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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Just tidying up a bit.......
  2. It's much easier to deal with when you just accept it!
  3. Actually Fitzpatrick is terrible. Horrifically so. And I'm curious to know what exactly all those Brohm fans are now finding out.
  4. You can tell by my sack of sawdust.
  5. That was it? Awwww, them boys were just messin about a wee bit.
  6. You might think I'm just a janitor but I am the eyes and ears of this institution, my friends
  7. I didn't remove it as I was away from any computers, TVs, phones and radios for about a month. However, now that I am back I'd like to thank whoever did remove it as I consider it pretty ignorant. Either you are a) completely full of crap or b) so untrustworthy that you'd proudly blab to the world something that was told to you in confidence. Either way the whole post said much more about you than it did about Schobel or the Bills. Personally, I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth and this board's tolerance for bullshlt is extremely low. If I were you I'd select my words more carefully in the future. Have a nice weekend.
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  11. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  12. Actually he said it was just a shove at the end of a play. And you have turned that into a hit after the play. Repeatedly With your recurring tendency to exaggerate or even make things up, you should reconsider your habit of making claims about things players wives say that you've heard third-hand through unnamed sources.
  13. Making more crap up, eh? Your credibility seemingly diminishes with every key stroke.
  14. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  15. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  16. Fare thee well to a childhood hero. Thanks for the lessons, Jack.
  17. So if Lil Johnny comes to school 2 days a week because his parents don't give a sheet, which of these do you want to see? And which do you think will happen? A) Teacher continues teaching; Lil Johnny fails cuz he didn't come to school and as a result, the teacher gets their pay docked B) Teacher holds up the whole class so Lil Johnny can catch up; the rest of the class gets screwed but Lil Johnny passes and teacher gets paid C) Instead of going home to eat dinner with their family, Teacher instead goes to Lil Johnny's house and spends the evening tutoring him (and then to Lil Jimmy's house who's going to fail cuz his Mom is a methhead; and then to Lil Janey's house who's going to fail cuz her Mom is out drinking every night; and then to Lil Jackie's house cuz Dad is in jail, etc etc etc) D) All the evil liberal teachers are fired and replaced by conservative clergy who teach christian education courses all day and work for half the price and the occasional bit of 11 year old ass.
  18. Hell no, it's not in an urban environment; nobody's printed enough money yet to get me to spend my life in some concrete shlthole. It's more of a rural/suburban district. First off, I never said any such thing as I try not to be so stupid as to extrapolate what little I'm familiar with to be the same everywhere else. If what you said were true, I'd guess folks maintain membership because it's the only union available and they want some sort of protection from mindless ideologues who need to politicize every aspect of life and demonize anybody who doesn't goose step along with them. And oh, and I notice you've already assumed what my answers would be to fit into your nice little pre-existing worldview. And once again, you'd be wrong. Since your idea of hell is tolerance, equality and diversity, I hope our educations system is leading. Of course it's easy when you don't have to think about anything and just conveniently try to fit it all into your narrow little worldview. As for the issue of merit pay, I get the sense that the very nature of education makes the idea a near impossibility. But I'd probably find it entertaining to hear how you think this should be done and who should decide it.
  19. Actually I was just qualifying my remarks by stating that I don't often stand in front of a class and teach a particular subject and may have a different perspective as such. Shocking that you'd misunderstand it and attempt to cram it into a preconceived notion, as that's soooo unlike you.. Half the people on my staff are annoyed that they can't display religious symbology or celebrate holidays in a traditional manner. More than half the people on my staff would be considered to hold conservative views on political, financial and most social issues. When I refused to join the union (until dues became compulsory for all teachers this year) and made my feelings clear regarding the wrong-headedness of their refusal to help toss out ineffectual teachers, what kind of response do you think I got? Was I made a pariah, ignored in the hallways, forced to endure smarmy remarks at meetings, shunned by the evil liberal lefties who only want to protect all teacher's jobs? No, I was actually just elected to be our building's representative even after I made it clear that I didn't respect how the union went about its business. When I told the head of the union I was considering refusing the position because I had philosophical differences with the union, he informed me he was a flaming republican and has been placed in his position because the majority of the staff felt he represented their views. You live in a self-created fantasy world in which you build up your own imaginary monsters just so you have something to rail against. Like most conservative christians, you have an overarching need to play the role of the crucified and do so by creating powerful forces in your narrow-minded head so you can wail about how much of a victim you are. "Oh, those evil liberal secular lefties are destroying the world! I have to stop them and save us all!!!" You don't even consider issues, you just look for ways to fit them into your pre-existing worldview to justify the static attitude you already have in place. If you want to discuss an issue great, but don't waste my time with your predictable and repetitive crying about evil liberal conspiracies that only exist in your head.
  20. I work in a school and teach kids all day, but I'm not a "teacher" in the sense in which you're imagining it. And it doesn't explain anything, it only makes you feel that your hatred has now been justified. I don't care what inside info you think you're privvy to. The fact that you'll simply take this complex issue and turn it into yet another opportunity to mindlessly bash your imaginary liberal lefties, shows that your "opinion" is not only predictable and repetitive, but entirely worthless as usual. Thanks for the chuckle, though.
  21. He was cited, not arrested. And I'd be a little hesitant to call that "assault" and definitely not "fighting".
  22. The answer has the simplicity of a chinese finger puzzle. There's only one group of people in the world who can accurately assess the effectiveness of a teacher. And that is other teachers. Not parents, students, administrators or government bureaucrats. Unfortunately the nearly limitless power of a corrupt, bloated, self-interested union makes this nearly impossible. The solution is that the teacher's union has to show the fortitude to eat its own when necessary and thereby earn the right to the kind of self-regulation that is the only viable solution. Until the vast majority of good teachers find the courage to toss the small minority of useless slugs, we'll continue to look like the kind of ineffectual clock punchers we're frequently portrayed as.
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