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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. I thought at first you were talking about the one thing you wouldn't do is make the infamous 5K bet against the Bills? I think I'd buy some pre-wrapped sausages and bacon, and maybe a fur coat (but not a real fur coat, that's cruel)...oh, wait, that's for the if I had a million dollars thread, never mind. Probably would be spent by the missus before I could figure out what I wanted to do with it.
  2. It was US captivity, not Russian. My great-uncle though did die fighting the Russians in the Balkans (Hungary) sector around the same time. Your point is well taken. Usually no quarter asked, and none given, on the Eastern front.
  3. Because obviously their emotional support is worth more than your sinuses
  4. Did he though? Bills owned the overall W-L against the Fish during that time, and Marino, Clayton, Duper et al were 0-3 against the Bills in the playoffs IIRC
  5. I wonder if those of you picking Reggie would’ve changed your vote had Hostetler fumbled the ball when Bruce got to him in SBXXV and inexplicably held on with one hand? Obviously more points than a safety there would’ve won the ballgame...
  6. I have nothing but the utmost respect for those brave enough to do their duty to the last, in the face of likely harm or untimely death, of which there was way too much of around this time. Was a bit hesitant to disclose this given that this thread (rightly so) is honoring those who embarked on D-Day 75 years ago today, but both of my grandfathers served in the German army during the war, one of whom saw action on the Western front (not during D-Day, but starting in September 44 until he became a POW in early April 45), although the bulk of most of their time was spent on the Eastern front fighting the Red Army. Anyway, FWIW, this same grandfather ended up coming to the US in the early 70's, became a US citizen, and eventually counted among his dearest and closest friends, multiple former GI's of his same generation. I will never forget being around them as a youngster, listening in awe as they shared wartime stories/experiences with each other during lunch get-togethers at his house, and seeing the obvious respect each had for the other as fellow former soldiers regardless of uniform, a shared experience that anyone who's never served would not be quite able to understand? The craziest part was that one of his former GI buddies in particular, was able to pinpoint down to the exact sector their respective unit locations around the time of the start of the Battle of the Bulge, and that they would have been facing each other in the same section of the front! The lesson this taught me early on was that underneath our ethnic pasts, are similarities forged through shared experiences that can be the basis for common ground and yes, even so far as to have former sworn enemies becoming the closest of friends 30-40+ years (at that time) later.
  7. pork chops (bone in or out) put in a glazed ceramic “bean pot” and smothered in BBQ sauce before baking at 400 for 45-60 min, usually is great for a no fuss dinner meat also. I imagine other similar cookware would do the trick as well.
  8. Weisswurst. A Bavarian specialty that is either boiled or grilled, best with a spicy brown mustard. “Knackwurst” is also up there.
  9. And don’t be that guy in the turn lane already, who pretends not to see the guy with the blinker on desperately trying to merge into said turn lane; I mean really, is it a matter of life or death if you’re the 4th car in line or the 5th??? Will the mac n cheese taste any better or worse if you eat it 20 seconds after you first could have otherwise???
  10. ^^^^^This excerpt from Josh’s presser transcript may come as a shock for those of you who imagine football concepts used today were just invented during last year’s offseason, and there’s nothing qualitative to be gleaned as a result. Hope you’re sitting down!
  11. Gugs, I’m really not trying to be difficult here, but I came away with the exact opposite conclusion over who reached out to whom first...I’m pasting back in the relevant portion of MCD’s presser: McD Q: What Jim said is that he was meeting with [Ken] Dorsey, [Brian] Daboll and with Josh [Allen]. Also that they had downloaded plays from the Super Bowl era and said any plays that Josh liked were to be implemented. So it’s pretty specific areas of discussion, he sat in meetings.  A: It really boils down to, like I said before, us trying to find every way possible to improve our football team. I’ve stood up here before and told you guys we look at every way to improve our football team and this is no different. Jim is a Hall of Famer, and to me it would ignorant of us not to have a relationship with Jim. Sometimes asking him “hey what do you think”, we’ve got a younger quarterback, so all of that’s healthy, all of that’s good. At the end of the day, Brian will be the one calling the plays and we’ll move forward with that. You guys can work out that much yourselves. (emphasis supplied)
  12. Some good quotes from both McD and Josh concerning this topic; posted elsewhere by Yolo also. https://www.cover1.net/sean-mcdermott-josh-allen/
  13. Apart from just gelling on the field in terms of the pure football side of it, I'm also worried about the overall team chemistry part--I hope they genuinely like/trust each other enough to be able to overcome adversity (not if, but when it strikes); team cohesion can't be forced by the coaching staff, imho, and there's no substitute for the time that takes together. But I think Josh reaching out to all of the new FA's and draft picks so quickly at the times they were acquired, in real time is a great sign that he understands those needs as much as anyone, and is doing what he can about it.
  14. Try honey on the peanut butter. You can thank me later.
  15. I tried, but I really can't find a reason to argue with this.
  16. Would've probably been a good day for McD to just pack everybody into the buses and head out for a team building exercise like paintball or something--I'm sure the next session will be crisper.
  17. Fair enough ODB. And I can certainly relate to the status I've held him in since I was a kid. He just seems to walk the walk unlike a lot of other sports celebs, and I've always admired that given what he's gone through personally after football.
  18. Life hack right there! I haven’t made lamb personally yet, what color does the meat need to be inside to get best flavor/texture?
  19. Thanks, definitely sounds very easy classic to make, which is always nice. Butter shouldn't be optional though! I refer you to the school of Paula Deen...
  20. What's your simple but good "go-to" dish that you can make with intuitive ease, without having a recipe book propped open in front of you, and that you get compliments on every time you make it? Recipes appreciated. Here's mine-- Chicken Madeira Pasta --Dice a pack of fresh chicken breasts into cube size, pan fry (you will need a large cooking pan for this as all of your sauce components need to fit with room to be evenly cooked) in vegetable or olive oil over medium heat to a nice golden crisp outer edge, with minced garlic, onion, mushrooms (eyeball the amounts). Add season salt, paprika and maybe some chipotle type seasoning for an added flavor boost, all to taste. --After all of the above has nicely browned, then add your cooking wine/sherry like Madeira (or Marsala), with heavy whipping cream directly--do not drain any of the pan you've cooked so far. I use approximately up to a 3/4 pint to a pint of whipping cream, with a cup or so of the Madeira, and it should take on a very light brown to tan color when combined in the pan with all of the other ingredients. Hike up the heat until the very liquidy sauce begins a slow rolling boil, stirring constantly, then drop the heat to a simmer, and cover for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. For the final phase, remove the lid, stir often for a final 10 minutes, and note when the sauce reduces to a consistency that is less runny, but it won't ever get super thick at this stage--the pasta will take care of that itself. Keep checking your flavor, you may need to add additional seasoning to your own personal taste preference. --In the meantime, you should have already boiled your pasta of choice ("bowtie" type pasta my personal fav for this one, a wide egg noodle is also good) al dente and once your sauce is ready, either pour it over your pasta or vice versa into the pan, stir and let sit for another 10 minutes while pasta soaks up all of the goodness before serving with a side of cheesy garlic bread. (Note: this is by no means a "scientific" recipe, it started out that way, but now I make it without precise measurements, more by feel and tasting tasting tasting along the way. The magic with this dish imho, is the interaction of the cooking wine with the whipping cream and then reducing it down from boil to thickening simmer--the flavors are just crazy good)
  21. In the words of REM; if you feel like letting go, just “hold on” people. Mistakes make some of the best teachable moments, and Allen is a quick study. Strongly doubt this lingers.
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