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Everything posted by ProcessTruster

  1. this is BS. so the SB winner and loser are not at the top of the "expectations" list? why not? man the offseason is slow.
  2. I wonder if Pegs is checking out a bit to take care of his wife. The guy has all the $$ any 500 people could want, the franchise is a money machine, and solid if not spectacular guys are running it. The one thing money can't buy has perhaps been taken from him, could be stepping aside for a few years. Can't blame him.
  3. but 90% of this board is a bunch of homers, it is a fan (defined as "fanatic") board after all, so IMO the OP is fine in context
  4. Agreed, but Beane wants to keep the team competitive for multiple years, not do a "Rams" and win one SB and then suck for 10 years, so there is a balance.
  5. Yeah not sure I even want to playoff games in WNY in January... Bills prob better on the road in a good weather situation, the way they play the game. Hell, they barely beat the Fins in frostbite conditions and completely bogged down against Cinci in the slop.
  6. could not agree more. this board has turned into the the "how many oblique ways can I say McD sucks" board. very tired train of OPs. Starting to think the NFL has its playoff format wrong , the all or nothing single elimination tournament format. It causes fans to destructively dump on their team for an entire off season based on a single game, the outcome of which is driven by any number of fairly random factors no one would have anticipated.
  7. sounds like 4 SB appearances about to occur. bring it on
  8. Most teams do this, nothing to see here. Move on
  9. Fantastic. Better roster than 2022, no question. Upgrades everywhere. Next question.
  10. Agree with PTR. What is wrong with people on this board? The 12th beer didn't go down so well during the Cinci game and its off with their heads?
  11. head coaches don't do much. OC much more important. give me a strong OC for the SB. I'd like Daboll back personally.
  12. No. They'll keep getting back in the hunt and one of these years the playoff breaks will go their way and the trophy will be theirs. That's pretty much the formula in the NFL now. Get a high playoff seed and be your best and get some breaks in each playoff game.
  13. No concerns at all. Bills are loaded this year.
  14. Washington. Acquaintance of mine was Sam Howell's HS head coach.
  15. whatever. its a passing league now. RBs ain't getting any team to the promised land anymore. they are stuck with the D Jones show now. Good luck with that once Barkley isn't there to keep defenses off him.
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