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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. Link to the audio is here (28:40 mark): https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/5-29-hr-1-one-bills-live Good call
  2. Like where your head's at with that, but don't forget the K-Gun was called that for Keith McKeller, not Kelly; so which of the current TE crop can we choose for this version?
  3. I'm thinking it would work out for us something like this...
  4. Coincidentally, this will take 4 years to accomplish. In the SB, the Giants, Redskins and Cowgirls x2, but in no particular order. We stomp NE each time in the AFC Championship en route. What--a guy can dream, can't he?
  5. We're good. https://247sports.com/nfl/detroit-lions/Article/Lions-Jarrad-Davis-admits-fault-for-Offside-126448179/
  6. Well, here's a handy dandy primer for you! https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Super-Bowl-Tickets
  7. I would also argue that we never had the right personnel groupings at key positions (Ok, mostly at QB) since Kelly retired, for that to even be a realistic long term consideration until now. As you said, Allen's existing skill set combined with IF he is able to apply his smarts to effectively reading D's on the fly, would be a more potent version of Peyton--because physically there's no comparison.
  8. I get it. Nothing worse than a mindless sycophant who's collecting a paycheck to only tout the company line, day in and out. However, that's also why I linked earlier in the thread to Sal's piece about Allen's performance so far, because of the additional cites in Sal's article to other media members (who are not tied to the hip with OBD) all saying the same thing (concerning how good Allen's passes are), which gives Brownie's take on WGR today more credibility in this instance. Allen's either hitting his targets or he's not, and no one has said otherwise, that he's struggling with accuracy or the like. So isn't it great when propaganda accurately intersects with real life?
  9. We need to see a big uptick in our points per game average--16.8 over the course of all of 2018. More offensive plays in theory would help this as well. https://www.buffalorumblings.com/2019/3/4/18245002/buffalo-bills-coach-sean-mcdermott-wants-to-score-21-points-per-game-nfl-offseason-combine
  10. You basically need to screen shot this so you would have the best possible "I told you so" in the history of this franchise--but I'm with you in spirit, even though I won't go quite that far on paper.
  11. Exactly--he's done everything asked of him and then some. Am proud to have him as the face of our franchise thus far. As pointed out above, it needs to translate to Sundays at 1pm, but nothing so far leads me to believe that it won't. Don't forget his 5TD parting shot to the NFL in the last game last year--I feel like he's carrying over from the last 6 games and in the right direction.
  12. Voices of reason will always be shown the door, but thanks for playing! In all seriousness, I get where you’re coming from, but so far every report we’re getting from Allen’s progress gives rise to boundless optimism. https://wgr550.radio.com/articles/opinion/capaccio-allen-was-terrific-tuesdays-ota-session
  13. Josh definitely would need to show that he’s able to dictate flow/call the right plays at the line for each situation and that’s a lot to ask of a 2nd year player, no matter his overall competency. Without looking it up, I wonder in what year Peyton Manning started doing his no huddle version in Indy, for comparison purposes. Obviously here in Buffalo, JK was already playing his 5th year before busting it out in 90.
  14. On WGR right now (OBL), Chris Brown says Allen looks incredibly sharp and on point especially in 2 minute drill work, wonders if Daboll will incorporate additional no huddle elements at different spots in games like the Pats are known to do, and Daboll is familiar with that also. Would it be too much to ask for a renaissance of our no huddle offense, version 2.0? Josh seems to be a good candidate, and our improved D could be the key in being able to absorb increased minutes on the field? What say you? (at the 28:40 mark) https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/5-29-hr-1-one-bills-live
  15. Rooting for Morse to become our next Kent Hull/E Wood mainstay in the center of our line powering our air raid juggernaut through his protection of our single most valuable asset.
  16. Kelvin Benjamin’s decision not to catch warm up throws from Allen pregame. ...Nope, still don’t think my visceral disbelief to that episode was an overreaction, or that of many others here at the time...
  17. So according to this, Bills fans should be like...2nd place on lockdown
  18. So if it happens during Week 3 of the regular season that’s somehow better? SMH. If anything, you almost want the inevitable injury bug earlier than later so that most of these guys will be ready to go by TC or preseason at latest. There’s never a “good” time though obviously.
  19. Wish him nothing but the best, except when playing the Bills, and also, can we basically just give the Raiders the “Hard Knocks” gig now?? I mean, how many more storylines on a platter do we need exactly?
  20. ^^^^Post of the day! It's almost like you wrote his presser notes for him or something...are you really an unpaid intern at OBD??
  21. Well said—no do-overs in football playoffs, one and done. Kinda wish it was more like the other leagues in that regard of having a series, because you can’t tell me the Bills would’ve dropped an entire series to the Giants in 90, for instance. RIP Buckner.
  22. Did you forget about the sky high electric bills for the humming AC, OP? Not to pile on or anything...
  23. Never saw the yellow pollen blankets in Pa growing up, like what appears down here in the South annually and covers everything daily in the Spring no matter how often you clean it off. Not coincidentally, experienced allergies for the first time after moving here, just one of those things to get used to. I think there’s something to the notion of eating local honey though, to help acclimatize your system—local farmers’ markets are a great source for that, fwiw.
  24. ...meanwhile, somewhere in the mountainous foothills, Flacco was heard chuckling into his bowl of Wheaties as he put down his phone and started reviewing his new playbook notes...
  25. So how’s the weather there Ice? Been broiling this week in the A. Ready for Fall already.
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