They end up in lots of different places Not to mention they're also made from petroleum, a resource which it's time for us to move on from. I'm not sure if banning them outright is the appropriate response, but it's certainly worth more discussion than your typically classy "!@#$ them!". Personally, I hope plastic water bottles are next.
  11. You're not embarrassed by Poison and Def Leppard but you're embarrassed by Pearl Jam?
  12. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive subject lines. The topic starter can edit the subject line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  13. He didn't play any games for the Bills
  14. Says the guy who never saw him play a game.....
  15. Agreed. Patrick is way funnier. The first one was OK, not great. I thought the second one was superior in every way; if you haven't seen it yet make it a point to do so. I thought it was hysterically funny.
  16. That he is not beside the umpire instead is probably very fortunate for the umpire.
  17. Do a little research on Urban Heat Islands. Then when you think you've got a handle on it, do a little research on the mountain pine beetle. Then bang your head off your keyboard several times and run screaming from the room. By then, you should be as clueless as everybody else on the planet who doesn't have adequate data either.
  18. He may have. But he's still so stiff he makes Al Gore look like Jeff Lebowski.
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