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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Nice find! Maybe it's just me but those two fellas look pissed. Like this one?
  2. I remember laughing at him after one of those TD's last season. It was late in that game where Baltimore hammered the Patriots and Willis strolled in upright over LT for a short TD. Even though he'd done nothing all day and the game was all but over he starts prancing around and posing after his 3yrd untouched carry. Then when a couple of the OLinemen who had busted open that gaping hole he walked through came over to celebrate with him, he actually pushed them out of the way so he could dance around and glorify himself some more. It was one of the more embarrassing things I've ever seen on a field.
  3. No, you were right the first time. With no due respect to Steve Spurrier, Pete Carroll and Jimmy Johnson the most over-rated coach I have ever seen is probably Bill Cowher.
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  5. That's why you defer 'til the second half and then open the game by putting your badass geeked-up defense on the field first so they can punch somebody in the face. And I'll take the extra offensive possession in the second half, when most games are decided.
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  8. The drag route from Johnson really sucked that last safety up as well.
  9. I'm one of many who's taken that guy for granted because he's so reliable, but he looks like he could be a monster out there this year. He might be the baddest Bill on the roster right now. The difference is already stunning. They're better after two scrimmages than they were all last year. With the addition of Cornell Green they should be respectable in that regard. They still lack a really good blocking TE and I wish they still had Robert Royal to fill that role.
  10. Great post and I agree with an awful lot of it. But since agreeing is boring here's a couple things I could take issue with: Kyle Williams is a good player, even if he doesn't fit the scheme...at all I think he's a good enough all around player that he is versatile enough to fit this 3-4 scheme. He doesn't have to beat double teams, he just has to draw them. And with two good Ends on his hips and bad Andra behind him, the fit might turn out to be OK even if he isn't your traditional immovable power anchor. Reggie Torbor was listed as the JLB. What the hell is the JLB? It's a Jack Linebacker(ala Will, Mike, Sam). Sort of a jack of all trades; usually strong side on or near the LOS but can drop, contain or rush from there. Brohm.....missed a screen pass (embarrassing) I hung that one on Chad Simpson, who I thought ran a really lazy screen. Brohm maybe should have added another step to his drop but it looked like he put the ball where Simpson should have been instead of where he was. Although that fade/stop he missed badly on to Chad Jackson was ugly; probably what Gailey was talking about when he said something about Brohm having some accuracy issues. Barring injury or rapid turn around, Chad Jackson isn't making the team. This where I really disagreed. Maybe it's just widely varying expectations but I was pleasantly surprised by what we're seeing from him when I expected to see nothing. I think he makes the roster and contributes, even if only because he's really the only strong WR the Bills are carrying(with no due respect to Hardy). Said it before, say it again. Aaron Maybin is a bust. He may be but I'm not ready to bail on him yet. He's a great athlete with a good motor and I still have hopes he can grow into the role of a 3-4 backer. I hate the idea to punt with under four minutes left in the 3rd. Why not try a 52-yard FG and see where Lindell's at at this point in his career? They know where Lindell is at but they probably want more looks at the newer guys who are going to be expected to fill out the coverage units.
  11. So you're saying that any religion that advocates an eye for an eye is bad?
  12. I just read a relatively good piece of pulp called World War Z by a guy named Max Brooks. It's written in the style of an oral history about an epidemological (is that a word?) outbreak of "zombies" that nearly eradicates humanity and as ridiculous as it sounds was actually a pretty entertaining read. If you're into zombies and like good writing I'd suggest picking it for cheap online or adding it to an e-reader.
  13. I didn't see the Washington scrimmage, but the running game I saw tonight was the combination of a talented rookie making multiple unblocked tacklers miss and a well-coached offense successfully protecting a glaring weakness. We're OK on the interior but no props should ever be given to these Tackles or TE's.
  14. On the first play he had an End in his lap in about 2.5 seconds and on the second Hangartner short-hopped a snap that he did a great job handling. No fault of his, I think he was fine from the get-go. Fitz is nowhere in the same league as Brohm's upside and one of these round of cuts will support that statement very soon I think. You cannot be serious. Gailey calls hitches, screens and bubbles all night and you're going to give the QB grief for executing the playcall? Not to mention he took more than one hard shot tonight and kept standing in there without hesitation. That analysis is nothing more than preconceived notion.
  15. You have got to be kidding me. We still have no NFL OTackles or TE's and can't protect the edges to save a QB's life.
  16. They used the FB a lot more than we've seen recently and McIntyre looked pretty good.
  17. > The Bills nickel defense might be the strenght of this team and I think we're going to see a lot of it this year through both design and circumstance. Through design because it puts our best personnel on the field. We know about the depth of the secondary but I give this front office some credit for putting together a very respectable D-Line rotation, even with the loss of their best defender. And through circumstance because with the addition of Andra Davis (another great acquisition) the Bills are relatively stout up the middle, an attribute which generally leads to a lot of 2nd/8. And taking two relatively weak 'backers off the field then replacing them with a good DLineman and a good DB will likely be irresistible to the defensive staff. > It only took about 4-5 possessions to see the glaring difference in an offense run by an experienced coach. It is already sooooo much more cohesive and sensibly managed than it was all last year. Procedural mistakes are reduced, route combinations are suddenly a weapon again, weaknesses are smartly hidden and strengths better accentuated. Everybody knows their job when they break the huddle and as a result execution is clearly crisper than it was at any time last year. We still can't protect anybody off the edges but I think this staff is going to do a much better job of mitigating that problem than we've seen in a long time. > This is the first time I've ever got to see CJSpiller in the flow of a "game" and my initial comment was "holy schnikes". I hated the selection because it was just another bluechip pick seemingly wasted on one of the easiest positions to fill, but CJ might shut my yap yet. Great vision, outstanding burst and a fantastic pair of feet. That boy packs on just a few more pounds of muscle and shows he can maintain that focus and freshness over 4 qrtrs and he could be a legitimate game changing player. The kid can really ball. > The change to a different style of defense and fewer weaknesses in front of him might lead to some very positive things for Donte Whitner. He looks much more comfortable with this unit with improved anticipation, better vision and more opportunities to dish out punishment. Through no fault of his own, he'll never live up to that absurd draft position but I think there's now potential for him to become a factor for the first time in his career. > The fretting over the WR corps with TO gone might turn out to have been a bit overwrought. Chad Jackson already looks like he might be another very smart maneuver from the front office and more judicious use of Roscoe by a more experienced coach might also be a reasonable expectation at this point. We don't have the edge protection to run a bunch of 4-5 wide but this might turn out to be a surprisingly respectable group of wideouts. > Both Edwards and Brohm were put in some difficult circumstances at various times tonight and they both handled it better than was to be expected, particularly Brohm. We're not going to ride either of these guys anywhere, but they might both turn out to be serviceable for a couple years while the Bills address more glaring needs. > Those glaring needs being edge players up front on offense and in the second level on defense. This franchise was in absolutely brutal shape when this administration was assembled in the offseason, but overall I'm starting to feel pretty good about the types of moves the front office had made in just their first year. They couldn't possibly address everything, but it's starting to seem like the things they were able to/chose to address, they may have addressed very well. I don't expect to go .500 this season, but for the first time in about 7 years I'm feeling more positive about the direction this franchise is moving and the manner in which it is going there. > Please consider this a troll free thread.
  18. I have never <(thought/expected)>anything less would happen to be honest with you
  19. Who's saying that? I think the Bills are going to use him heavily to showcase him for whatever they can get for him in a trade.
  20. When they build it I wonder how long it will take some yahoo to blow it up. Then we can turn on AJE and watch self-professed Christians celebrating its destruction.
  21. So your response to a thread about the irrelevancy of the QB competition is your 1500th post on the intricacies of the QB competition? Seriously? There's a lot more film on all of these guys than just last season. Rogers sack numbers are primarily a result of his propensity to hold the ball for an abnormally long time. The GB OLine wasn't good, but it wasn't nearly as atrocious as the Bills'. We had 0 legitimate NFL OT's on the roster last year; it was so bad we were trying to sign guys from that same Packer's squad that weren't even good enough to get on the field for them. I don't see this year as being much, if any better. There was simply nobody available at the OT or QB positions, in either the draft or freeagency, that the FO felt was worth what they would have had to give up. But there were guys available at key Defensive positions that the FO considered good value. Who said anything about Washington? I didn't even see that scrimmage and even if I had I wouldn't be fool enough to base my opinion on some action from the first preseason scrimmage. You're the one that's got to be kidding. They could have wasted picks and cash on all 4 of those guys and it would have had little effect on this team. I like June Jones and would have no problem with Brennan being added to the mix. That being said, it wouldn't make a lick of difference this year.
  22. I think Peyton Manning could make this D- line look like a D+ line.
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