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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I'd settle for just a smarmy crack about Richie Incognito......
  2. Not safe for work but a fantastic song nonetheless.
  3. Yeah, the guy can't play at all.
  4. While Colinsworth may be a jackass, he didn't make up smoke screen. It is a play, often called at the LOS on a sight adjustment.
  5. I get Reason magazine and thought this was a good series of articles in this month's issue. Where Do Libertarians Belong? For those who cherish the ideals of free minds and free markets, 21st century politics in the United States has not been a particularly welcoming place. The big-government conservatism of George W. Bush has been followed by the bigger- government liberalism of Barack Obama. The twin crises of 9/11 and the 2008 financial meltdown spawned the twin leviathans of national security hyperextension and the never-ending bailout. The nation’s political class has rallied around the economic ideas of John Maynard Keynes, and the country’s short-term financial picture only looks tenable when compared to the long-term fiscal nightmare that just about everyone agrees is coming. So where should libertarians drop anchor and forge alliances within the famous four-sided Nolan Chart spectrum of political beliefs and groupings? In this exchange, Contributing Editor Brink Lindsey argues that it’s time, once and for all, to sever the libertarian-conservative alliance that dates back to the New Deal while remaining skeptical about the illiberal populism of Tea Party activism. In response, a conservative writer—National Review Online Editor-at-Large Jonah Goldberg—disputes Lindsey’s portrayal of the right and contends that the only major party giving free market economics the time of day is the GOP. Meanwhile, FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe tells Lindsey and his think tank fellow travelers to climb down off that high horse and celebrate the most promising limited-government popular uprising in generations.
  6. Yeah, thank gawd we chucked almost a trillion dollars to our woefully underfunded military and their withering support system. I don't know how they were making ends meet before we went imperialist.
  7. Agreed he just wanted to spend less time at camp and practice. But when you've been doing it that long it becomes second nature and not needing all that extra banging, I think you're a lot more valuable player with fresh legs and less practice. A guy who's shown that much over that many years has earned the right to miss most of camp and coast practices, as long as he's still bringing it on the field. And there's never been any doubt about Schobel's willingness to bring it on the field. I don't disagree with the Bills cutting him because he's not a good fit for where this franchise is right now. But if I've got a contending team that's not sporting All-Pro DE's, I'm on the phone with Schobel offering him a bag of money and a friendly schedule about 5 minutes after he's become a free man. This tripe says waaaayyyyy more about you than it does about Schoebel.
  8. I'm thinking some of you haters ought to walk a mile in the shoes of a 35yr old ballplayer who knows that any second his body is going to betray him and take away forever the thing he loves doing most. The mental battle between going out on your own terms and squeezing out every last drop of joy you can is more difficult than you could ever imagine. Until you've dealt with it you'd probably be best served to shut yer inexperienced, self-important, un-informed traps.
  9. For you tankman..... You mean this one?
  10. Man, you cats are harsh. Multiple votes for Steely Dan, U2, Dave Matthews, Rush, Beatles and Pearl Jam? Damn, I like all those bands. I'd second the vote for Aerosmith and throw in Def Leppard, Boston, and most of the rest of those 70s/80s faux rock bands. I'd also toss in almost anything that's been on a country music radio station for the last 20 years.
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  15. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  16. I couldn't care less what he says in interviews. But when I constantly see him disrespecting teammates, quitting on plays, whining to coaches and yapping at opponents for no reason, then he gets classified as a ginormous jackass who I do not want as a veteran on a young impressionable team.
  17. Cuz he's one of the biggest ashholes in the league and that's not the kind of veteran leadership I want for a young rebuilding team.
  18. I agree with this. For some reason the way he's constantly pushing the ball just bugs the begeesus out of me.
  19. On the deep ball where he just missed Evans, he first made it a point to look off the safety.... hard.
  20. Yeah it was. Again. If I were him, I'd probably knock it off.....
  21. If the Bills were looking to make a deep run, then yeah maybe you keep the more experienced Fitzpatrick as a back-up even though he's already reached his very limited ceiling. But they're going nowhere this year and know it, so the smart move is to keep Brohm's far superior toolbox and see if he blossoms with another year of pro experience and increased maturity. While a championship contender might value Fitzpatrick over Brohm, a rebuilding team should place more value on Brohm's superior upside.
  22. There may not be an "I" in team, but there's an "M" and an "E".
  23. That looked just like one of the passes Drew Bledsoe threw in the NE/Pitt playoff game where he "saved" the Patriots.
  24. His feet are just ridiculous. Y'all can decide which one I'm talking about.
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