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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. Absolutely. That’s also how the Giants took care of Brady in his SB losses—constant pressure collapsing the middle of the pocket, throwing him off his timing, making him hear footsteps all day, etc. conversely give Brady time, and he’ll dissect your coverages no matter who you have at corner.
  2. Lol, so’s mine. Still need to improve bathing wear, but the high speed railroad thing they’ve definitely got down however.
  3. Ditto. For a bigger guy like me who’s trying to stretch out every last calorie, I’ll leave the outer crust be for the sake of another bite of all the fixin’s instead—great, now I’m starving for some pizza...btw, in my single days a slice or 3 of cold pizza was a heck of a breakfast after a bender, but I digress I had such high hopes for the 1st deep dish Chicago pizza I ever tried in Chicago, and was sorely disappointed...a flim flam hot mess (almost watery red sauce marinating a gooey doughy Mt. Vesuvius) that I don’t care to repeat—yes I will join you ol dirty in judging away as to that “pizza” atrocity.
  4. I get where you're coming from, but have to respectfully disagree with you, also for personal reasons, and leave it at that. Now Gunner, who ya got at #25 in the draft next year (I figure Beane will trade up from #32 following our SB win)?
  5. Was it becoming too obvious that all of the recent articles on the ESPN Bills page were pool reports discussing mostly other teams/players?
  6. Topic/Post of the day OP. Thanks for sharing, and much love to the Kelly family for all they've been through to get to this point!
  7. ^^^^^^This. Exactly right. Will never forget how he shouldered all of the slings and arrows sent his way after being trotted out to take 100% of the fall each time the Bills blew up without making any excuses--while the rest of the horrendously awful supporting cast slunk away like the Colts moving out of Baltimore on a weekly basis. NP should always get credit for that, if nothing else. I'm just happy that Allen seems to have much of the same kind of straight up great character, to go along with his franchise type tools/ability on the field.
  8. I'll DVR it first and check back in here for reviews to see if it's worth the watch .
  9. Because he shows something (in practice, meeting rooms, whatever) that leads whichever coach to think that there's something still untapped there, that they haven't found the key on gamedays for yet, but again, he is showing them something. No NFL coach who wants to keep their job, will give him a chance at the expense of some other more deserving scrub, if they didn't see something that makes them feel like they lose nothing to give him another chance. Like you said, it's a production business. Fear not! If he continues to fail on the gridiron, he will run out of chances soon enough, Gruden or not. There's no rule that I'm aware of, that says every backup QB wannabe gets the same # of chances, EJ included. Oh, and FWIW, EJ was a 1st round draft pick. NP was a 5th, so the level of expectation as to what they need to get back for that investment is markedly different. NP's been crapped on enough. Let it play out and let's move on with talking about the next more important topic, such as who you've got in your too-soon mock draft going #42 in next year's draft?
  10. Ditto. There’s some part of my brain that still refuses to accept he’s a completely lost NFL cause—maybe because he’s so likeable as a person, and I distinctly remember him getting behind the podium to answer every single iteration on a theme of ridiculous questions from the media time after time following horrible losses, when others couldn’t duck out fast enough without answering a single question—like Shady who was AWOL for questioning for basically half the season—remember that?? if Chucky can make anything work out of NP, I’ll take back everything I ever said about him since he started tanking the Raiders and give him mad props instead
  11. According to Murph just now, Kelso is leaving to dive deeper into the NASCAR racing team he’s affiliated with?
  12. Hey, at least Milano is back this week from his broken leg though! https://mobile.twitter.com/JoeBuscaglia/status/1130855286669860864
  13. Joe B on twitter right now is saying yes, same foot https://mobile.twitter.com/JoeBuscaglia/status/1130855580518641664
  14. (He might deserve a bit more than a slap). Is it really plausible that he would ever be the subject of a halftime ceremony in his honor these days to retire his #? Somehow I think those plans were put on ice during the 1994 offseason. I get it--the argument is that performance on the field should never be combined with a player's off-field conduct...but in certain instances, I don't know how you can separate the two? Even those experts like Peter King who have HOF voting privileges can get tripped up by the multitude of layers involved on a case by case basis: https://awfulannouncing.com/nbc/peter-king-who-repeatedly-defended-convicted-rapist-darren-sharper-cant-in-good-conscience-give-antonio-brown-an-all-pro-vote.html It's a tough call. But clearly the Bills have decided that they won't dwell on it, and does this really change old timers' memories of OJ playing back in the day?
  15. Happy Birthday! Hope you wished for a W over the Pats this year. Congrats to a really great QB in the making, and by all accounts, an even better person.
  16. A lot to unpack here. While Steve may not be the 2nd coming of Robin Leach describing the various statuary tableaux of the upper crust, he gets his points across just fine for an AM lunchtime gabfest that focuses on our favorite team. Again, you know what you’re getting when you tune in, and for me at least that’s a lot of behind the scenes anecdotes and player insights that someone who’s never actually played a down of NFL football simply cannot duplicate. As far as our fan base is concerned, might I ask which franchise is blessed with only well-heeled and enlightened perfectly coiffed yuppies in the stands? No thanks. Bills fans are a loyal salt of the earth lot by and large, who deserve better than the flippant brush off your post dismissed them with. I apologize if this was not eloquent enough however.
  17. The Jets—after they trade Bell away this week? (I kid, but only kinda, sorta)
  18. Not sure that even the Jets “brain trust” could answer that question for you at the moment . More of the same please!! This is the kind of divisional competition I can get behind Which is precisely why it could happen under that half baked rudderless clown show...
  19. Good call Augie--Highlands is a tucked away gem in the NC mountains that features a lot of great bed & breakfast type locales, top notch!
  20. #87 retired because he knows what the Bills are bringing this year...
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