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Everything posted by ProcessTruster

  1. Agree. Many posters on this board have been sucked into the "unless you win the SB you suck" mentality. Congratulations to the media for creating this myth.
  2. Worth doing if JSN drops in the draft for some unknown reason. He's probably a top 15 pick, so can't imagine Beane breaks the draft capital bank going up to 10 or 12 from 27 to get him. From 27 to 20? Then sure maybe. We'll see.
  3. Sure, if McDermott intends to completely change the defensive scheme (4-2-5) he's used for over 10 years. If he's sticking with what he's used very successfully for over 10 years , then no, we are not interested in a true 3-4 NT. I think we know which of these is the case. Next.
  4. thnking Beane will trade back, and then trade up enough to get Campbell in the second. He ends up with Campbell plus a full 7 picks. Thats the way I see it. Pretty simple. Worst that can happen is we get 7 picks and Bernard takes over for Edmunds, which he was drafted to do anyway.
  5. yes. defense doesn't much matter anymore at the highest levels as with today's rules, D cannot win against the best pass offenses. the NFL at the highest levels is pretty much pass heavy, flag football. Have a run game and run defense, sure, but don't expect to go very far it you don't have the QB and receiver talent to play 50 throws/game flag football . WRs/DBs don't even wear pads anymore bc they don't need to
  6. they'll probably go with Bernard. that is why they drafted him last year, as a hedge that TE leaves, which he did. pretty simple. all but the last negative on the OP also applied to TEdmunds, so not seeing a big dropoff in play necessarily.
  7. i don't follow this draft stuff very closely, but the general feel in the media seems to be this is a relatively poor draft class in general .
  8. Brown will be RT this year. He'll be better than last year.
  9. That with continual, marginal roster improvement every year and Josh Allen as QB, the McBeane Bills will win the SB. Rams "burn it all down" method to get one trophy is about the most hollow, most quickly forgotten title in sports history.
  10. that'd be my acid test... they dip into the ranch and the lunch is over
  11. my favorite is the guy in Canada with the outdoor "billshelmetbar" .. check this handle out on insta. they use it in all weather
  12. yep. I'm a believer. 55-21 record just does not lie.
  13. solid. McBeanes are killing it again Under the radar, just upgrading everywhere. slowly and quietly. O Line, RBs, WRs.
  14. well so much for that one pretty sure the WRs signed so far are upgrades
  15. When you can't touch the QB, you can't touch the WRs, its impossible to stop a top, quick release QB and top WRs other than a few drives per game, I am not super interested or concerned about defense. Playing the top 5-7 teams, you simply need to outscore them, so put your focus on having the number 1 offense. Focus the D on getting 4-5 stops per game (punts/FGs) when you score TDs on all but 3 of your drives. I am exaggerating, but why go nuts sweating over and spending huge $$ on D when the rules don't allow them to play? I'm glad Edmunds walked.. he doesn't generate stops, he just forces offenses to take longer to score a TD. That model is interesting but doesn't work against top 5 teams. You need to score, score and score some more. Is it possible that the flag football game at the Pro Bowl was pretty entertaining because it looked a lot like the regular game?
  16. Give me a 100% healthy Ike Boettger and Spencer Brown not coming off f ing back f ing surgery and I'll be happy. Then draft O Line #1 or #2 and I can rest. BTW, With D Harris pounding the rock the O Line will suddenly look so much better.... McBeanes have swapped out Zack Moss, Devin S and whoever for N Hines, J Cook and D Harris. Total upgrade across the board. They are killing it. Go Bills
  17. Yes the issue with Phillips is can a 6'6' 350 lb guy manage to stay healthy. By the way JP is a quick, rush the passer, gap shooting 3 tech, which means he is a replacement for Oliver, not a guy who plays next to him. Phillips needs a run stuffer kind of 1 tech DT with him to hold up against the run. You rarely see Oliver and JP on the field at the same time. I know, its weird a guy at JP's size is a 3 tech but he is that freaky of an athlete... now can he be healthy? that is the question. They'll examine him and see where the shoulder is and go from there. I really think Beane intends to get a great season out of Oliver in his contract year, just like he did Edmunds, and hopefully he is a part of a SB run this coming season. Then you make him a contract offer you are comfortable with but in all likelihood he gets more from somewhere else... or not
  18. Get max production out of Oliver in his contract year, especially with Jones next to him. Jones will be extended for sure and Settle is already extended I believe. So they'll have at lease Jones and Settle for 2024. If Jordan Phillips is fully recovered from his shoulder injury , I expect him to be signed to replace Oliver, who will leave after this season for sure. So they need another DT for 2024, they have several internal players to pick from, plus the upcoming draft.
  19. He works for the owners, who are the members of the association (called the NFL) . Owners happy, he gets rewarded. Owners are happy. Pretty simple formula.
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