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Everything posted by Behindenemylines

  1. I wonder if you put pictures of all of them side by side in random order if with a large degree of certainty we could pick out the Two groups he’s created. Probably isn’t even Uggo vrs Hotty but some other kink.
  2. This case is getting weirder by the day. I mean who uses 40+ massage therapists in a few years? Not normal for sure appears that these 18 whom he didn’t potentially abuse either didn’t float his boat or he kept them “abuse” free as his ace in the hole just for this reason. Just strange all the way around. too many moving parts to not have some real substance to the claims
  3. But the million dollar question is how many girls? If he has been doing this for four years (or longer) could easily be up to 40 plus women and I doubt the settlement amounts get less as they keep rolling in. still do you take on a dude who just settled 40 (in this scenario) potential sexual assault cases? Nope most likely. Plus i would assume there is an out and recoupment on the guaranteed cash for catastrophic damage to the franchise.
  4. And what’s the settlement per person going to be? I’d bet $500k minimum and we are at 24. so right now $12m plus legal of 4-5M. He’s not settling because maybe there is another 24 out there. Financial ruin and no career.
  5. Not what I said exactly. I’m thinking if a team takes this guy and it blows up then that persons career is over however unless these claims are proven false his reputation will forever have a * with “serial offender” next to it in many people’s minds. Should a team take that baggage on no matter how talented the player? I wouldn’t want that.
  6. Who puts their career on the line to commit to this guy with this baggage happening? Imagine dropping 150M on this then he hits commissioner exemption list for the year. Then the police find cause to attempt arrest for assault or rape potentially?
  7. I don’t think he is denying that he went to these women. Didn’t deny he found some of them on social media. there are another 10 or so coming forward I hear also. So over twenty for sure. Who goes to that many different massage therapists?? Every person I know that uses one finds a good one and stays with them. I just see as someone said a “kink” that’s got him in trouble. Hard to see 20+ making it up
  8. I would agree. Depends on which charge(s) might be found credibly true. If it’s the forced oral sex that the grand jury finds credible to move forward with the state may make it criminal. This could easily go past end of career.
  9. Yes he would. His over-confidence in the draft process came across as arrogance, which is a huge red flag to coaches. That and he has a look that makes you just want to punch him.
  10. Here in NE, they did a survey and 60% stated they wanted DW as the starting QB of the Patriots and would just ignore all of this until its resolved. That to me speaks volumes about this fan base, considering the S-storm their owner was in not too long ago. Cant see them going all in on this, considering that though. Ill stand by what I said before, 2 or 3 possibly can be in on a scam to defraud, but we are approaching 22 now with more possibly. This isnt possible to be a full scam with those numbers, so there has to be a kernel of truth in all of this. Additionally, people keep saying he was squeaky clean, so this is must be made up. Look no further than Tiger, who was a model citizen until he was boozing, popping pills, and bangin tatted up wanna be porn stars. He got caught by mistake and it all came out fast. There are dozens others with the same MO. You have to fully investigate the complaint before using past history to determine future actions.
  11. He must have stepped off the edge of the earth by mistake. Damn near fell off I heard too.
  12. Can we count the money he screwed us out of when he was here by not taking his job seriously as a positive against the cap to give us room? If that’s the case sign him up. If not he and his glass foot adds little value IMO
  13. I’m probably responsible for a few thousand of them checking in when I can’t sleep😁
  14. You are right it’s a sheeite show. I can see two and possibly three in a conspiracy to defraud, but more than that someone always screws it up and the truth comes out. But six??? With the stories more bold?? Leaves me to think there is something too this at some level. Maybe why he wanted out so badly-saw it coming. who knows but will be interesting to follow.
  15. It certainly adds to the drama, however it's also part of the defense if caught. Why would I be so stupid to risk my fame etc... The reality is if he looked up and connected to a random MT via social media, then its more suspicious to me. I mean I goto an MT, and it took me weeks of research and numerous recommendations before my first appointment.
  16. Although I dont think top 5 is possible this year, I do think with Star back we get better. Draft correctly and maybe another FA pickup we get better and are not bulldozed. What I was trying to say was that if we attempt to focus on being good at both but not great at either O or D, we will not go anywhere. We are better on Offense than defense-so if we focus on being the #1 Offense with tons of weapons at every position possible we can outscore opponents enough to make up for our lower graded Defense respectively. As one person said losing on 3 and 15 is unacceptable and I agree, so fix those issues and we are in the top 10 D.
  17. We are in our SB window. No doubts about that I contend. Bills have to do everything they can do to give Josh weapons and protection. The D will need to develop to be good but looking at where we are we won’t be a top 5 defense AND be a top 5 Offense, so we need to focus on one or the other. Since are already a top O we need to maintain and grow that with Depth added and scheme up the D. Focus then on the draft to add a few who can start to fill gaps on D and maybe the line, but also draft people who can grow for years to come. We are built to win by out scoring opponents not stopping opponents. Trying to change that will make us mediocre with the limited cap.
  18. They will have interest, almost certainly but not guaranteed, sometime in the future from now, if they decide they have interest, but not yet now-if they have future interest.
  19. How many years into this contract do you think Dak becomes “unhappy” because he has lack of weapons and no input into the offense and defense. I just don’t see how you can pay everybody crazy Money and build a Super Bowl champion team year in and year out. Between him and Zeke neither one of them can carry the team to the playoffs consistently
  20. Allen is better in every way and is a leader which is most needed in today’s nfl Watson is a really good player but his attitude appears to me, and his recent antics show he’s a locker room killer and “me first” guy. That’s not a leader. That won’t get you a ring for sure
  21. We had opportunities though just didn’t convert. Conservative play killed us forcing us out of game plan on offense. The banged up receiving Corp couldn’t keep up with a porous Defense that didn’t even attempt to cover the one player they had too. Couple that with a DC who wouldn’t change plans and pencil in the L. After the first refuse on 4th I saw the writing on the wall.
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