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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. To get a decent playing backup, not quite the same thing imho, although anything Barkley can offer is of course extra gravy too. In terms of does Allen care—it’s a rhetorical question, but all signs point to he welcomes being around Kelly, per his own statements plus visits to hang out at the house, which certainly the Bills wouldn’t force on him.
  2. Common ground. Also, I think an analogy may be the presidency [DISCLAIMER NOTE: I am not trying to make this political by ANY means, so don't anyone else either please]. Any "current" president pick your era, would have faced unique geopolitical realities/challenges in an ever-changing world, which only they can or must deal with in the now. However, that same occupant would also most likely benefit from insights gleaned from previous occupants to that unique office, such as how to prioritize your day, multi-task, handle staff issues, the media, interacting with other world leaders on the world stage, what the White House cooks are best at, or that one thermostat that they just can't seem to fix right in the residence, etc. Am I making any sense?
  3. Great find and post. Please paste over in that other thread as well, where all of the gripers about the past mixing in the present are hanging out...
  4. It appears (we just don't know) that the Bills brain trust is actively seeking this out/running with it. If they actually are utilizing film study with Kelly to create new wrinkles with Josh based on those concepts, with Dabs as the gate-keeper, then I hope they will have your undivided support.
  5. I agree that Allen & Co. need to find their own identity and own it--however, you cannot wish away nor should you want to, that they stand on the shoulders of those that have gone before, each a representative of the Buffalo Bills, a once-proud franchise that needs all the help it can get to climb back up the mountain of NFL relevancy and sustained success. If that once proud history and getting back to that (plus MORE) adds extra juice/motivation for Allen, who seems to genuinely enjoy interacting with Kelly (including hanging out at his house), who are any of us to judge that? Do we really think Allen is mentally incapable of taking what would help him and separate out (with the help of Dabs) whatever won't? BTW, if the past is so irrelevant and worthless, why bother rooting for a specific franchise to begin with? Wouldn't it be more fun to live only in the moment, and root for, say, New England or the Rams, or whoever is the team du jour each year? If I can't enjoy success both now and from previous years, what's the point of feverishly wishing for it to come even next year, if I have to immediately slough that off as yesterday's news...just wondering, as that seems like a lot of effort with no lasting payoff.
  6. Any type of offense that uses "Gun" or "Air Raid" or anything along those lines as part of its nickname is alright, imho
  7. Points. If you have a D which is finally competent enough to contain/pressure/make TB12's life difficult, then you need to maximize your offense's opportunities/number of chances to make plays, which by definition, if you have more plays to run, should result in more points, which you need a lot of usually to beat the Pats.
  8. Perhaps structurally but no one can tell me that Elway's not out there from time to time, mixing in with the QB room and making himself available to be used as a resource concerning his NFL experience...he's the boss there after all, which comes with certain privileges of access
  9. I respect your opinion, even if I wholeheartedly disagree with the premise that a knowledge of history is bad for the present. Let that be a lesson to several other posters on this thread, lol.
  10. C'mon bro, that's being a bit over the top to say the least. Your reference to a long-defunct USFL franchise (since 1985??) proves that. Jim left his health in terms of his back, knees, ankles, heaven knows what else, on the field for this franchise during a time when it was cool to tee off on QB's after the play like rag dolls, and never complained about that (yes I realize he was paid for that, but compared to many of today's NFL players, it was chump change). He's adopted Buffalo as his hometown, unlike most other players who bolt for warmer climes as soon as the last whistle sounds, and oh yeah, has raised incredible amounts of money for charitable causes in the Western NY area...continues to host his camps for kids every year, among so many other contributions to Buffalo, but I digress. The point is, it's unfair of you to take potshots at one of the few greats from our franchise past who's actually worth the ink to say that about. I know you're better than this. Prove me right.
  11. I like Kelly in mentor/sounding board role when Josh wants to reach out. I can’t see him going through a more rigorous coaching role however, given his overall health issues and other responsibilities. Still, the amount of football acumen contained in his experience bank is more than anyone who’s reading this post. A Vulcan mind meld may be the appropriate course of action here.
  12. “And whatever you do, never EVER open up TSW threads on game days, it ain’t for the faint of heart.”
  13. Great, that’s all Hoodie needed in order to convince TB12 that he’s an underdog who gets no respect.
  14. No reason to hate on the old guard that played their collective behinds off for Buffalo and showed incredible endurance to be able to get back up off the mat year over year and climb back up that hill—if there’s any blame to go around as to why they’re still so much in the conversation a generation on, place it at the feet of Wilson rest his soul, and the terrible coaching and FO hires that doomed this franchise for record setting stretches since we last won a playoff game, eh?
  15. Ok, that was a great reference—and you and I both know Al coulda been somebody if he hadn’t shacked up with Peg—that game proved it. but again, we don’t have much else to post bragging pics of, so... and speaking just for myself, JK was my football hero who could do no wrong in my eyes growing up, so of course I’m inherently biased and I realize that.
  16. And? Have we had anything worthwhile to replace them with since, that we can put on a “new fresh” pedestal? I’m hopeful we get that this year, I love Josh Allen and will split my avatar pic as soon as we make the playoffs with him, but until then, let me revel in our past glory as much as I jolly well please. As opposed to our long history since then of as Sully is fond of putting it, “heroic marches to 7-9...” Which would you rather enjoy?
  17. But it was in the world championship game, so that’s close enough in my book, per my love and admiration towards Jim Kelly (I kid because I love)
  18. I would ask when exactly they knew they had the basis for something special going, why, and whether or not they really see signs of the same thing happening now—their guess/insight would be more credible than mine I know
  19. Ouch. I would say don’t quit your day jobs, but for some of these, yes, that too
  20. Stealing checks all day, Shawne DeAndre Merriman. Certainly fit his nickname of “Lights Out,” as while here in Buffalo, the curtain certainly dropped without much of anything worth seeing from his Act II. While we’re at it, let’s throw Buddy up there with him for that and so many other worthy moves.
  21. Not NFL specifically, but this must’ve been painful for the production crew: “Mathers, it’s a pleasure to have you open the show...” (at the 1:17 mark)
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