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Everything posted by Jerome007

  1. It sure looks it but I can't figure out why! He played awfully good with maybe the worst OL a few years ago. And he had been consistent in his production till last year, Easy to play Monday Morning QB but most "experts" predicted the Broncos would be legit contenders to win the AFC when they took Wilson!
  2. Incognito and Shady were MONEY for the Bills, And it was also Roman's great run schemes (and awful pass schemes). I'd much rather have what we have now... while improving the run game of course. Not a tall task with better overall offensive schemes and 1 or 2 great additions to the Oline.
  3. As a fan I would have watched it with Josh there. Plus he meets other top players, and of course he's there with some teammates, to lower the sting of the sour ending. That's what I read at first. A backup QB with just a few games? WTH is that?
  4. I fully agree on the first one. And AT LAST this year 3rd and one (or 4th) could be converted with a run up the gut instead of having to be creatove each time. But Josh had a lot of crazy long lasting pockets in the last years that weren't there this year.
  5. Exactly. Our coaches are good but not elite. Well they are in many aspects - leadership, focus, getting guys committed and being professional while not micromanaged, etc. - but not for scheming and play calling. BTW I find ALL the 4 remaining teams were very well coached in that sense. I'd even put the Bengals as best coached. Bills are just too predictable on both sides of the ball. Josh IS elite, so is Diggs. The talent level is high enough for a Superbowl with just a few better plays, linemen, etc. It's not like they are second tier. But we can all see scheming is lacking to take full advantage. On offense a tad more disguise, slants, screens, etc. and it's crazy elite. It's hair pulling as it seems so easy to improve, yet they don't do it. On defense, it might be hard to go from "bend but don't break" to press coverage. The Bills scheme would work much better if the DLine put some pressure... I know Miller was there for the first half and at the start of the season, DLines have an edge over OLines at the start of the season, but damn did the Bills Dline wreak havoc the first few weeks. THAT was the aspct that made me think SUPERBOWL. I don't know how it went from that to getting pushed around by backups in the Bengals game.
  6. I couldn't agree more. Imagine Josh with a tad more time when passing, the running game with more opened lanes... this same offense is a juggernaut. Oh, add effective schemes. Sorry, but Dorsey was so vanilla it was insane the offense worked as good as it did. But to me, yeah, more effective play designs and 2 very good/great OLinemen added and the same team is unstoppable. Easier to do that than to say we need this, this, that, this. As if all these awesome players were just available and as if the Bills had the cap space to do it anyway. Not one single team has zero weaknesses!
  7. I can't stand the "surround Josh with weapons" mantra. Besides the OLine, the Bills have way than enough talent. As if other teams were loaded everywhere! Look at the Chiefs, they lost Hill but not a step. The Bills' offensive SCHEMES were bad all year. At first, I was good with hiring Dorsey as OC and also was willing to give him time. But that bad scheming is not experience lacking, he just doesn't have it. The offense is so vanilla. Was it Burrows and Chase that whooped the Bills? No, it was the great schemes they used. They somehow had WRs mismatched all game, including Chase all alone for his TD.
  8. Nope. BTW I was thinking earlier of what the Giants did when they drafted Barkley. They invested a lot of money in their OL, drafted him, and figured Eli would do the job with this extra help. It didn't work, at all. Yet it really made sense. Plans don't always work out. Though we ALL know with a better OLine, Josh would kill defenses, and Davis would suddenly look like a #2 receiver, while Knox' numbers would go way up. Yet the Giants show even if you throw money at the OLine, there are no guarantees. I do like to odds though! It's sure is worth the try.
  9. As mush as it frustrates some of you, the "bend but don't break" style of defense has worked for the most part. But that Bengals game, just wow. Chase all alone(!) for a TD. WRs often matched with LBs. It's the worst case of "having being figured out'" I've ever seen. Burrows and Chase didn't even have to do anything special. Their schemes and OLine did it all. Frazier pissed me off to no end by not adjusting. Look, we basically all thought the Bills front four would pressure Burrows against a banged up Bengals OLine, that isn't that good to begin with. Well once you realize they're getting manhandled, do something! Blitz. Bring Klein from time to time. Nope. Just that expressionless serious face while the Dline gets pushed around like juniors. As for Dorsey, seeing so many good offensive play designs by all playoff teams, it just shows how vanilla the Bills offense has been. WTH. First year as OC or not, how can that even be? This isn't on the fly playcalling and adjusting, it's work and preparation through the week and season. No excuse for that, none. And for all the Diva outbursts, Diggs is RIGHT. Remember his amazing route running at the goal line, or for quick outs and back shoulder throws? Where were they these last weeks? It's not HIS fault. He's always delivered when called upon. Another case of coaches outsmarting themselves. Fire them both. Find new OC and DC. And as for the HC, all this comes back to him. And his language of "not figuring out what the Bengals were doing". Instead of adjusting to them, bring it to them! So disappointed in the coaches. If not only the fans but the players lose confidence in the leadership, it will be ugly.
  10. Can someone point out one game his schemes were a main factor in a win? In the first weeks, maybe. Daboll was strangely stubborn in not having more run plays (and sweeps), but he was creative, could direct Josh's energy. Put some wrinkles here and there. I was all for giving Dorsey a chance, and for being somehow patient as it's his first year, but his offensive plays have been so vanilla, what would it be without Josh? And how can a cold weather team be outsmarted when it comes to a slippery field? 2 of their 3 first plays were side to side instead of north-south! The Bengals schemes got their receivers open many times yesterday, and often had WRs matched with the Bills LBs. Just looking at other teams, they have 3-5 plays a game that the schemes deliver a 1st down. Dorsey got more vanilla as the season went! Sorry, but I don't see improvements coming.
  11. Not only pas rush! They couldn't stop the run. They were psuhed around like juniors. DLine and coaches are why the Bills got blown out yesterday.
  12. "Fire the coaches" is often just an easy pretend fix by a team to appease the fans, since it's much easier to do that than to find/hire/trade/draft players! But in this case, coaching, for the playcalling and scheming, is the weak point. If many players feel the same, you just lost your team.
  13. So what do you disagree with my post on exactly, "coach"? That video by Cowherd is spot on. Total scheming and playcalling failure.
  14. For all the player talk, the COACHES should be the main focus of the blame. I ask again this: when has Dorsey mesmerized with good schemes, gameplans, creative formations, etc.? Players have to put in a position to win. Look at other teams for comparisons. Hey, just look at what happened yesterday: sure Burrows, Higgins, Chase are top notch. But they didn't have to be yesterday! Good schemes made them win.
  15. In the past, too much has been made of Diggs' outbursts. Especially since he was right as in those times the gameplan (and Josh) were ignoring him, and he has proven that he delivers when called upon. But yesterday? It sucked. He should have done that way earlier in the game. At this stage, it was just yet other bad element of that meltdown that could leave lasting scars.
  16. Spot on. My worry with Josh was that he would be a good/very good QB but not elite. Teams are kind of stuck with them. Whatever his faults and the haters, he is a Top 5 QB, I'd argue top 3. But McD is the very definition of a very good HC overall, but that lacks a few elements to reach elite status, and year after year those faults remain. I wasn't on board the "fire OC/DC" crowd till yesterday. Now I want them out. Usually, my take is don't get rid of anyone until you find replacements (or enough are available). But this was awful. Losing trust in the coaches is a big no no. McD deserves another year but be on the hot seat. The same for Beane for that awful DLine that got destroyed by backups of an already below average Bengals OLine, If Josh or DIggs have a bad game, or Milano and Miller, hey, they've proven their worth time and time again. When did Dorsey mesmerize with his schemes besides the first few early games? It's almost frustrating seeing the 4-5 easy plays scheming gets the Bengals, Chiefs, 49ers, Rams, etc. while it's seemingly a vanilla offense for the Bills that Josh makes work somehow. The defense has had some games where the scheming won the game or certainly was a amjor factor, but how can they never seem to adjust? We all expected the Bills DLine to take advantage of a banged up, already farirly weak Bengals OLine. So no one can fault the initial gameplan. But since the DLine were pushed around like juniors, change it! Yep, lack of trust in the coaches is a killer. Some changes have to happen.
  17. Josh didn't cost the Bills this game. The coaches and the DLine did. I wasn't on board the "fire OC/DC" crowd till yesterday. Now I want them out. Usually, my take is don't get rid of anyone until you find replacements (or enough are available). But this was awful. Losing trust in the coaches is a big no no. If Josh or DIggs have a bad game, or Milano and Miller, hey, they've proven their worth time and time again. When did Dorsey mesmerize with his schemes besides the first few early games? It's almost frustrating seeing the 4-5 easy plays scheming gets the Bengals, Chiefs, 49ers, Rams, etc. while it's seemingly a vanilla offense for the Bills that Josh makes work somehow. The defense has had some games where the scheming worked but how can they never seem to adjust? We all expected the Bills DLine to take advantage of a banged up, already farirly weak Bengals OLine. So no one can fault the initial gameplan. But since the DLine were pushed around like juniors, change it! As for Diggs, I supported all his previous outbursts as it was dumb to not throw to him. He has proven his worth. But yesterday, his timing was awful. A complete meltdown by everyone and he added to it. That game will leave huge scars.
  18. As if Diggs had been anything else but a proven star for all the time he's been here. And him and Josh work great together. Yeah a few average games (mostly because of schemes than his own play) and he should be out? P.S. Keep your current job.
  19. Who doesn't want that? You don't think Beane and McD REALLY want that? Fans always acting like teams can pick awesome players at will. You know all 32 teams in the NFL are trying to do the same? I'm really POed, it was the most frustrating game I recall in over 20 years. But before firing people, you need FIRST to find great replacements! Edit: but the coaches were baaaaad today. How come the Bengals could scheme a guy like Chase to be so open while the Bills cannot? Same watching the Chiefs, Rams, 49ers, etc. Their coaches "score" some plays. Chase didn't have his TD because he used his world class speed or because Burrows is so awesome. He simply was open and uncovered. Dorsey and Frazier had their worst game. McD and Beane deserve another year but on the hot seat. All that money on the Dline to see what happened today??
  20. To the "fans" already wanting him gone. Yeah with the salary cap, you don't overpay an aging safety, that's true. So he'll likely go elsewhere because he choses to, if he has a better offer. But tell us, you sages, who outplayed him on the roster? No one. Sure this defeat sucks a lot, but before you fire everybody, recall we need first to find replacements for the players and coaches you want out! They are not all lined up on a shelf just waiting to be picked up!
  21. Bengals were 2-14 in 2019. Imagine the same Bills team with ONE dominant OLineman and Von Miller playing all year. And mostly, imagine those same players having coaches doing great schemes for them. And they CAN be Superbowl champs. Today the DLine laying a complete egg and the coaches' schemes were the main reasons for the loss. Not the players overall.
  22. Poyer-Hyde never let a receiver all alone past them. It's crazy how they've been good. So sad to see it didn't pan out this year.
  23. The season was fun. That game today was the most frustrating ever though. It really was. Unless something big happens like a great FA signing, a surprise star coming out of the draft, some OC/DC change for the better, it feels like this team is among the 6-10 best in the league, not the Top 5 as we thought they were. Still, besides the DLine playing crap, the COACHES let the team down today. While those of the Bengals ran a clinic. It wasn't Chase's speed or Burrow that beat the Bills. Their coaches did.
  24. Man that dude was awesome! But he really played bad in these 2 playoff games. I suspect an injury as otherwise he's been so good.
  25. What about the Bills first play on offense? A McKenzie sweep? While the ground is slippery and it's better t o go North-South? Same drive there was a Cook run, again going sideways. 3 and out. Sure those plays can work, but in that weather? Wow Chase all alone was crazy. Outcoached, period,
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