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Everything posted by Jerome007

  1. That was good ha ha I don't think she did it on purpose on air, but she probably says it a lot off air, hence what happened LOL
  2. Very bad idea...for the Bills. Their OLine was so good last year it felt almost stupid when they passed! Taylor is very good, but that OLine was the star IMO. I don't get how it didn't work out for them this year. I was glad they missed the playoffs last year as they were made to beat the then run D deficient Bills. As for being OC here again, only if Dorsey is hired somewhere else, and if he can let McD, Josh and others provide input for the pass game.
  3. A HEALTHY Jordan Philipps has been a force this year. But this has been just a few games. Hopefully he plays Sunday but he has to be back to form too. I too was a bit shocked that the Bills DLine couldn't overmatch the Dolphins backups. Stunts, occasional blitz, whatever it takes!
  4. I heard moaning for weeks that the Bills had dropped the long pass game. To this week complaining they did it too much ha ha. To be fair, it IS true, just not to the overboard extent some go to.
  5. I don't like to taste it as they do ha ha. And no, the Bills are not that bad at all at this, but there's been a few 3rd/4th and very long converted this year by opponents... and it sucks. Lately, opponents have had more balls and they try to convert, instead of the usual cheap draw plays and checkdowns. Hyde indeed helped to curb this. Bills sure do it a lot to other teams. With Josh's canon arm, the Bills convert a lot as they go for a lot. From day 1 with JA17, 3rd & 6 or 3rd & 15 has been the same.
  6. I don't care that it's a new era. But I sure do that we have an elite of the elite one
  7. Madden said that in boxing if you got KOed you had to be inactive for a month. Obviously ahead than football at that point. But even in football if you get KOed you didn't come back! Kariya did in hockey though...
  8. I agree. But I just don't believe the media line that Tua is done. He might be, but they don't know any more than any of us... including Tua himself. Next season is a long time away.
  9. I thought that during the playoffs, teams could recall anyone from the PS at will, so I'm not sure I get the "legality" of this move. But hey, they know better. No offense, but I didn't even know the Bills had offensive lineman Justin Murray. He thus made a regular pay each week? I'm sure it must really suck to be released just before the playoffs but at least he got paid,
  10. I was really POed he left just as the Bills with JA17 were going to smash him. But beating a Dolphins team led by Brady doesn't have the same feel. Still fun to squish the fish, but it doesn't add much. And... who said Tua was done? He came back and played well in the SAME GAME (doh!) against the Bills. Got destroyed 4 days later, and still wasn't out that long and played well until his recent one. Morse just had his 6th official concussion and he's back.
  11. Since Hamlin is out, Hyde's return would be even better. Rust is real, but since Hamlin was replacing Hyde, this would be huge! Crowder, well, with Beasley and Smoke, the place is full...
  12. IDK why he became the board's whipping boy, but like many, I feel he is good, not great. His loss would hurt, but paying him too much even more so as there is this salary cap thing... Hard one for Beane.
  13. Nobody predicted the Rams would be THIS bad in 2022. Weird... and scary. Let's enjoy the Bills dominance.
  14. I know he's with the Jets, but since he bets on other sports while pooping, it shouldn't even be a story, unless he takes too damn long in there.
  15. Hurts has THIRTEEN rush TDs and more running yards than Josh? I didn't know that
  16. The "I love you Josh Allen" is back, and we - and the players - love it
  17. Yep, and that was my initial concern with Josh. Not that he'd be a bust like so many on here, but that he would good or just above. So not bad enough to fire him or change him, but not good enough to win it all. Thankfully he has been THE man. A real "franchise QB". Dak is good, but no the top echelon. Not our problem
  18. Actually a sound take. But since the Bills are already in the playoffs, the staff has to balance between going hard for the #1 seed and resting starters. I'm with you though. Beat the Bears. Reevaluate. Again after the Bengals. Depends on the Bills and if KC wins or loses.
  19. Can we savor how the Cheats lost that one ha ha. Stuff of legends. On the weekend of the biggest comeback in NFL history and the super Bills snow ending, this is what will be remembered most. BTW nice to see a fan from Italy. I'm from Québec and speak French. Though I master English too.
  20. I was impressed with the FANS. Full stadium despite the snow, loud as hell, and stopped throwing balls as soon as they were warned it'd cost the Bills 15 yards. It was great fun all around to watch. I would have love to be there!
  21. Yep. And it's not that hard to prevent that. It's not like they can buy smartphones and computers before they start working! Don't allow computers in their rooms, don't buy them phones and voila.
  22. I sure hope they keep on winning to clinch #1 seed and beat KC in Buffalo. But if somehow they can't get that #1 spot, then I'd rest Josh, Diggs, etc. as much as possible, without making them rusty. Like play them half the game then rest them.
  23. Well, it is likely a reply as I'd be surprised he initiated it ha ha. But it doesn't mean they were that bad. To me, it's all fun and games when players insult fans. As we sure know many fans insult players! You dish it out, you have to take it.
  24. HIs history makes this a way concerning news than for most players, but we just don't know how serious or not this one is. So far this season, all the surprises have been bad for injuries, so the law of average says he will be fine.... right?
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