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Everything posted by ngbills

  1. Do That on first and we have another play. Plus do it on other side.
  2. Why does Daboll go back to the dive. Just wasted plays.
  3. Keep josh, diggs and a few others sbd blow this up. New coaches and new OL/dl.
  4. Stop that sane dive play. Obviously not working. Just wasted downs.
  5. Allen run 4 straight plays. Rollouts and either pass or run it.
  6. That run is why we should have been passing more. Stop the 1 yd dive.
  7. I have seen only a few balls impacted by wind. Why we are throwing is beyond me.
  8. 1st down. 2nd down dejayed stretch fit 2. 3rd down out dropped by de defender. .
  9. Funny announcers - maybe extra d lineman. Run hurry up when you have the wind. Bills. I thank you. We like doing the same thing.
  10. This could be a first. They are going to lose to a team that threw one pass. It’s a passing league haha.
  11. He was stopped a yard short when whistle blame. You see side judge running in and then OL pushes him more but play was over. Doubt overturned tough.
  12. This is the worst o plan I have ever seen. Stop blaming the wind.
  13. What are you thinking. I Swear. Are you special needs? What are you doing.
  14. Exactly why needed to score and play with a lead. Don’t let them Just run the clock out.
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